>>11806461 pb
Pretty much ancient Propaganda.
doubt if that is the original story either.
Wouldn't be surprised if it was fabricated for public consumption.
Not saying the underlying stories didn't exist.
But there's no proof.
The "GODS" telling its servants / food //what it could ever hope for. is impossible; "Aim low sheeples."
Nothing wrong with just living your life; But when they put a lid on it seems such a teaching:
"This is all you can expect" i.e. "The New Normal" is quite different from "Let the people get control of their lives so they can live life to the fullest and expand possibilities (instead of living under the control of the crooked / evil leaders)
So leaders would write that tale?
& contradicts the search "for Excellence?"
"Just Stay at Home"
which is what a mask-fag told my friend to do when he spoke up about the "lock - down"
12 parts / 12 journeys / 12 stories
Writer here 11th Encyclopaedia writes that Gilgamesh was some Babylonia Religion mnemonic, around an ancient hero
who was tested through various (12) adventures; An Ancient Archetype
Killing of the BULL reminiscent of Mitre cult / Adonis and of Theseus / Minos / Crete the "Minotaur"
I think it's all one story and the names migrated?
Zero faith is sustained in archeologists finding fragments; most of it has little proof of authenticity and could easy have been forged; as most of all that is.
Think of how much the "Y" folks lie?
Selling forged artifacts that could be quite a business?
Think of the crappy "modern art" they sell for billions
{munchin anyone?)
The story GilGam is told {-Esh means "God"?) instructed it is
Necessary to "serve the dead" - as with modern Mormonism
And serves to lead the living to feel guilty and frightened of death.
Fear Porm
It 's an ancient-style discouragement fagging
clips are from the Encyclopaedia Brit 11th edition