Anonymous ID: 6060bf Nov. 26, 2020, 10:09 p.m. No.11804042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4169 >>4243 >>4311 >>4377 >>4489 >>4588


Looks like China is trying to collaps Australia's healthy Wine Industry


China-Australia relations: Beijing slaps ‘distressing’ duties of up to 212 per cent on Australian wine imports


China’s commerce ministry says it will impose temporary anti-dumping measures on Australian wine imports from Saturday

Australia agriculture minister David Littleproud responds by saying ‘the Australian government will vigorously defend the industry’


Published: 9:41am, 27 Nov, 2020


Why you can trust SCMP


China’s commerce ministry said on Friday that it will impose temporary anti-dumping measures on Australian wine imports from Saturday.

The duties will range from 107.1 to 212.1 per cent, China’s Ministry of Commerce announced on Friday.

The commerce ministry said in a statement announcing the measures that “there is a causal relationship between [wine] dumping and material damage”.

China is the biggest destination for Australia‘s wine exports, accounting for 39 per cent of total shipments in the first nine months of 2020, according to Wine Australia, an industry body.

“This is a very distressing time for many hundreds of Australian wine producers, who have built, in good faith, a sound market in China,” Australia trade minister Simon Birmingham told Australia media on Friday.

We’re deeply concerned by this. In light of the recent comments by China, it gives the perception this decision is predicated on something other than any wrongdoing by the wine industry

David Littleproud


“The Australian government will vigorously defend the industry,” agriculture minister David Littleproud said on Friday.

“We have 10 days in which to appeal, and we’ll work closely with the industry around that.

“We’re deeply concerned by this. In light of the recent comments by China, it gives the perception this decision is predicated on something other than any wrongdoing by the wine industry.

“Obviously we’ll exhaust all avenues available to us through the [World Trade Organization].”

China-Australia relations: what has happened over the last seven months?

25 Nov 2020


In August, it had previously said it would initiate an investigation into wine subsidies after receiving a complaint from the Wine Industry Association of China. It had already announced an anti-dumping investigation looking at wines being sold in China at prices alleged to be lower than in Australia.

At the time, the ministry said it would initiate an investigation into whether to put countervailing duties on Australian wines alongside the anti-dumping investigation, anticipating concluding the process within a year, with a possible six-month extension.

The Chinese wine industry had asked for 202.7 per cent duties to cover losses due to what they claimed to be cheap Australian wine flooding the local market between 2015 and 2019, documents lodged with China’s commerce ministry said.


In an earlier briefing note on the investigations, Australian Grape & Wine, another industry body, had described short-term duties on wine shipments as “a worst-case scenario”.

“It is very important that we have full cooperation from all companies named (and thank you to everyone) as a lack of cooperation will cause problems for all parties and is likely to have flow on impacts for the entire sector,” chief executive Tony Battaglene told member companies in August.

The preliminary ruling from an investigation launched just over two months ago is roughly in line with international standards, in terms of timing.

In the United States, for example, anti-dumping investigations are expected to run for two months in the preliminary stage. A final stage takes an additional six months, absent “critical circumstances” – a provision which allows retroactive duties to be applied should certain conditions to be met, therefore overriding the standard timeline. Such circumstances are rarely applied.


Australia ditched diplomacy for ‘adversarial approach’ to China and ‘a pat on the head’ from US

China has unofficially banned Australian imports of coal, sugar, barley, lobsters, wine, copper and log timber since the start of November.

It imposed anti-dumping duties on barley earlier this year. The barley investigation that started in 2018 and concluded in May resulted in an anti-dumping duty of 73.6 per cent and a countervailing duty of 6.9 per cent, meaning a total tariff of just over 80 per cent.

China also suspended beef imports from five major meat processing plants in Queensland and New South Wales in May.

Anonymous ID: 6060bf Nov. 26, 2020, 10:15 p.m. No.11804080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4104 >>4169 >>4251 >>4311 >>4377 >>4384 >>4426 >>4489 >>4588

Coup man Jerry Nadler is flipping mad General Flynn is pardoned


By M. Dowling -November 26, 20207

Far-left Rep. Nadler really unloaded on General Flynn. It’s not enough that the general was framed and Nadler and his allies covered for the FBI/DOJ. Jerry wanted to see him ruined and in prison.


It’s terrible how the media is reporting this pardon, and it’s very different from their reporting of pardons for Marc Rich and the FALN terrorists under Democrat Bill Clinton’s administration. It’s very different from the way they treated Barack Obama pardoning a FALN terrorist.


