WALTHAM (CBS) – Waltham Police are warning residents of “unprovoked, random assaults” that have taken place in the city in recent weeks.
According to police, at least nine people in the city of Waltham have been assaulted at different locations since Nov. 10.
Police say the victims have been alone, struck from behind or without provocation. The attacks have occurred between 5:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m.
At first, the attacks were going on at the GardenCrest Apartment Complex in Waltham, but police now say there have been recent incidents in the downtown areas of Chestnut Street and Charles Street.
A Waltham resident who was attacked at the GardenCrest Apartment Complex told WBZ-TV in Spanish that he is afraid to return to the area he was assaulted.