Anonymous ID: d20d67 Nov. 26, 2020, 8:57 p.m. No.11803183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3275 >>3329 >>3377 >>3395 >>3689 >>3726 >>3749

Not Only Was Dominion Prone to Attack from China and Iran – It Was Also Connected to Pro-Obama Entity Known as ACORN


On Thanksgiving eve Attorney Sidney Powell filed a 104 Page BOMBSHELL COMPLAINT on massive voter fraud in the Georgia election this year. Then it was discovered that she simitaneously filed a complaint in Michigan as well.


General Flynn Attorney Abigail Frye broke the news late Wednesday night–


The Kraken came down to Georgia on this Thanksgiving Eve in the form of a 104 pg BOMBSHELL complaint exposing the massive fraud that overwhelmed the 2020 Georgia Elections. Georgia, you are most certainly on our minds. Link to filing to come, stay tuned!


Then on Thanksgiving Day Sidney Powell retweeted two tweets by Liberty Times and Politics.


The tweets included a court filing that includes information on Dominion and Edison Research’s connections to the Internet.


We noted that the document identifies Dominion’s Trump-hater Eric Coomer is the inventor of the authentication function within the application.

Anonymous ID: d20d67 Nov. 26, 2020, 8:59 p.m. No.11803214   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Solomon Islands PM Defends Temporary Facebook Ban


Last week, the Solomon Islands government approved a temporary block of social media website Facebook across the tiny island nation of 650,000, a move that top government officials said would protect people from cyberbullying and online defamation, according to Australian ABC.


By Monday, Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare doubled-down on his government's temporary measure to block the social media website, "as it was a necessity to preserve national unity." He said Facebook undermines social cohesion.


"Cyberbullying on Facebook is widespread, people have been defamed by users who use fake names, and people's reputations that have been built up over the years [are destroyed] in a matter of minutes.


"We have [a] duty to cultivate national unity and the happy coexistence of our people … [Facebook] is undermining efforts to unite this country," he said.


Australian ABC notes the ban has yet to go into effect, though the prospect of the ban has caused an uproar among younger people. Sogavare stands by the new measure, saying it was aimed at protecting the youth from "vile abusive language" and not a way to silence them.


It's still unclear how the temporary ban will be enforced. The government still needs to determine whether it will use a firewall or utilize some other technique to block Facebook.


The move to ban the social media website comes as reports began to spread on the platform, accusing the government of misappropriating virus pandemic funds for social programs - prompting calls for an audit of the virus pandemic relief program.


This isn't the first time a Pacific government has mulled over the idea of blocking Facebook - leaders in Papua New Guinea, Fiji, and Samoa have all considered similar options.


Besides Facebook, governments in Asia are also blocking Pornhub. Thailand's government banned more than 190 porn sites, including Pornhub, earlier this month, prompting outrage among the younger generation.

Anonymous ID: d20d67 Nov. 26, 2020, 9:01 p.m. No.11803248   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3322

Venezuela’s UN Envoy Calls for Alliance of Nations Against US Sanctions


Venezuelan UN envoy Samuel Moncada has called for cooperation between the 29 nations currently under unilateral US sanctions to "mitigate" their effects - just as Iran, Russia and Cuba have helped his country in the past.


Venezuela's ambassador to the United Nations has advocated for the creation of a global pact to undermine unilateral sanctions imposed by Washington.


Addressing the UN Security Council on Wednesday via videolink, Samuel Moncada proposed three concrete actions, starting with the establishment of an "international alliance against unilateral coercive measures" which would serve as "an operational platform to mitigate their negative impact".


He also called for redoubled efforts towards a UN General Assembly declaration to promote the lifting of all sanctions, and for the UNSC to regularly address the threat that such measures pose to "international peace and security".


Moncada denounced the US' imposition of sanctions on 29 UN member states, "contravening the UN charter and the norms of international law, threatening international peace and violating the human rights of over one-third of humanity, including 30 million Venezuelans."