Nadler wrote “Michael Flynn lied to investigators about communicating with a foreign adversary. That’s a crime. Trump dangled a pardon in exchange for Flynn’s non-cooperation. That’s abuse of power.”


Flynn wasn’t a thief or a terrorist. He agreed that he lied under intense pressure and bullying. His son was under threat of FBI persecution, and he was out of funds. Flynn also said he didn’t lie to the Feds several times, but in the end, he took the plea deal.


Nadler added, “this pardon is another stain on Trump’s rapidly diminishing legacy.”


“This pardon is undeserved, unprincipled, and one more stain on President Trump’s rapidly diminishing legacy.


The fact is that people who support Trump are thrilled that he pardoned the General who served his country for thirty years.


“Michael Flynn was fired from the White House for lying to senior officials. He pleaded guilty—twice—to lying to federal investigators about his communications with a foreign adversary. Flynn’s agreement to cooperate with the government in exchange for those guilty pleas seemed light to some, given reports that Flynn and his son had engaged in far more disturbing criminal activity.


“It is important to talk about why the President pardoned Flynn. President Trump dangled this pardon to encourage Flynn to backtrack on his pledge to cooperate with federal investigators—cooperation that might have exposed the President’s own wrongdoing. And it worked. Flynn broke his deal, recanted his plea, received the backing of the Attorney General over the objections of career prosecutors, and now has secured a pardon from the President of the United States.


Nadler hunted for crimes by President Trump as if he assumed the role of Lavrentiy Beria, never finding one crime. He helped run a coup and now he’s doubling down.


“This pardon is part of a pattern. We saw it before, in the Roger Stone case—where President Trump granted clemency to protect an individual who might have implicated the President in criminal misconduct. We may see it again before President Trump finally leaves office. These actions are an abuse of power and fundamentally undermine the rule of law.


“The President’s enablers have constructed an elaborate narrative in which Trump and Flynn are victims and the Constitution is subject to the whims of the President. Americans soundly rejected this nonsense when they voted out President Trump. President-Elect Biden will soon take office and restore a measure of honor to the Office of the President. Between now and then, we must be vigilant to additional abuses of power, even as we look with hope to days to come.”


The elaborate narrative is his.









Anonymous ID: 6060bf Nov. 26, 2020, 10:15 p.m. No.11804084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4112 >>4169 >>4236 >>4311 >>4377 >>4489 >>4588


Dominion On The Run: Dominion VP is Missing… offices closing… Employees deleting social profiles


Eric Coomer, Dominion’s head of product and strategy, has disappeared. Representatives from Dominion also did not attend a court hearing in Pennsylvania on November 19. Its US headquarters in Denver was also suddenly closed and moved away. Their employees deleted their names from LinkedIn.

Anonymous ID: 6060bf Nov. 26, 2020, 10:22 p.m. No.11804138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4169 >>4311 >>4377 >>4480 >>4489 >>4588

These RINOs Are Democrats Who Want Trump Gone

By Devvy Kidd|November 26th, 2020


It’s down to two minutes, no time outs left, the stadium is silent, tense. Winning the game depends on your quarterback’s next play. He executes perfectly – the stadium roars as their team is now within reach of a win. QB is going to do a quick set up for a field goal.

But, wait! A referee is blowing the whistle, stop! The referee makes such an obvious bad call for a penalty, one would think he was throwing the game on purpose. The crowd goes wild, the quarterback is demanding the call be overturned; his team is outraged. They all saw the same thing: a fix. The clock runs out with no time to recover.

Does the team blame their star quarterback? No, they rally around him. A year later, after an internal investigation, the referee was found to be betting on games, cheating. But the team’s Super Bowl dream was long gone.

In 2000, the presidential election was hanging by a ballot chad – and for those who don’t remember, it wasn’t just hanging chads but pregnant ones, too! Like millions, I watched the entire asinine battle over ballot chads. It was nothing more than an effort to cheat Bush, Jr., out of winning the election. Al Gore (bechev) conceded but changed his mind in the early hours of the next morning.

The State of Florida ballot challenge was a circus that should never have happened. Gore’s mindless, brain dead supporters stood by him. Cheered him on because they believed Gore was being cheated out of a win. His party was unified and stood with him for challenging the vote, which he did – like any candidate in any election has the right to do.

Not so for President Trump. What’s referred to as ‘establishment’ Republicans have turned on Trump like the junk yard dogs they are. No surprise from sore loser, Sen. Willard Romney or Sen. Ben Sasse who has been an obvious Trump hater for years.


