Anonymous ID: 83ff74 Nov. 26, 2020, 9:12 p.m. No.11803397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3555


you can read this.

it's a rare alignment for astrology.

this is a chart for the country that begins on inauguration day 2021.


It's for the next 4 years, and you need to read it carefully - it's a LOT of info.


but it matches what many here have been imagining in lots of way…

Anonymous ID: 83ff74 Nov. 26, 2020, 9:24 p.m. No.11803563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3574 >>3642


vaccines for the flu are not very effective in the first place. the virus mutates rapidly, and can make them even less effective. Covid is a flu, so it is no different, and numerous places have already announced discoveries of mutations.


You can 'warp speed' many things, but from what I have read so far, each of the recent vaccines has drawbacks and side effects that are unpleasant.


my personal view is based on my experience - which is that when the flu vaxxes first came out, I got one. I also immediately came down with the flu.


the following year, I got one and the next week I was down with the flu as well.


that was well over decade ago, and I haven't taken a flu vax and I haven't even had a cold in that time. to me, these vaxxes are just bullshit profits for big pharma.


too much hidden crap and too much disinfo surround them, MSM being the primary culprit, but also lobbyists and such.


Potus is only pushing it because it is what the 'experts' told him to do. Since that time, these same 'experts' have revealed themselves to not have a clue - they cannot even acknowledge that their masking recs are stupid - read the box of any mask and right there it will state (because they have to) that the mask "…is not for use to prevent the spread of infections". Yet here we are.


The H1N1 flu was worse than Covis in terms of transmission and spread. This is the first tie in global history that docs recommended masks for healthy people…go figure.


This was a NWO stunt and it is still in progress, still working due to the hysteria ginned out by the MSM. Trump has repeatedly said there will be NO vax requirement.

Anonymous ID: 83ff74 Nov. 26, 2020, 9:41 p.m. No.11803773   🗄️.is 🔗kun


no - you read it wrong. It's not a predition of who does what - it's a look at what happens to groups of people.


The guts of it is there will be crazy in politics and among the managerial classes, and others, but the common folk are not going to be much involved. You have to read the lead-in to each group cast in the chart. It's for the country as a whole, but breaks it down into subgroups.