Anonymous ID: d20d67 Nov. 26, 2020, 9:04 p.m. No.11803277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3331 >>3427 >>3512 >>3634 >>3711 >>3819

China puts tariffs of up to 200 per cent on Australian wine


The Chinese Government has announced it will place tariffs on all Australian wine imports from tomorrow, striking a blow to the $1.2 billion-a-year industry.

Key points:


The new tariffs will range from 107 to 200 per cent

They come after China's Commerce Ministry instructed importers to suspend orders of Australian wine

The action follows months of trade uncertainty and souring relations between Australia and China


It follows the preliminary findings of a Chinese anti-dumping investigation into Australia's wine exports that found that dumping exists and causes Chinese winemakers "substantial harm".


China has accused Australian producers of selling wine for below the cost of production.


The investigation is not due to finish until next year, but China's Commerce Ministry announced that from November 28, importers of Australian wine entering China will need to pay temporary "anti-dumping security deposits".


The deposits, which effectively work like tariffs, will range from between 107 per cent to more than 200 per cent.


The move comes after China's Commerce Ministry gave informal instructions to importers to suspend orders of wine and six other types of Australian exports earlier this month.

Have we hit peak China?

A windmill in the outback in front of clouds lit up red and orange by a sunset.


As trade and political tensions simmer, speculation swirls about what's really going on between the two nations — and what's next on a Chinese sanctions "hit list".

Read more


Shares in Treasury Wine Estates, one of Australia's largest exporters, plunged 11 per cent this morning as the news was being confirmed.


The company initially paused trading and then confirmed it will be in a halt until Tuesday.


Tony Battaglene from Australian Grape and Wine said the tariffs would make it incredibly difficult for Australian wine exporters.


"The China market is a big market for us, but also some of our major competitors, particularly from Europe, are [now] given a tariff advantage of 100-200 per cent [which] is going to make it very difficult to compete … it won't be good," he said.


Trade Minister Simon Birmingham said the tariffs delivered a "devastating blow" to the wine industry.


"It will render unviable for many businesses their wine trade with China and clearly we think it's unjustified, without evidence to back it up," he said.


"It's a tax on Chinese consumers, essentially, but by taxing the product at such enormous, impactful levels, it will likely see consumers turn away from that, and that is what has the devastating impact on Australian producers.


"That's why we think it is grossly, grossly unfair, unwarranted, unjustified."

Anonymous ID: d20d67 Nov. 26, 2020, 9:05 p.m. No.11803295   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3309 >>3427 >>3460 >>3512 >>3634 >>3711 >>3819

UN: Terrorists, Criminals Spread Conspiracies About COVID-19


Terrorist and organized crime groups are spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories about the coronavirus pandemic in order to erode people’s trust in government or spread their ideology and gain more supporters, the UN warned in a report published this month.


The goal is to erode trust in the state for whatever purpose, according to the UN. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)The goal is to erode trust in the state for whatever purpose, according to the UN. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)“Terrorist, violent extremist and organized criminal groups have maliciously used social media to disseminate conspiracy theories about the origin of COVID-19,” the United Nations’ Interregional Crime and Justice Institute said in its latest report.


Those conspiracy theories usually attribute the origin of the virus to governments, religious or ethnic groups, secret networks, companies or businessmen who, according to such interpretations, are trying to push through secret agendas such as globalist depopulation, the control of the world or the generation of financial incomes through the sale of already produced vaccines and drug treatment, the document said.


While the different groups push such a variety of different conspiracy theories, the overarching theme is that the governmental responses and policies relating to the pandemic are the work of outside forces, such as business leaders or religious and ethnic minorities, all involved in some secret cabal devoted to taking power or control over the average citizen.


The goal is to erode trust in the state for whatever purpose, according to the UN.


The report pictured some blatant, pro-fascist propaganda, in which certain far-right groups, mostly using the Telegram application, openly call on their followers to intentionally “spread the flu,” in some cases “among Jews,” or among minority groups in their communities.


