Some solid info here from Jeff Prather ex sof operator/dia etc. Knows how the ds operates.
He is convinced Barr is DS and would have prosecuted Q for revealing classified intel here. I'm sure Q is either Mike Flynn or connected to him so maybe that explains the Trump Pardon in another light. This may be to prevent Barr going full retard trying to take out the Q operation if the WH falls to the cabal.
I'm thinking Prather is likely correct because Barr appointed the conservative hating Yale grad Robert Heberle to 'investigate' the election fraud. (Cover it up in as plausible a way as possible so the truth never sees the light of day.)
Durham has been missing in action for 3 years indicates and was part of the team who covered up CIA torture and Mueller's role in the Whitey Bulger affair. I'm not expecting anything from DOJ, this has to come from the military. They are likely the group of government people who are still true to the constitution, given most military people willingly provide selfless service to their country and are strong willed patriots. It's harder for the marxists to infiltrate and corrupt that institution.
Pure speculation and probably not true but just getting it out there