Break the system of corruption. God bless you.
Nov 20 2017 02:29:21 (EST) Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 8GzG+UJ9 150166936
When was this announced?
When did events in SA transpire?
Who controlled a large portion of Twitter stock?
Why is this relevant?
Define oppression.
Who controls the narrative?
Who really controls the narrative?
Who guards the narrative?
Does the MSM shelter and protect select ‘party’ members?
Does this protection insulate these ‘party’ members?
Who controls the narrative?
What laws were put in place to protect the MSM from lawsuits?
Who specifically passed this law?
What is immunity?
What prevents a news organization from simply ‘making up sources & stories’?
What prevents a news organization from simply ‘making up sources & stories’?
What previous SC ruling provided protection to reporters from having to reveal their ‘confidential’ source(s)?
How many people are unaware of the ‘truth’ due to the stranglehold?
How must people be made aware of an alternate reality?
What are crumbs (think H-wood/DC)
Define ‘lead-in’ (think play)?
What has been occurring recently?
The stage must be set.
Crumbs are easy to swallow.
What if Hugh Hefner was /a Clown In America?
What is a honeypot?
Define blackmail.
How could this be applied?
Fantasy land.
No Such Agency.
The hunter becomes the hunted.
Operations underway.
Operators active.
Disinformation is real.
Disinformation is necessary.
Silent war (some gets out).
The Great Awakening.
Iron Eagle.
Godfather III.
The Hunt for Red October.
Use your brain
>They tried to delete the proof.
>POTUS win - 1/20.
>Deep clean.
>They never thought she would lose.
On 1/20/17 Jarrett will hold the senior-adviser longevity record; she’ll turn off the lights in the White House and move on to another chapter in her life.
Jarrett will continue to harness her future to the Obamas’. Just as she helped with their transition to the White House, she’ll help with their transition out of it. She’ll be a key player in every aspect of the Obama Library and Museum, from pushing for it to be located at the University of Chicago, where she has deep ties, to helping to choose an architect, to raising money, to articulating and polishing the details of Barack Obama’s legacy.
These people are stupid!
Fuck Corsi Famefag
NO. He never had any control. Aren't you paying attention?