"Dominion VP is Missing"
17,493 views•Nov 26, 2020
"Eric Coomer, Dominion's head of product and strategy, has disappeared.
Representatives from Dominion also did not attend a court hearing in Pennsylvania on November 19.
Its US headquarters in Denver was also suddenly closed and moved away. Their employees deleted their names from LinkedIn."
One of the many comments under the video. The following one was written in reply to one comment that the actions undertaken by DVS and Coomer are understandable considering the many threats received from the MAGA crowd. Their actions are in no way an indication of guilt regarding the voter fraud allegations leveled against them.
A Reply: "30+ years attorney: an attorney, even a bad one, will not allege "fraud" lightly. Especially a very experienced and accomplished attorney like Sidney Powell. It is the "third rail" in a court of law. It's akin to "yelling fire in a crowded theater" unless you, yourself, are actually aflame. It's like being in a "life or death" situation where you HAVE to ask a woman if "she's pregnant". You still don't do it unless you can "see the baby's head 'crowning' ". If you plead any type of fraud, you KNOW you've "got the goods". Conversely, if you find yourself being sued for committing fraud, and you are INNOCENT, you hire the best "white shoe" defamation attorney in the Country, IF, your accuser has "deep pockets" or $$$$$$ as most state statutes will award you, a defendant who wins a fraud lawsuit brought against them, TREBLE (3xs) and even PUNITIVE damages AND attorney's costs and fees. So if Dominion Voting Systems or ANY of the number of companies mentioned in the lawsuits is/are INNOCENT, you HIRE the BEST attorneys and get in front of EVERY GD CAMERA in the World and PROCLAIM YOUR INNOCENCE. Conversely, the LAST thing you should do IF YOU ARE INNOCENT is exactly what DVS and pantifa psychopath, or worse, Eric Coomer is doing, i.e., running for the hills and hiding, deleting your social media footprint, including your most cherished LinkedIn account. That's equivalent to throwing your career away. In fact, there's not much more these soon to be felons (yes, engaging in voter fraud IS a felony) could do to BROADCAST THEIR GUILT than what they are currently doing. They are ALL going to be CENTER STAGE as this biggest scandal in 100 years, a full century or more, plays out. For DVS isn't just going to be found guilty of co-conspiring in the greatest VOTER FRAUD CONSPIRACY in U.S. history, DVS is going to be implicated in DOZENS, or DOZENS OF DOZENS of voter fraud cases that will be brought ALL OVER THE WORLD all courtesy of its MOST FAVORITE U.S. PRESIDENT OF ALL TIME, DONALD J. TRUMP who will use his unequaled BULLY PULPIT to inform the entire World of DVS's role in the 2020, 2018, 2016….elections in the U.S. as well as share information the U.S. might have about DVS roles in foreign elections. This must really suck for Biden supporters but it must REALLY suck for DVS, and all other dirty e-voting companies AND the state election reps, SoSs, governors and all candidates who had knowledge of any hacking scheme. It all really comes down to 2016: DVS and all others ON THE WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY….. NEVER THOUGHT THAT SHE WOULD LOSE. It is now time to pay the piper. It is now time for the PAIN."