I can bake the next bread.
Spergs? On the chans?! No…
This. Remember that in the world of MI, we are neither M nor I, and given how stupidly some of us act, our life expectancy in real "step into the night" shit would be about five seconds.
Anons need to quit pretending they're better than they really are and know their fucking place in all this.
Q doesn't owe us faggots shit, yet we're expected and capable of making connections and developing material to disseminate to those who can't or won't.
>hurrmagerd we need substantial action nao…
Again, you aren't owed shit. Plus, if Q hinting at the nationality of a would-be NY suicide bomber isn't "confirmation" enough for you, then please fuck right off. The world doesn't operate on your precious whims, fairies, so quit whining and shut the fuck up.