Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:18 p.m. No.11803481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3497 >>3528 >>3536 >>3870

Our Father "Who Financed 9-11?" ClownsInAmerica

Is Q team using Bible "Code/Comms" in certain Drops?

Instead of Praying with Anons, might at least some of these Bible quotes actually be Comms?


Q DROP #154

Who financed 9-11?

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: wmN+33xv No.149467690 Nov 14 2017 21:25:29 (EST)

Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden’s handler?

Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI?

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?

Why wouldn’t we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event.

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

Fantasy land.

Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have.

Why do D’s push for gun control ‘directly’ after every tragic incident?

Why is this so very important to their agenda?

We, the people, are who they are afraid of.

We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.

Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.



The idea that at least some of the Bible or that, the structure of certain Biblical texts and passages, might have been Ancient Comms, has been explored by many scholars.

So might Q team be doing the same?


Please turn to Q Drop #154.

Who Financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden’s handler?

Why was theClowns In Americatasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

UBL/OBL = Usama or Osama bin Laden


Q seems to Answer the Questions posed in sentence #1 and #2 with sentence #3.

The Clowns In America Financed 9-11 using [their] Saudi Arabian Asset Osama Bin Laden aka Tim Osman or UBL/OBL.


Yet who are theClownsInAmerica?

Most oldfags know that the CIA has been nicknamed/dubbed Catholics in America, Catholics in Action and Clowns in America for a very good reason.

The reason is that historically and beyond refute is that the Catholics have traditionally flocked to the CIA.

Several CIA directors were not simply Catholic but high level Papal Knights.

Even former non catholic director George Bush, a Presbyterian, was very close with the Papacy and rumored to have considered changing his religion to Catholicism.


Now please focus on the Lord's Prayer OR Pater Noster which Q Team inserted at the end of Drop #154.


Q team inserted the Catholic version of the Lord's Prayer OR Pater Noster and I believe it was to serve as Comms/Code.

Notice the subtle differences, namely, "Debts" and "Debtors" versus "Trespasses" and "Trespass" as well as the lack of "Amen" in the Catholic Version.

I believe Q team did this purposely to show the Catholic>Vatican - CIA connection.

Many books have been written purporting to show how the CIA might have infiltrated the Vatican yet I believe that this is a fake front.

The well hidden truth seems to be that the CIA was always a Tool of the Vatican as most of the people who worked at the CIA held a dual allegiance to The Papacy.

There are 100's perhaps 1000's of very provable OR "Strong Connections" to demonstrate the many links between the CIA and the Vatican.

Finding solid proof of Vatican control over the CIA might not be so easy as Plausible Deniability is surely something that Top Vatican Officials would seek to maintain.

IN THE END… Does it really matter? Maybe it is best to simply see both the Vatican and the CIA as the same thing?

One Big Many Headed Monster all with the same thought in mind. World Domination. ←- not 100% correct yet a decent primer.

Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:20 p.m. No.11803497   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q drop #306

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 571cae No.60141 📁

Dec 9 2017 13:12:19 (EST)

News unlocks map.

Future proves past.

Why was the Lord's prayer posted?

Which version?

Why is this relevant?

What just came out re: the Lord's prayer?

What can be connected?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Re-review the map post relevant news drops.

Godfather III.



Why was the Lord's prayer posted?

Which version?

Why is this relevant?

The Catholic/Anglican version was posted for a reason

VATICAN controls the Clowns In America/CIA


What just came out re: the Lord's prayer?

What can be connected?

Pope Francis changing the Lord's Prayer/Pater Noster

VATICAN controls the CIA

VATICAN financed 9-11

No, I don't "DO" coincidences, Q.


Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:20 p.m. No.11803514   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q DROP #189

The Cult Runs the World

Q !ITPb.qbhqo 21 Nov 2017 - 11:52:02 PM

Identify symbolism (Owl / Y).

Which performers/celebs supported HRC during the election?

Who performed during her rallies?

What jewelry and/or tattoos present?

What other events do they attend together?

What does HRC represent to them?

What celebrities have owl / Y head symbols?

What politicians have owl / Y head symbols?

What powerful people have owl / Y head symbols?

What powerful groups have owl / Y head symbols?

Why are they worn/shown openly?

Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

MSM role?

Push conspiracy theory.

Social media role?

Push conspiracy theory and institute new rules allowing for ban.


The graphic is key.

Re-read graphic (ex: what family did Soros replace (Y)).

Part II – How were they ‘adopted’ into the cult (as children).

What were they provided for obeying and staying silent (brainwashed)?

All that you know to be right is wrong.

The ‘cult’ runs the world.

Fantasy land.

The world is fighting back (& destroying the cult).

20% public.

80% private.