While both far-right and islamic terror groups, such as Eco-Fascist Central or the groups associated with the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or Da’esh) or Al-Qaeda, have also long been known to engage in disinformation campaigns, organized crime tends to stand apart.


“Organized criminal groups are engaged in illegal activity not for ideological reasons but rather for profit,” said the UN.


“Above all, narco cartels in Mexico such as the Gulf Cartel and the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG), and criminal organizations in Italy, such as Cosa Nostra and ‘Ndrangheta have been active in the misuse of social media,” read the report.


In times of crisis, organized criminal groups such as the Italian mafia have long presented themselves as bastions of stability when the state fails, but that stability comes at a far steeper price.


“These criminal groups often need to build the image of a sort of ‘state within the state,’ able to provide aid and support to the local community and, at the same time, discourage any form of criticism and dissent through intimidation and violence,” according to the UN.


In that regard, as the world organizations added, the COVID-19 crisis represented an “excellent opportunity to reinforce this rhetoric and promote the idea that, in the moment of emergency, criminal groups can replace the government and perform its role.”


Their main goal, if such a situation ever happens, “is not to protect the local population but rather to protect their criminal interests,” the UN said.


It also warned about a possibility that the “corrosive action of these violent non-state actors will not be limited to the present crisis, but will continue during its aftermath, as terrorist, violent extremist and criminal groups will seek to influence post-COVID-19 policies for their own benefit.”

Anonymous ID: d20d67 Nov. 26, 2020, 9:06 p.m. No.11803310   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3427 >>3512 >>3634 >>3711 >>3819

Italian Customs Seize China-made Counterfeit Bearings


Following intelligence provided by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), Italian customs officers this week seized more than 4,000 counterfeit bearings originating from China. Authorities said installing such copies into machinery is dangerous.


Counterfeit BearingsItalian Customs officers with the seized counterfeit bearings. (Photo: OLAF/AMD)“Based on information OLAF passed to Member States, the officials of Agenzia delle Dogane e Monopoli (ADM - Customs and Monopolies Agency) of Pavia, Office of Vigevano (near Milan), seized a significant amount of counterfeit bearings, amounting 4.157 pieces/370 kilos,” a joint OLAF and AMD statement read.


The inspection made it possible to identify two well-known manufacturers' counterfeit trademarks, according to AMD and stressed that the technological assessments made by the original manufacturers indicated the unauthorized duplication of their registered trademarks and the consequent infringement of the rights of intellectual property.


Having in mind that bearings are highly engineered, precision components that enable machinery to move efficiently at high speed and carry significant loads, used in a range of products, from motors to aircraft or electric fans, OLAF and AMD warned that the “illegal trade in such mechanical parts not only causes significant financial damage to the European industry but it is also a threat to public safety.”


“Whilst this may sound technical, the potential threat to everyone’s safety posed by counterfeit bearings is quite apparent,” OLAF stressed.

Anonymous ID: d20d67 Nov. 26, 2020, 9:07 p.m. No.11803319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3427 >>3512 >>3634 >>3711 >>3819

Opioid Manufacturer Purdue Pleads Guilty to Felony Offences


The now-bankrupt U.S. opioid manufacturer Purdue Pharma L.P. pleaded guilty on Tuesday to misleading the government about the sales of one of its drugs that played a role in the country’s opioid crisis. The confession ended the investigation that led to a multi-billion dollar settlement between the company and the Department of Justice (DOJ).


Purdue PharmaPurdue Pharma headquarters in Stamford, Connecticut. (Credit:John9474, CC BY-SA 4.0 )“The abuse and diversion of prescription opioids has contributed to a national tragedy of addiction and deaths, in addition to those caused by illicit street opioids,” said Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen. “Today’s guilty pleas to three felony charges send a strong message to the pharmaceutical industry that illegal behavior will have serious consequences.”


The company sold its opioid product OxyContin to healthcare providers, even though it had reason to believe that it was being diverted to abusers.


