Do they celebrate in Greece?
Whats up w/Ellen?
Yep…and we officially become property.
I've seen commercials come up 27 min long.
Seen maybe 2 commercials that have remote interest in my life on YT.
The worse ones. GOOGLE ads. poor man's apple ads w/Diversity.
This anon is over 50 and never married. Kinda wanted to, but don't like the idea of the state involved or a priest for that matter.
Somewhere God's doing it doggy style
Scare even necessary. Still not sure what to think.
Virus is real and a hoax at the same time (fucking flu season)
Where does China/CCP fit in. Plenty of real reports of it being man made, but yet, it wasn't that deadly, so ….
How anyone with a fucking brain is still scared is beyond me….but I have relatives who are all locked up and hate Trump still.
Dems 110% using the virus for mail in ballots ..check
Repubs aware of it, but not going fully balls out and calling it what is is and not totally opening up some places, but still miles better than Dem cities/states.
Is CCP virus being used for white hap ops as a cover? When's it end? 1.21.21?
Dems expended ammo, but locking down further….I think that's a CCP push to fuck the economy.
China was anticipating a big downturn/recession/depression possibly even and used this as an excuse…but that same idea was imported to the US/CAN/Europe, 5 eyes to bring on the great reset….where is this ultimately going?
Its suicidal
Maybe if FED is privatized it fits the plan, but yet the DOW is at $30k
It's a question, not concern faggot.