Bush, Jr., says Trump needs to concede; go away junior, get back to your painting and let mommy Laura get you lunch. Maryland’s GOP governor, Larry Hogan, said Trump needs to concede because the election results were overwhelmingly for Biden. It would appear Hogan has been on planet X the last 23 days.In addition to the aforementioned, these arrogant, swamp anuses have all congratulated Biden on his “win”:

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), Rep. Francis Rooney (R-FL), Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL), Rep. Paul Mitchell (R-MI), Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI), Rep. John Curtis (R-UT), Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-VA), another state which I believe Trump actually won, Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX) and Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY).

All of them are conveniently ignoring these glaring facts: Because the turn out for Trump was so massive, this is what it did for the Republican Party: Republicans now control redistricting coming next year by a margin of 27 states. Devastating for the Democrat/Communist Party USA. If they bothered to pay attention, the evidence of vote fraud is overwhelming. Second, Trump as a candidate has every right to contest the election – just like Gore.

The bottom line is all those RINOs have kicked their party’s leader in the gut. They should all do their constituents a favor and come out – register as a Democrat because you’re all now naked as a pig in a sty.

Not one of them believe in fair and honest elections. It took 37 days to resolve the Bush/Gore race. Support for Gore never wavered. It’s now been 23 days since America watched the greatest heist (next to the Federal Reserve Banking Act of 1913) ever perpetrated on the American people: the stealing of an election.

Last week, Sen. Tom Cotton said show us the evidence not press conferences. The purpose of the press conference was (1) a show of power and unity, and (2) to give Americans an overview of the legal war underway. Signed, sworn affidavits under penalty of perjury was discussed by Sidney Powell. They are evidence admitted in a court of law.

Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Jenna Ellis, Victoria Toensing, Joseph diGenova and all the other lawyers working on this steal are working under enormous pressure because of the time clock. I doubt many are getting much sleep, but they are fighting back. They are all very good at what they do and I believe the courts at all levels are prepared to deal with this constitutional crisis.


Waiting is always the hardest but We the People have to be patient. I know, the thought of Biden and his socialist/communist comrades getting into the White House is beyond stressful and truly frightening. Pray and ask God Almighty to show mercy and not let the cheaters win.

Anonymous ID: 6060bf Nov. 26, 2020, 10:33 p.m. No.11804221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4311 >>4377 >>4489 >>4588

November 26, 2020Democrats Must Regret Messing with Texas

One of the elusive goals of our corrupt intellectual culture is to turn Texas blue. Among the 4 most populous states, California, Texas, Florida, and New York, Texas is an exceptional electoral prize and one which, if turned to blue politics, would spell the end of Republican victories at the national level.

The 2018 senatorial run of Beto O’Rourke was a key insurgency toward that goal and $70 million dollars was spent compared to less than half of that for the incumbent Senator Ted Cruz. O’Rourke lost the election despite sizable gains in Congress for the Democrats broadly that fall. Many of the highly and deliberately deceptive polls painted Texas 2020 as once again in play. The latest effort to mess with Texas failed dramatically – again.

Texas was won by Republican Presidential incumbent Donald Trump by 52% to 46%. Trump won by more than 600,000 votes among almost 12 million votes cast. Democrats spent incredible sums of money trying to turn the state legislative chambers of Texas blue and failed miserably. Democrats targeted 22 races in hopes of turning at least nine to their side and flipping the chamber. They got zero. Wendy Davis also lost her congressional race despite being the Democrat standard bearer at one time for the governor’s race.

The most shocking Democrat loss was Zapata County — just north of the Rio Grande Valley along the border — by 6 points, 53% Trump to 47% for Biden. The county is 94% Hispanic. The last two presidential elections there were Clinton +33 and Obama +43. It is difficult to convey the dimensions of shock inflicted on the Democrats by this loss. This is a border county that epitomizes one of the most important slanders maintained by our intellectual culture against President Trump: President Trump hates Mexicans. He hates Mexican immigrants and he hates Hispanic people.

According to the narrative makers, President Trump wishes to keep Mexican children in cages at the border and separate them from their parents so that they never see them again. Zapata County rejected this argument and they were not alone. Studies of Hispanic Republicans in Texas finds that support for President Trump is around 79%. In 20 Texas counties— almost all along the Mexican border— Trump increased his support by more than 10% among voters compared to 2016. In another 22 counties in the same region, he improved his vote by 5-10%. By comparison, not a single county in Texas increased its support for Biden over Clinton by 10%. Only two counties in Texas showed reduced support for Trump of 5%. Both counties were urban counties away from the border.

