Anonymous ID: a344e2 Nov. 26, 2020, 9:08 p.m. No.11803341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3512 >>3634 >>3638 >>3711 >>3819

Michael Flynn Thanks ‘Every Single Patriot Who Circled Me with Prayers’


Former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (Ret.) released a statement this Thanksgiving thanking “every single patriot who circled me with their prayers, wisdom, and kindness.”


Former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (Ret.) released a statement today, shortly after being pardoned by President Trump. Flynn was targeted by the outgoing Obama administration on charges of “Russia collusion,” and pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI when put under pressure. He withdrew his plea when further evidence was revealed. Under the Trump administration, the Department of Justice sought to drop all charges, but the judge refused to do so.


Today, Flynn tweeted a link to a statement on in which he thanked his friends, family, and “every single patriot who circled me with their prayers, wisdom, and kindness.” Flynn’s tweet can be seen below:


My Personal Statement to America: Faith, Family, & Friendships






⁦@JosephJFlynn1⁩ @realMFlynnJR




— General Flynn (@GenFlynn) November 26, 2020


In his statement, Flynn wrote:


Never again should any family or individual be so viciously targeted, maligned, smeared, and threatened such has been the experience of my family and I. Not you and your loved ones, not me nor President Trump, our First Lady, and the Trump children. Stand with me today in renouncing this betrayal of trust that has burdened our nation and proclaim with one united voice across this land that we will never again allow the rightful power of the citizens of this country to be uprooted, undercut, usurped, or held hostage by a coup against our nation, a duly elected President or any future president of these United States.


For over three decades, it has been my honor and privilege as a Soldier and public servant to fight for the rights of American citizens and for citizens of the world. I have fought alongside the bravest men and women on distant battlefields in the midst of the fire and fury of war. In this fight for my life and liberties on the battlefield of justice and truth, my faith in God and the love and support of my wife Lori have seen me through.


Along our journey together, we have been blessed to have the trust and support of millions of Americans across our great country and around the world. These are our Digital Army of Patriots who inspired us to keep fighting, uncovered secrets we would otherwise have not known, and shared with us their thoughts, dreams, and wisdom throughout this ordeal.


Breitbart News recently reported that, in a tweet, President Trump wished Flynn a “great life” and hoped that his family had a “truly fantastic Thanksgiving.”

Anonymous ID: a344e2 Nov. 26, 2020, 9:22 p.m. No.11803540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3566 >>3629 >>3634 >>3711 >>3819

Neil Gorsuch Murders Andrew Cuomo, and Twitter Murders John Roberts

By Bonchie | Nov 26, 2020 5:00 PM ET


Last night, it was announced that the Supreme Court had put the kibosh on Andrew Cuomo’s clearly unconstitutional COVID regulations. For months now, New York has selectively enforced bans on gatherings, targeting religious institutions while allowing mass protests to occur in the street. Even someone with a passing understanding of the law could ascertain that such was clearly discriminatory and illegal.


And while Amy Coney Barrett garnered the headlines for the 5-4 decision, it was Neil Gorsuch who actually did the rhetorical and legal beheading.


Justice Gorsuch finally puts words to the thoughts of many. #SCOTUS


— Chaskel Bennett (@ChaskelBennett) November 26, 2020


Gorsuch was furious at Roberts. This is what Barrett made possible. The constitution is coming back, at last


(((Aaron “Worthing” Walker))) (@AaronWorthing) November 26, 2020


Neil Gorsuch goes off on @NYGovCuomo in the 5-4 Supreme Court ruling blocking his Covid restrictions for religious services.


— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) November 26, 2020


Gorsuch lays into Cuomo’s arbitrary enforcement of COVID guidelines, noting how they specifically target religious institutions. The snark is turned way up here and New York’s shameless governor deserves every single bit of it, though he’s hardly alone among the nation’s Democrat politicians. We’ve seen since the beginning of the pandemic an arbitrary targeting of churches and synagogues in places like Michigan, New Jersey, and New York.


In some ways, it’s actually sad that it took this long for such a ruling to get handed down, though it must be noted that Barrett being on the court made the difference here. In other words, it was best that the decision was put off until she was seated.


Meanwhile, the biggest loser may not actually be Cuomo. It may be John Roberts, who sided with the liberals (as if he’s not just a liberal at this point) in an attempt to nullify the First Amendment, that came out looking the worst here.


John Roberts is the Ryan Leaf of Supreme Court Selections


— Matt Dawson (@SaintRPh) November 26, 2020


What on earth is wrong with Chief Justice Roberts?


— Josh Hammer (@josh_hammer) November 26, 2020


Roberts is like the Romney of the Supreme Court.


He thinks he can vote with the liberals so that the left will love him.


— RBe (@RBPundit) November 26, 2020


Has there been a more disappointing appointment to the Supreme Court by a Republican than John Roberts? At least in the modern era? This is a guy once held up as a stalwart conservative jurist. Now, he can’t even agree the First Amendment still applies during a government proclaimed crisis.


Meanwhile, here’s Obama bro Ben Rhodes expressing his disapproval.


There is no “put more lives in danger” exception to the Constitution that allows viewpoint discrimination. If Rhodes or Cuomo cared, they’d have pushed consistent policies that also ban protests.


— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) November 26, 2020


This should have been an open and shut decision that ended 9-0. Instead, it was a razor-thin 5-4 margin because Roberts can’t even be counted on to protect the most basic of rights. While I love seeing Cuomo and Roberts get smacked here, it’s a little disconcerting that it even had to get this far.


One day, voters in these liberal states are going to have to wake up and start voting for their interests instead of what makes them feel the most virtuous. Regardless, Barrett’s appointment to the Supreme Court has put another wall up between the people and tyranny. Let’s hope it holds.