All roads lead to Rome...
This is not now and has never been a secret tho. >>11894
Please crossposted these in other thread so they don’t get lost. Thx
Rh negative albino gene causes it.
Yep it is. Look it up. This is not a secret.
And what if nothing happens...next week? The week after that? 6 months from now?
The defcon 1 thing really rubbed me the wromg way. That’s not a statement one makes lightly especially given the implications of who Q is associated with. Many military anons were pissed.
I showed the marker clock graphics to a friend who once again looked at me like I was nuts and brushed it off. It looks like random gibberish to most people. Most people don’t even want to be bothered deciphering a cryptic graphic.
Most people are not as dumb as is assumed here. Normies know all of this corruption shit. They also know there ain’t shit they can do about it. If you speak up loud enough you get killed and nothing changes. Snitches get stitches. They don’t want to fucking die.
Really not trying to derail into alien territory but not like much else is going’s on here atm to disrupt. But to keep it short. If you believe in the Bible you believe in Fällen Angels. Wtf is a fallen angel, they didn’t fall from earth now did they, no from the “heavens” where the fuck is that? Outer space somewhere, somewhere not here.
And they amazed with the DAUGHTERS of man. There’s your Y mtdna maternal bloodline clue.
And they were evil and corrupt and blah blah blah. They were fucking aliens my dudes.
Mated not amazed
Good question. We changed boards so why didn’t everyone else follow? It’s just a click away, they lost interest that easily?
We are owed freedom and justice. And we should not be expected to go blindly into some war, information or not, without proper safety precautions or training. That’s just literally throwing yourself into the lions den, no whip, no gun, no stool. Are we disposable pawns? Wtf..NOTHING HAS HAPPENED
Yeah it’s just weird...unless they were mostly chat bots...
Fallen Angels. Aliens. I’m not a Bible fag per se but it’s a historically important document and should be regarded as such. Just like histor6 books in schools, some is flat out lies and some is true. If not aliens or fallen angels it could have just meant a group of people with fucked up mutant dna. The albino derinkuyu, turkey mt Ararat cave dweller theories and dna studies all point very stronly to white people coming out of nowhere from Central Asia, and they were not welcome at all by anyone. Europe used to Be all black people.
But these red/blonde haired albino cannibal giant Germanics started invading shit left and right, and that is how white people spread. I’ve done years of research on this and the info is out the there and this is not the place of get into all the details but sure as hell something changed in the dna to make these nephilim, annunaki, Fallen Angels stories live on for thousands of years. Some theories think it was a virus which mutated the dna. That makes sense too. And virus are spread by rna which is called “Messenger” proteins....
Angels are called messengers.
I don’t know the real answer but I do know somhow these ancient people knew waayyyyyyyy more than we give them credit for.
I had a hunch RR out meant someone flew out of Ronald regan airport. Who tho I dunno.
Yeah 5hats what I said. Ashkenazi means German. I know. That’s why I said they are not the real Jews of the Bible but they sure as hell claim to be.
And I do have tons of knowledge about the history. Central Asians migrated to Germany and then down into Italy and then the rest of Europe. The etruscans were ancestrally identical to the Turks. Turkey, khazakstan, Armenia area is the cradle of European ancestry. That is where blond hair blue eyes originated and it was a dna Mutation that spread for whatever reason. The brown haired white skinned Europeans now are a result of the mixture of ancestrally dark melinated Original Europeans, which were the same as Africans, mixing with the mutant white albino Central Asians.
Native Americans are of central Asian ancestry. Not East Asian, they came alllll the way from Central Asia.
Important to note there’s 3 main types of alb8no mutations. Not all are the red eyed stark white haired kinds you might be imagining.
Albino also causes straight hair, which is why white people have straight hair, after leaving Central Asia they then also spread into east Asia and down into Australia…mixing with the dark malinated people. The straight hair survived, the lighter skin tone survived. Of course it gets more complicated..that’s all I have to say about it now tho. Bc it’s Not really Q related at the moment…even tho potus just tweeted witch hunt, and the cannibal pedo stuff is Germanic/Druid’s in origin…ahhh I’m trying to bite my tongue.
Europe is translated to “roped off” tho bc white people were originally roped off in exile, could be because of their mutant dna.
Rh- blood and Neanderthal and albino genetics all contribute to genetic disorders that are NOT found in sub Saharan Africans, like schizophrenia….
Ok ok I’m done now
Pure human? Not sure what that means to you. I think we are all just sacks of flesh tbh. I’m white, I’m not a satanic cannibal. I want to know the historical truth but it’s not going to make me like or hate anyone more.
Turn on tweet notifications to be sent to your phone then even if wet is deleted you still have the text message with tweet and time
Yeah it was worded wrong. The type of albino found in sub Saharan Africans is generally believed to be a random mutation that is different from the gene in Europeans. Albinos have it rough in africa. Evidence points to the European albino gene being the crazy schizo one and also where the “giants” originated. Germans and surrounding are very tall robust people to this day.
It is supposedly. It’s the only blood that can’t be cloned….and so much more. Plenty of info out there for you to dig. Plenty of bullshit to ade thru too. Truth seeking is time consuming shit!
We are humans. A healthy dose of question Andy doubt isn’t a bad thing imho. We are frustrated and having a little vent sesh
Yes indeed. Which is why tweet notifications sent to your phone will add an extra layer of confirmation.
Fuck I meant isn’t it? Not not…fml autocorrect
We have no way of knowing what the disinfo is…maybe we are spreading disinfo to help the mission by muddying the waters and confusing the fuck out of the enemy. Maybe corsi is telling the truth, maybe he is the disinfo. As of now we don’t know.
It might be as simple as unsecured trips are the only ones that are the same here and 4chan. If either goes down he can post on the other and retain his trip. Secure and super secure do not offer that.