Frens, BIDEN has been sacrificed.
The Cabal plans to live on to return another day.
CHINA will become its refuge.
The use of the election process to surround, uproot, and restore the RULE OF LAW will re-establish the AMERICAN WAY in direct rebuke and defeat of FOREIGN POWERS. The domestic participants in the CORRUPTION will be sacrificed by the CABAL.
It will be up to fellow AMERICANS to decided on penalties and potential generousity in forgiving the WRONGDOERS. That is an internal AMERICAN matter to be decided by AMERICAN justice.
But the FOREIGN POWERS, some of whom were implicitly trusted as full members of ALLIANCES going far back to past GLOBAL wars and threats, are also complicit. How to settle those transfressions will be determined by how those 'FRIENDLY POWERS' respond to AMERICA cleaning up this chaotic mess. The penalties for JOINT TREASON will be assessed by AMERICANS in light of both JUSTICE and generosity of old friends.
THE WORLD IS WATCHING the example of AMERICA. We must be prepared to right wrongs but also to show we are a forgiving AND JUST people. WE THE PEOPLE.
This may be the greatest challenge our COUNTRY and her PATRIOTS will face. How to treat the worst offenders amongst us. How to treat their ground level soldiers and co-conspirators. HOW TO SORT THE TOP from the rest. How to set examples that will live on and shine light on the cost of betrayal.
Q came to this BOARD for a reason.
Thank you BAKES, and all PATRIOTS who have and continue to serve here.