Would be much better, at this point, for all Patriots to deactivate and make them lose money. (Although they probably get propped up with out tax dollars some tricky way anyways.) Fuck 'em.
Mokume gane gold is the shit.
Ayyyy Tone.
A common MEME on here. Ay Tone, wooden doors? Etc.
When you don't want 'em you get 100. When you want 'em you can't find one.
Not all, just extending: atone - a tone - ayyy Tone.
Just fuckin' around. Sorry if I got you off track of something important. I'll be here all night.
Nazirites in the Bible = good.
Nazis= bad.
What the deal?
Why there isn't a Mont Blanc with a Mokume Gane nib is a mystery.
I ain't cuttin' my herrr.
Thank you for that Ay Tone GOLD!
CERN is filled with retarded faggots.