“The company lied to the Drug Enforcement Administration about steps it had taken to prevent such diversion, fraudulently increasing the amount of its products it was permitted to sell. Purdue also paid kickbacks to providers to encourage them to prescribe even more of its products,” Rachael A. Honig, First Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey explained.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, drug overdose remains a leading cause of injury-related death in the U.S., with overdoses involving prescription and illicit opioids taking the lives of 128 people every day.


After agreeing to settle with federal authorities last month for US$8.3 billion, it remains to be seen whether the company’s guilty pleas will meaningfully impact its wealthy owners, the Sackler family, who have thus far avoided jail time and have stashed much of their gains from the company offshore.


As reported by OCCRP last month, the criminal and civil settlement reached by Purdue was opposed by numerous state attorneys general, who had been pursuing financial retribution from the company as well.


Following the settlement, Letitia James, the attorney general of New York, released a statement asserting that the settlement “doesn’t account for the hundreds of thousands of deaths or millions of addictions caused by Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family.”


“It allows billionaires to keep their billions without any accounting for how much they really made,” she said, alluding to the wealthy Sacklers, who, by filing their company for bankruptcy and allegedly taking out as much as $13 billion from the company through a secretive web of offshore trusts and companies, remained relatively unscathed from the federal government’s legal action.


According to Josh Stein, the attorney general of North Carolina, the Sacklers “extracted nearly all the money out of Purdue and pushed the carcass of the company into bankruptcy.”


While Purdue Pharma stole headlines when it was announced that it had to shell out $8.3 billion, the company will have to transfer only a fraction of this sum to the federal government for the time being – a total of $225 million. The Sacklers will also pay $225 million to settle civil charges.


Despite the criminal and civil settlements, the DOJ said that it will “not resolve claims that states may have against Purdue or members of the Sackler family, nor does it impede the debtors’ or other third parties’ ability to recover any fraudulent transfers.”

Anonymous ID: d20d67 Nov. 26, 2020, 9:10 p.m. No.11803370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3512 >>3634 >>3711 >>3819

Turkish Forces Abandoned Another ‘Observation Post’ In Syria’s Idlib


The Turkish Armed Forces have abandoned another “observation post” in the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib.


On November 26, Turkish troops completed their withdrawal from the post which is located near the town of Saraqib in southern Idlib. The town overlooks the M5 highway that links Hama and Aleppo, and the M4 highway between Aleppo and Lattakia.


Turkish troops were deployed earlier this year in the post in a desperate attempt to stop the Syrian Arab Army advance along the M5 highway. The post was eventually besieged by government forces.


This was the fourth post to be evacuated by Turkish troops this month. Similar posts in northern, northwestern Hama and western Aleppo were abandoned over the last few weeks.


While Turkey is withdrawing its troops from the besieged posts, it is working to establish several military positions in the al-Zawiya Mount, south of the M4.


Turkish military presence in Grater Idlib was supposedly meant to counter the growing influence of terrorist groups there. Nevertheless, Ankara’s forces are doing nothing whatsoever to confront these groups and prevent them from violating the fragile ceasefire in the region.

Anonymous ID: d20d67 Nov. 26, 2020, 9:19 p.m. No.11803485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3512 >>3522 >>3634 >>3711 >>3819

Priest's Aboriginal victims sue Pope Francis over church's failures


Pope Francis has been named as a defendant in a Victorian Supreme Court damages claim by three Aboriginal men who were sexually assaulted as young boys by paedophile priest Michael Glennon after the Vatican knew of his crimes against children but did not defrock him.


It is the first known case in Australia in which victims of clerical sexual abuse have sought to hold the world’s most senior Catholic personally responsible for his church’s failure to take decisive action against predators in its ranks.


The three plaintiffs, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, all claim to have experienced significant, ongoing impacts from their childhood abuse including drug addiction, homelessness and unemployment.


They are seeking compensation and exemplary or punitive damages against Pope Francis, the Archdiocese of Melbourne and Melbourne Archbishop Peter Comensoli for the inaction of their predecessors.


