Anonymous ID: 564321 Nov. 28, 2020, 9:27 a.m. No.11819254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9617


I understnand why these CDAN exposures are interesting and maybe important but nothing ever seems to happen to these disgusting people…..if anons were to do this we would get the book thrown at us… WHEN, when do they finally get charged with the crimes they commit and have to answer for them? Maybe I am naive and no I am not a newbie but after seeing this shit for 3 years how the fuck with all of this disclosure are they still getting away with it all?

Anonymous ID: 564321 Nov. 28, 2020, 9:50 a.m. No.11819506   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Yeah so I am so ready, so ready for this show to really get started and get rolling. Where do we enter in? I am not a soldier nor know anything about MIL Intel but if any one is here from the Q team or knows more than anons…..when is this thing gonna get moving in a better direction? Its heartwrenching watching the process of judges refusing real evidence, watching an imposter of a candidate walk around like he is President and also listen to lie after lie about our awesome President who is the rightful President. Its like the old story, only the true King can be crowned….the opposition needs to be taken out by swiping them off their feet….I don't want any more people killed or harassed or threatened or made to feel like their patriotic views and lifestyles are some sort of crime, that being a Christian or anything spiritual is a crime. I am ready to be of service to those who may need assistance that is my superpower supporting others during times of pain grief and confusion… I ask when does this get rolling…..Please Lord God make it happen sooner than later….its quite hard to continue to HOld the line and exercise patience when you have known the truth for so long.

Rant over.

Anonymous ID: 564321 Nov. 28, 2020, 10:08 a.m. No.11819659   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah exactly my point but I put it in much more simple obvious terms….the next level that is what i want as well…its sickening to be "shown" what they have done with no consequences….I pray everyday and ask for patience and the ability to let the plan play out but I am human and running out of the ability to be patient….