Anonymous ID: f40182 April 25, 2018, 9:17 a.m. No.1181326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1352


can't wait for those History books!


Btw.. what's in Djibouti?

Today's tweet from the DoD?


>U.S. Dept of Defense




>Did you say there’s 🍕 down there? Wait for me!


>@USAirForce #airmen perform a military free fall >jump in #Djibouti 🇩🇯. #KnowYourMil

Anonymous ID: f40182 April 25, 2018, 9:24 a.m. No.1181431   🗄️.is 🔗kun



And I must say, I really had goosebumps when listenign to THIS song, which has nothing to do with the Q-movement, yes, I guess, the musicians are more leftwingers….


BUT ! they are against Childabuse.


THis is the title Song from the movie

"An open Secret" about Hollywood Childabuse.

Evan H, was abused himself.


"Gary Lightbody, John McDaid, and Evan Henzi - A Call to Arms"