If successful it would represent the first time an Australian court has punished the church – as distinct from compensating victims of abuse – for its failure to protect children from paedophile priests.


The claim lodged this week will test Pope Francis’s public commitment to treat all cases of clerical abuse with the “utmost seriousness’’ and the practical reach of Victorian civil law into the Vatican.


As of Friday, the Melbourne-based lawyers for the plaintiffs, Angela Sdrinis Legal, were waiting for the Holy See’s representative in Australia, Papal Nuncio Adolfo Tito Yllana, to accept service of the writ on the Pope’s behalf.


Angela Sdrinis said the Vatican’s refusal to accept service had frustrated previous claims against the church brought elsewhere around the world.


"It is about getting the Pope and the Vatican to accept responsibility," Ms Sdrinis told The Age and Sydney Morning Herald.


"What possible excuse could they have for not laicising him [Glennon]?"

Anonymous ID: d20d67 Nov. 26, 2020, 9:23 p.m. No.11803544   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Whole Foods CEO: Socialism means 'trickle up poverty' that 'impoverishes everything'


"The academic community is generally hostile to business," says John Mackey.


Whole Foods founder and CEO John Mackey argues that socialism is a failed system that "impoverishes everything."


Referring to the criticism of "trickle down economics," Mackey said socialism means "trickle up poverty."


"We have to recognize that some of the progressive insights are important and they shouldn't go away, but we can't throw out capitalism and replace it with socialism, that will be a disaster," he said during a discussion on Tuesday organized by the American Enterprise Institute. "Socialism has been tried 42 times in the last 100 years, and 42 failures, it doesn't work, it's the wrong way. We have to keep capitalism, I would argue, we need conscious capitalism."


Mackey said businesses and corporations in a capitalist system are often misunderstood.


"Until we get this corrected, capitalism is always going to be disdained and criticized and attacked," he said. "It'll be attacked for its motivations, because its motivations are seen as somehow impure. Yes, of course, business has to make money. If a business doesn't make money, it will fail, but that doesn't mean that its purpose is to make money."


Mackey, co-author of "Conscious Capitalism," said a business should be thought of "in terms of its value-creation, for its customers, and all the jobs that it creates for its employees and the residual or tangential effects that happen when it trades with suppliers, who also trade for voluntary reasons — they're benefitting and they're prospering as a result." He pointed out that Whole Foods currently has 100,000 employees.


Mackey urged business leaders to do a better job explaining the successes of capitalism in the livelihoods of Americans.


"It needs to evolve, otherwise the socialists are going to take over — that's how I see it, and that's the path of poverty," he said. "They talk about trickle down wealth, but socialism is trickle up poverty. It just impoverishes everything, that's my fear, that the Marxists and socialists, the academic community is generally hostile to business. It always has been. This is not new."


Mackey said America's universities are generally "anti-capitalist." He revealed that he is sometimes heckled at his college appearances or he is disinvited. Mackey said college business students are usually receptive to his message of how business owners can be proposerous and fulfill a higher purpose.


"But the professors are very skeptical, their arms are crossed and they want to argue with me about it," he said.


Mackey argued that there aren't enough "business people" teaching in college business programs.


"Intellectuals teach, mostly intellectuals, who've never actually been in business at all, right? It's very interesting," he said. "And who don't actually understand business, who don't particularly understand entrepreneurship, and actually can oftentimes be hostile towards the very thing they're teaching. So that's a particular challenge."

Anonymous ID: d20d67 Nov. 26, 2020, 9:25 p.m. No.11803575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3580 >>3634 >>3711 >>3815 >>3819

Boris Govt Assures UN of Its ‘Commitment to the Global Compact on Migration’


Boris Johnson’s government has reaffirmed its commitment to the United Nations’ controversial Global Compact for Migration, rejected by the Trump administration in the United States, and by conservative-led governments in countries including Australia, Poland, and Hungary.


