With many folks enjoying #Thanksgiving leftovers this evening, it's hard not to keep flying high on that #FridayFeeling.
5PM EST (or <17>)
SWA47 Plane
Q Post 47
You can paint the picture based solely on the questions asked.
Be vigilant today and expect a major false flag.
Does anyone find it to be a coincidence there is always a terrorist attack when bad news breaks for the D's?
What is that called?
Military relevant how?
BO could not and would not allow the military to destroy ISIS - why?
How was ISIS formed?
How has POTUS made such progress in the short time he's been President?
Alice & Wonderland.
based popo
Addressing China’s Coercive Tactics
>The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) takes advantage of the freedoms of the United States and other democracies to advance its own ideologically-driven narratives and manipulate world press coverage. The CCP accomplishes this by using government-owned or operated media outlets, as well as CCP-controlled “educational” and “cultural institutes” strategically located in the United States and overseas.
>Key representatives of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) actively use Western social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, all banned inside China, to spread lies and false narratives approved by the CCP core leadership. These entities serve to disseminate propaganda and disinformation while suppressing criticism about the CCP.
>Within China, the CCP controls the media and all forms of debate and information. The CCP also bans virtually all domestic access to international news and media outlets, threatens and intimidates foreign journalists who report critical stories about the CCP, and actively monitors and obstructs the flow of data through telecom networks and smartphone apps.
>In 2020, the U.S. Department of State determined that certain PRC-affiliated media entities operating in the United States were effectively controlled by a foreign government, thus meeting the definition of a “foreign mission” under the Foreign Missions Act. The Department proceeded to designate 15 PRC-affiliated media entities operating in the United States as foreign missions of the PRC and subsequently placed personnel caps on some.
The Covid data spies paid to know ALL your secrets: Town halls harvest millions of highly personal details including if you're being unfaithful or having unsafe sex
>A private firm inked deals with local authorities to gather data that can be used to predict who is likely to break lockdown, creating risk analyses for households
>The system, called Covid OneView, is produced by data analytics firm Xantura
>The information is culled from council records and includes family debt levels, living arrangements, income, school absences and exclusions. It is fed into a profiling system called Covid OneView to create a risk analysis for households and individuals who are believed to be vulnerable.
>Our investigation found that the information Covid OneView can gather included notes on:
>Unfaithful and unsafe sex, emotional health and wellbeing, sleep issues and dangerous pets
>Anger management issues and socially unacceptable behaviour
>Financial details, including debt, low income and tax arrears
>School attendance, low school commitment and free school meals