The world would otherwise collapse.

40,000ft. v. (again) and need to decrease altitude to avoid ‘conspiracy’ label.

Was necessary.


For God & Country.



Why did Q write GODFATHER III in all caps?

What was revealed in GODFATHER III?

What was REALLY revealed in GODFATHER III?

SYMBOLISM WILL BE THEIR DOWNFALL does not simply apply to the "Satanist".

Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:22 p.m. No.11803528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3635


Q DROP #714

Q Threat to Clowns

Q !UW.yye1fxo 10 Feb 2018 - 5:46:19 AM


Mess with the best, die like the rest.

[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.

[44] remaining.

Wizards & Warlocks.

Save the best for last.




What is [P] doing in a drop devoted to Clowns?

What is a CLOWN?

Who were the CLOWNS historically?

I thought we were saving Israel for last?

Saving [P] for last?

You mean CIA was short for Catholics in America?

Catholics in Action long before Q came onto the CT scene?

Why would that be? just a bunch of lies?

Does the Muh Joo shillery make more sense now?

and no, this does not mean that Mossad/Israel is innocent

Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:22 p.m. No.11803536   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q DROP #851

CIA & Vatican Helped Nazi Officers Escape

Q !UW.yye1fxo 6 Mar 2018 - 12:41:40 AM



Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:24 p.m. No.11803571   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3601 >>3636 >>3682

Q DROP #936

The Nazi Order

Q !UW.yye1fxo 10 Mar 2018 - 6:07:05 PM

Nazis and the Vatican Photo


Q !UW.yye1fxo 10 Mar 2018 - 5:57:14 PM



The Nazi order.

NWO [N does not refer to “New”].

The Sum of All Fears.






Stage SET.




The Vatican and the Nazi's were working together from the very beginning.

A Catholic Jesuit Priest edited and wrote most of Mein Kampf

Hitler praised the Catholic church and especially the Jesuit order

Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:25 p.m. No.11803577   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q DROP #997

Pope will have a Terrible May

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 3 Apr 2018 - 8:45:50 PM


3 Apr 2018 - 8:43:05 PM


P = pope?


[Pope] will be having a terrible May.

Those who backed him will be pushed into the LIGHT>

Dark to LIGHT.



Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:25 p.m. No.11803583   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q DROP #1002

The BITE that has no CURE

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 3 Apr 2018 - 9:18:12 PM



3 Apr 2018 - 9:15:43 PM





Symbolism will be their downfall.




The BITE that has no CURE - NSA.


Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:26 p.m. No.11803598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3615

Q DROP #1021

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 169658 No.896860 📁

Apr 4 2018 18:02:33 (EST)

List the estimated wealth of religious organizations.


Vatican bank.


Board of Superintendence.

Supervisory Commission of Cardinals.

Clown connection.

1832 Rothschild loan to the Holy See.



Did the US taxpayers pay for the Predatory Sexual Abuse

Perpetrated upon Americans by the Roman Catholic Church?

from $1.5 Billion up to $3.5 billion?

Taxpayer money taken from PPP/Covid Small Business relief funds?

Were rules in place to prevent this as the Church is not a small business?

Did Catholic Groups lobby the Whitehouse to change these rules?

Besides Covid, why is the Catholic Church going bankrupt?

Predatory abuse upon American Men, Women and Children?

By Agents of a Corrupt Foreign Government?

Does Q drop #1021 Q seem to suggest that the Vatican Bank has $229 Billion?

Might the following articles explain why?


Vatican, former Vatican auditor give differing accounts of resignation


The first person to serve as the Vatican's independent auditor said

he was forced to resign after opponents of Pope Francis' financial

reforms mounted a campaign against him.


Pope accepts early resignation of Vatican's first independent auditor

Jun 20, 2017 by Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service People


Ousted auditor says he got too close to secret Vatican accounts

Libero Milone believes his probe into huge sums held ‘off the books’ led to his removal

NOVEMBER 2 2019 Miles Johnson and Donato Paolo Mancini in Rome

Financial Times


Is George Pell a "white hat" coming to clean out the Vatican?

as the current news articles tailored to this counter narrative insinuate?

Is Pell guilty according to Q drops?

If there was a "white hat" in the Vatican, might it have been Libero Milone?

Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:28 p.m. No.11803632   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q DROP #1413

Guardian of the Pope Owl Photo

Q !4pRcUA0lBE 17 May 2018 - 8:15:27 PM



Guardian of the Pope.




Q named the image file "Guardian_P" in a drop that was about the Guardian of the Pope

Why is P = So Important?

Does Soros takes orders from P?

Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:29 p.m. No.11803646   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q DROP #1763

Sex Abuse in the Church

Q !CbboFOtcZs 30 Jul 2018 - 12:16:47 PM


Those you are taught to TRUST the most…..