Speaking at the International Organization for Migration (IOM, or UN Migration Agency) Council, the British ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, Julian Braithwaite, bragged that the British government is “the second-largest donor” to the IOM, and insisted that it was “ready to support” the globalist body on its “journey”.


“The UK reaffirms its commitment to the Global Compact on Migration, and is pleased to recognise the UN’s hard work since signature to translate GCM principles into action that helps migrants. We believe this work is beginning to show promising results,” said Braithwaite, a former press officer and then speechwriter for Labour prime minister Tony Blair.


“We believe this work is beginning to show promising results and we encourage IOM to continue and to strengthen its valuable work in this area… We also welcome the establishment of the UN Migration Network and its associated networks,” he added.


Hungary Attacks UN Migration Compact for Attempting to ‘Legalise Illegal Immigration’


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) November 24, 2018


The migration compact has been deeply controversial, with over 130,000 people signing an official parliamentary petition asking for Britain to be kept out of it — without success.


The United States was pulled out of the compact by President Donald Trump in 2017, with his ambassador to the United Nations that iit was “simply not compatible with U.S. sovereignty”.


Australia followed suit, with Prime Minister Scott Morrisson saying he “would never allow something to compromise our borders”, along with national conservative-led countries like Poland and Hungary and some countries with so-called centre-right governments with a populist tinge to them, such as Austria.


The International Organization for Migration (IOM) actively promotes mass migration, often agitating for it with messaging describing it at “Inevitable / Desirable / Necessary”.


One such message was illustrated with aerial footage of a boat packed with illegal migrants making landfall in Europe — a controversial choice of imagery, given migrant boats’ ties to criminal people-smuggling organisations, which sometimes collaborate with radical Islamic terrorists and often cause migrants, including children, to die at sea.


Surprise! EU Report Declares UN Migration Pact Legally Binding After All


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) March 21, 2019

Anonymous ID: d20d67 Nov. 26, 2020, 9:27 p.m. No.11803621   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hundreds of Chinese, Once Attracted by Belt and Road Deals, Flee Ethiopian Civil War


More than 600 Chinese citizens have been evacuated from Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region over the past two weeks after a conflict between separatist militants and Ethiopian federal forces broke out on November 4, the South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported on Tuesday.


Ethiopia’s ambassador to China, Teshome Toga Chanaka, said in Beijing on Monday that all of the Chinese citizens evacuated from Tigray are now “safe in Addis Ababa and they could decide for themselves if they wanted to stay in Ethiopia or return to China,” according to the newspaper.


Chinese authorities organized the evacuation of 204 Chinese citizens from western Tigray by car on November 19, “including 187 workers from state-owned China CAMC Engineering, who had been working on the Welkait sugar plant on the front line of the conflict,” according to China’s state-run Xinhua News Agency.


Gezhouba Group, one of China’s largest construction and engineering companies, said it had facilitated the evacuation of 402 Chinese workers and engineers from a water project near the Tigrayan capital of Mekele on November 11.


The Chinese embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s capital, said on Sunday it had also assisted people from third-party countries to evacuate the east African nation, according to the SCMP. The embassy did not provide further details.


Speaking to Chinese media outlets on Monday, Teshome insisted that foreign investment in Ethiopia remains a safe endeavor despite the recent military clashes in Tigray.


“Ethiopia is a strategically located country — we are in the Horn of Africa, very close to the Middle East, very close to Europe. And then from here you can reach all corners of Africa,” he said.


“We are [Africa]’s second-largest country in terms of population which provides a huge domestic market … so we believe that we are still competent,” he explained.


One of the fastest-growing economies on the African continent, Ethiopia has attracted billions of dollars of investment from China in recent years through Beijing’s infrastructure-building Belt and Road Initiative. China is currently Ethiopia’s single largest source of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).


“We know that safety and security, peace and stability are key to foreign investors and that’s why we are trying to bring the situation back to normalcy, so that the economic and industrialization process that we have started in Ethiopia could continue without major disruption,” Teshome said on Monday.


