pf - look it up
>hurry before I pass out
on my way - kek
<i guess virtual smoke out works for me tonight
waiting on
>[D]ec 5
>nothing can stop what is coming
hate datefagging, but one week from now is Dec 5
seriously dude
psyD is a thing - not a physician, but…
daughter anon is a forensic psych
works with juveniles who have been trafficked
and Psy D is definitely a specialty in the judicial system
agree to disagree.
my kid is in the trenches with these poor MK Ultra'd kids
she is doing serious clinical work trying to fix the fooked brains of these kids
she does not medicate - yes, only MD's can do that, but her work is all clinical and more intensive than what the MD's do.
drugs won't fix these kids - we all know that
not completely wrong
KidAnon practices in Cali
#Not Authorized to prescribe drugs
although she did take all the classes and could do it if necessary
really she took the classes so she can tell if someone if fucked up from drugs and not mental health issues