There is a red wave springing up in Texas from the border and making Texas redder. Mexican immigration appears to increase support for Republican policies, and this voting result will have to give Democrats serious pause as they consider the supposed reality that immigration is always a winning issue for them. The win in Zapata and the growing support along the border points to untapped votes as rich as the fracked fossil fuels lurking below the surface of these regions. Republicans can go after these voters and possibly flip more Hispanic communities into the win column now that they see the profound vulnerability and collapse of the Democrats here. Democrats like Jill Biden and Beto O’Rourke spent time in these regions and Democrats sought to exploit the recent mass shooting in El Paso for their own political gain.

Democrats have told themselves many tall tales in the recent years of turning Texas blue. Among them is the story that voter turnout will turn the state. Texas is a state of under voting. If more people turn out, Democrats will win the state. Wrong again. Voter turnout was over 66% and up six percent from 2016. Republicans remained with the same dominance as before. Voting was not as high as in 1992 when Texas turnout of 72% also made the state redder.

Early voting is also supposed to be a charm for Democrats. Despite great amounts of early voting, the Republicans held and in many respect strengthened their future chances. In important state races such as the Senate seat held by John Cornyn or the Railroad Commissioner that controls energy development in the state, Republicans won these races by more than 10 percent.

Texas red power is set to grow in the coming years. The census moves two more House seats to Texas due to her growing population – taking them away from blue parts of the United States. Moreover, the Red legislative chambers allow Texas to re-district two more seats on more favorable terms. Messing with Texas comes with a cost and the growing clout of Texas to shape an American future of red politics stands squarely in the door of blue political ambitions.

Anonymous ID: 6060bf Nov. 26, 2020, 10:46 p.m. No.11804317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4377 >>4489 >>4588



The dozen belated disclosures that turned the tide in Michael Flynn’s case

Long-withheld evidence of innocence revealed the FBI never thought it had a case against former Trump national security adviser.


What a difference three years makes.


During Thanksgiving 2017, retired three-star general Michael Flynn was somberly making plans to head to court and plead guilty to a charge of lying to the FBI during a late January 2017 interview, his reputation in tatters and his bank account drained.


A day before Thanksgiving this year, a jubilant Flynn took a phone call from President Trump to learn his conviction had been erased by a full pardon.


In between, a legal drama of epic proportions unfolded, one that exposed deep flaws with the FBI, the Justice Department and a news media industry that had been sold a story with many conflicting secrets.


The dramatic reversal of the Flynn case began with the determination of a new lawyer, Sidney Powell, who took over the former Trump national security advisor’s defense and relentlessly fought to unseal evidence of innocence the government had long tried to conceal.


Here are the 10 biggest (and belated) disclosures that Powell forced to light that turned the tide in a case that became a symbol of prosecutorial excesses during the Russia collusion case.


Case Closure Memo. Weeks before the FBI sought to interview Flynn, the lead FBI agent who had investigated the retired general for five months wrote a memo to close the investigation on Jan. 4, 2017, concluding he had found "no derogatory" evidence that Flynn committed a crime or posed a national security threat. FBI management then ordered the closure to be rescinded and pivoted toward trying lure Flynn into an interview.

Agent’s ‘Get Trump’ Confession. In an extraordinary interview with prosecutors this fall, the FBI agent who led the Flynn case, William Barnett, admitted there was never evidence of wrongdoing by the retired general or Russian collusion by Trump, but the probe was kept open by Special Counsel Robert Mueller because his team was obsessed with punishing the president. "With respect to Flynn’s [phone call] with the Russian ambassador in December 2016 BARNETT did not believe Flynn was being directed by TRUMP. BARNETT did not believe FLYNN had any additional information to provide SCO. Barnett believed the prosecution of Flynn by SCO was used as a means to 'get TRUMP,’” the interview stated.

Not a Russian agent. A Justice Department memo exonerated Flynn of Russia collusion on Jan. 30, 2017, nearly a year before he pled guilty. "The FBI did not believe Flynn was acting as an agent of Russia," the DOJ memo states.

‘Playing Games.’ The rush to interview Flynn in the absence of any evidence of wrongdoing created significant concerns for Assistant FBI Director for Counterintelligence William Priestap, who poignantly questioned whether the bureau was “playing games” with the interview strategy. "What is our goal?,” Priestap wrote in his handwritten notes that suddenly turned up as evidence in spring 2020. “Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?"