The ambassador told the state-run China Global Television Network (CGTN) on Monday that the current military conflict in Tigray is “not a civil war, though many media try to portray the current limited military operation as a civil war.”

Anonymous ID: d20d67 Nov. 26, 2020, 9:30 p.m. No.11803659   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3711 >>3819

Israeli Airstrike Kills 19 in Eastern Syria, Mostly Pakistani Militia Members


Third Israeli strike on Syria in a little over a week


Continuing a tactic of anticipating a US-Iran War, Israel seems to keep trying to provoke the conflict, with a Thursday morning strike in eastern Syria killing at least 19 Shi’ite militia members, declared “pro-Iranian fighters” by the Israeli press.


As with the other strikes, pro-Iranian doesn’t actually mean Iranian, as the militia members killed were confirmed by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights to be almost entirely Pakistanis. Neither the Syrian nor Israeli government has commented on the matter yet.


This is the third Israeli attack against Shi’ites in Syria in just over a week. Iran did comment on the first one, which killed mostly Iraqi and Lebanese Shi’ites, and threatened retaliation over it. They did not specify when or how they would retaliate.


Underpinning this is Israel’s public desire to have a war involving the US before Trump leaves office. Iran, however, has been keen to avoid direct military conflict with the US, and has instructed its allies to avoid any hits on US targets, and presumptively Israeli targets, until the inauguration.


What this means is something of a tug of war, where Iran is trying to keep the situation calm for the next couple of months, and Israel tries to force an escalation by picking up the peace of attacks in Syria, something they’ve been doing for years.


The big limiter on Israeli strikes in Syria isn’t Iran in the first place, it’s Russia. The Russians keep Israel out of the areas near their bases, and has at times talked them down when they feel like they risk destabilizing Syria with their attacks.


No one really benefits from such a conflict erupting, so it comes down to if Israel can drag the world into another conflagration, or if everyone keeps things relatively calm for the next two months.

Anonymous ID: d20d67 Nov. 26, 2020, 9:33 p.m. No.11803696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3701 >>3735

100 Whales Die In Unexplained Mass Stranding Near New Zealand


Researchers say that about 100 pilot whales were stranded on a beach on the Chatham Islands, in New Zealand. The island is located 800km east of New Zealand’s South Island. The final tally was 97 whales and three dolphins.


Sadly, the Department of Conservation (DOC) was unable to reach them for three hours due to a power outage.


DOC Biodiversity Ranger, Jemma Welch, said that a few whales were still alive when they were found, but none of them ended up making it.


“Only 26 of the whales were still alive at this point, the majority of them appearing very weak, and were euthanized due to the rough sea conditions and almost certainty of there being great white sharks in the water which are brought in by a stranding like this,” Welch said in a statement.


Two additional whales were stranded by Monday morning when a team of DOC staff made a follow-up visit to the site. These whale



The whales will not be moved, but will be left to decompose on the beach naturally. A ceremony will later be held to honor them.


Mass strandings for whales have occurred before on Chatham Island. In 1918, up to 1,000 animals died in a single stranding. In nearby Tasmania in September of this year, 380 whales were stranded and died.


It is still unclear why this happens, although sometimes there are explanations in some instances, and researchers have a variety of theories about the possible reasons.


A study in the journal Current Biology has suggested that solar storms could throw gray whales off navigation and cause their stranding.


The study pointed out that Gray whales used magnetic fields to navigate and that solar storms can disrupt the earth’s magnetic fields.


Ellen Coombs, a researcher at University College London, told National Geographic that this study is not conclusive, but it does offer a possible explanation for some of the more mysterious cases.


“Although this paper does not offer conclusive evidence for magnetoreception in these whales, it does add an indication in this direction because it removes some other possible causes of strandings such as bycatch, ship strike, or obvious illness,” Coombs said.


In some cases, sonar in battleships and other types of military devices have also been blamed for mass strandings.