Dark to LIGHT.


Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:31 p.m. No.11803667   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q DROP #1831

POTUS Roasts Corrupt & Evil Hillary Clinton at Catholic Charity Event

Q !A6yxsPKia. 10 Aug 2018 - 12:00:09 PM

Does POTUS make statements that are false?

Knowing what you know now…..

[Start @ 12:00]📁

Think Haiti [14:40]

Think Watergate Commission [removed_why_investigate].

Listen very carefully.


Surrounded by EVIL.





POTUS Roasts Corrupt & Evil Hillary Clinton at Catholic Charity Event

Surrounded by EVIL.

Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:31 p.m. No.11803676   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q DROP #1879

100s of Priests in PA Molested 1000s of Children

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 15 Aug 2018 - 12:05:27 AM

House of GOD?

Only the beginning.

Those who you are taught to trust the most….

Expect MANY MANY MANY similar reports to surface from around the world.



The choice to know will be yours.





Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:32 p.m. No.11803680   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q DROP #1916

Priest Hits Crying Baby at Baptism

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 16 Aug 2018 - 4:08:05 PM

Man of God?

See something.

Say something.

PEOPLE must unite to clean out these old institutions.




PEOPLE must unite to clean out these old institutions.?

Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:33 p.m. No.11803685   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q DROP #1950

Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 28 Aug 2018 - 4:12:23 PM



"The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory.

The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law."



Sanctuary against criminal prosecution?

Recipe for …….


Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:33 p.m. No.11803694   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3741

Q DROP #2152

Pope Francis Compares Vatican Whistleblower to Satan

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11 Sep 2018 - 6:40:05 PM


Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:34 p.m. No.11803700   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q DROP #2590

Australian Cardinal George Pell Found Guilty of Sexual Abuse

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 12 Dec 2018 - 11:00:11 AM

[Cardinal Pell]

Dark to LIGHT.


Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:34 p.m. No.11803705   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q DROP #2594

Cardinal George Pell 3rd in Command at Vatican

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 12 Dec 2018 - 11:29:43 AM



12 Dec 2018 - 11:14:08 AM


He was the vatican treasurer I'm sure that carries some weight


#3 in the pecking order.

Define 'pecking' [animals].


Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:35 p.m. No.11803717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3781

Q DROP #2894

Vatican Treasurer Cardinal George Pell Found Guilty of Child Sex Charges

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 25 Feb 2019 - 8:08:29 PM


Many more to come?

Dark to LIGHT.


Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:36 p.m. No.11803725   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q DROP #2918

Trump's Roast of Hillary Back in 2016 Reveals Her Dark Secrets

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 2 Mar 2019 - 8:22:29 PM

Sometimes it takes a ‘roast’ in order to be able to speak the TRUTH and get away w/ it.

[Selected Samples]

[13:45] – Deception

[14:05] – Pretending not to hate Catholics

[14:40] – Haiti

Symbolism will be their downfall.



Symbolism will be their downfall.

Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:36 p.m. No.11803727   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q DROP #3565

Q Links to Pope's Tweet on Human Trafficking

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 30 Jul 2019 - 8:23:13 PM

Godfather III

It's going to be BIBLICAL.


Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:37 p.m. No.11803731   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q DROP #3709

Vatican Ambassador to France Resigns after Molestation


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 17 Dec 2019 - 2:44:46 PM


17 Dec 2019 - 2:40:00 PM

Screenshot_2019-12-17 The Jerusalem Post on Twitter #Vatican ambassador to #France resigns after molestation allegations ht.png

#Vatican ambassador to #France resigns after molestation allegations

4:20 AM - 17 Dec 2019📁


Godspeed Q


Dark Light.

Those you are taught to trust most….


Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:38 p.m. No.11803738   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q DROP #3957

When Does the Non-Disclosure Agreement Expire Regarding

Drudge Report Sale to Foreign Entity?

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 14 Apr 2020 - 3:36:22 PM

When does NDA expire re: DrudgeR sale to foreign entity?

Think 2020_P election +1.

[removal [blackout] coming of pro_POTUS accounts]

Win by any means necessary.

All assets will be deployed this election.

Sleepers [Pro] will shift position [Nay].

[Paul Ryan_Fox]


Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:38 p.m. No.11803746   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q DROP #4303

CIA's Use of Journalists and Clergy in Intelligence Operations

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 21 May 2020 - 10:53:12 AM

Logical thinking.

CIA coming back into the news [soon]?




CIA coming back into the news [soon]?

Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:39 p.m. No.11803755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3813

Q DROP #4408

We Are in the Middle of Another Enlightenment Approaching the Precipice

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 4 Jun 2020 - 3:48:02 PM📁

The Enlightenment is often associated with its political revolutions and ideals, especially the French Revolution of 1789. The energy created and expressed by the intellectual foment of Enlightenment thinkers contributes to the growing wave of social unrest in France in the eighteenth century. The social unrest comes to a head in the violent political upheaval which sweeps away the traditionally and hierarchically structured ancien régime (the monarchy, the privileges of the nobility, the political power of the Catholic Church). The French revolutionaries meant to establish in place of the ancien régime a new reason-based order instituting the Enlightenment ideals of liberty and equality.

…enlightenment with the process of undertaking to think for oneself, to employ and rely on one’s own intellectual capacities in determining what to believe and how to act.


Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:41 p.m. No.11803770   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q DROP #4799

!!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 376386 No.10864489

Sep 30 2020 22:52:42 (EST) NEW

Anonymous ID: 39774c No.10864305

Sep 30 2020 22:43:23 (EST) NEW



Rebuffed by Vatican, Pompeo Assails China and Aligns

With Pope’s Critics

Pope Francis declined to see Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is demanding a harder Vatican line on China. The Holy See said meeting just before a U.S. election would be inappropriate.

By Jason Horowitz and Lara Jakes

Sept. 30, 2020, 7:26 p.m. ET


ROME — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently published a sharp letter excoriating the Vatican’s plans to renew an agreement with the Chinese government on Church operations in China.

He promoted the article in a tweet, concluding, “The Vatican endangers its moral authority, should it renew the deal.”


An indignant Vatican took the article more as a calculated affront than a diplomatic gesture. The friction broke into the open on Wednesday as Mr. Pompeo arrived in Rome and met with prelates

and others who are hostile to Pope Francis, while the Vatican denied him a meeting with the pontiff and rebuffed his efforts to derail the deal with China.


“Pompeo asked to meet” the pope, who turned him down because Francis had “clearly said that he does not receive political figures ahead of the elections,” Cardinal Pietro Parolin, who,

as secretary of state, is the Vatican’s second-ranking official, told reporters.


But to some observers on both sides of the tensions between the Roman Catholic Church and the Trump administration, Mr. Pompeo’s visit is as much about the coming presidential election as

about China policy. Mr. Pompeo dismissed that suggestion as absurd, but intended or not, his trip signals that President Trump is on the side of those conservative American Catholics who worry

about the church’s direction under Francis and think he is soft on China.


Francis and Mr. Trump, who have exchanged sharp words in the past, present starkly different visions on issues ranging from the environment to immigration to the threat of populism.

In appealing to the Vatican’s support for religious freedom as a reason to drop its China agreement, Mr. Pompeo seemed to seek common ground, but in a way that upset the pope’s chief

allies and delighted his chief critics.


Cardinal Parolin said Mr. Pompeo’s article had caused “surprise” at the Vatican, because this visit to Rome by the secretary and the meetings with high officials at the Holy See had already

been in the works and would have been a “more opportune” forum for airing grievances. He added that Mr. Pompeo’s choice to publish in First Things, a conservative Christian magazine that has

called Francis a failure as Pope, also mattered.


When does a Church become a playground?

When does a Church become a business?

When does a Church become political?

When does a Church become corrupt?

When does a Church become willfully blind?

When does a Church become controlled?


Anonymous ID: f3515b Nov. 26, 2020, 9:45 p.m. No.11803823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3850 >>3886

Q DROP #3749

Democrat Party Threatened Representative Jeff Van Drew (NJ) to Vote Yes for Impeachment

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 23 Dec 2019 - 11:48:57 AM

Watch and listen carefully.

[D]s threaten and cull 'independently elected' officials to fall-in-line [follow orders] or face being ousted?

Who controls the [D] party?

Who really controls the [D] party?

Threat: If a major political party can be [controlled] does that represent a clear and present danger to the United States of America?





You had to hover over the [GS] in order to see “GEORGE SOROS” when QMAP.PUB was working.



Q DROP #416

Soros Takes Orders from P

Anonymous 21 Dec 2017 - 8:31:58 PM

Soros takes orders from P.

You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.

Fight, fight, fight.

Day of days.

Game over.




Who or what isP?


Q DROP #1413

Guardian of the Pope Owl Photo

Q !4pRcUA0lBE 17 May 2018 - 8:15:27 PM


Guardian of the Pope.




In a drop concerning the “GUARDIAN OF THE POPE” Q names the image file “GUARDIAN_P”

P =Pope/Vatican/RCC/Papal Royal Families Controls Soros

Soros Controls the Democrats


Why would your guru Q decoder lie to you?

P = PAYSEUR because some Alex Jones Flunky

multiple Felon, White Supremacist Grifter told you so?