Anonymous ID: 6060bf Nov. 26, 2020, 10:46 p.m. No.11804320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4330 >>4377 >>4489 >>4588



Infamous Obama White House meeting. Ordinarily, the White House steers clear of any involvement in FBI criminal investigations. But notes and records that turned up earlier this year show the FBI briefed President Obama and Vice Preident Joe Biden on Jan. 5, 2016 on the state of the Flynn case. The president gave an instruction for the FBI to put its best people on continuing the probe while Biden suggested considering using the Logan Act to prosecute Flynn, the memos suggest.

No deception. The FBI agents who interviewed Flynn, including the now-fired Peter Strzok, did not believe Flynn intended to lie or be deceptive in his interview. "Strzok provided his view that Flynn appeared truthful during the interview," a memo from Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller's team stated

Logan Act threat wasn't real. DOJ officials immediately did not believe Flynn could realistically be prosecuted under the Logan Act for his conversations with the Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe testified he was told such a prosecution was a "long shot," and former Assistant Attorney General Mary McCord "said that upon learning of Flynn’s phone calls with Ambassador Kislyak, a Logan Act prosecution seemed like a stretch to her,” DOJ memos say.

DOJ heartburn. Senior Justice officials expressed concern and alarm at the way the FBI was treating Flynn, including trying to interview him without the normally required notification to the Trump White House. Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates expressed significant concern that White House officials weren't being advised. “The interview was problematic from Yates’ perspective because, as a matter of protocol and courtesy, the White House Counsel’s Office should have been notified beforehand," a DOJ memo stated

Disguising a required warning. FBI officials debated whether they could avoid, disguise or slip in the required FBI admonition against lying to agents at the start of Flynn's interview to keep him off guard. "It would be an easy way to just casually slip that in," FBI lawyer Lisa Page texted during the discussions

FBI Deception. James Comey bragged in a videotaped interview that he authorized the FBI to try to conduct a Flynn interview without the proper notifications and protocol, hoping to catch Flynn and the new Trump White House off guard. In other words, they didn't follow procedure or treat Flynn like others when it came to due process. Comey said the tactic was "something I probably wouldn't have done or maybe gotten away with in a more organized administration

Interview Reports Edited. According to evidence DOJ disclosed to Powell earlier this year, FBI officials subsequently edited the original Flynn interview report. After Strzok and fellow special agent Joe Pientka interviewed the Trump adviser, Pientka wrote the original interview report, known as a 302, then Strzok heavily edited it, so much so that he worried he was “trying not to completely re-write” the memo. Then FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who neither attended the interview nor is an agent, edited it again, according to the DOJ evidence. And then that version of the 302 was never given to the court. Instead, a substitute summary of the interview written months later was presented as official evidence, an act current and former FBI officials told me was extraordinarily unusual.

Flynn's visit with Putin was approved, not nefarious. In fact, his December 2015 visit to Moscow was cleared by his former employer, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and he received a defensive briefing before he went to Russia and debriefed with U.S. intelligence after he returned

Anonymous ID: 6060bf Nov. 26, 2020, 11:01 p.m. No.11804420   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Secret Service Code Names of 10 U.S. Presidents

Anonymous ID: 6060bf Nov. 26, 2020, 11:03 p.m. No.11804435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4469 >>4502

==Jackie Kennedy's Secret Service Agent Reveals the Family's Code Names

They all started with the letter L.==



MAY 9, 2016

Kennedy FamilyGETTY IMAGES

Secret Service Agent Clint Hill served as close witness to some of the most important moments of the 20th century (the Cuban Missile Crisis, the beginning of the Vietnam War, Cold War tensions, and Nixon's resignation, just to name a few). He will also be forever remembered for his heroic actions during the Kennedy assassination.


And while his new book, Five Presidents: My Extraordinary Journey with Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford (Gallery Books), focuses broadly on his experiences in the secret service, with sections dedicated to each president he protected, one specific detail of the Kennedy administration caught our eye: the family's code names.


As is tradition, the security monikers all began with the same letter. "The code names given to the Kennedys all began with the letter 'L,'" Hill wrote. In reference to Camelot, President Kennedy was "Lancer," Jackie was "Lace," Caroline was "Lyric," andJFK Jr. was "Lark."


The family's residences had code names as well, all starting with "C." The White House was, fittingly, "Crown," Camp David was called "Cactus," and Glen Ora—the family's weekend retreat in Northern Virginia—was known as "Chateau."


And while not every secret service agent had a code name, somewhere along the line, Hill earned the title of "Dazzle." He's still not quite sure who came up with it, or why, but he used it for the rest of his career.