Also an armchair medical researcher here. Now retired. Trained microbiologist. As a scientific discipline, virology is still in its infancy. Although knowledge is expanding exponentially, far more is NOT known than IS known. The prevailing default view is that viruses are either benign or dangerous, but I'm inclined to think that eons of evolutionary co-existence with microbes of every description has allowed us to use them for positive purposes. For example, mitochondria are believed to be ancient bacteria which eukaryotic plant and animal cells found useful for energy production - a form of biological indentured servitude. I agree that many, if not most, viruses may well be in commensal relationships with us. If true, then the targeting of specific viral pathogens, currently rather crude, blunt-force weapons, may do more harm than good by interfering with subtle but necessary natural processes which remain to be identified.
The best approach for us is to take care of our immune systems through proper diets, appropriate nutritional supplementation, maintenance of a slightly alkaline internal chemistry (ideal urine pH of 6.6), and routine detoxing regimens in our increasingly toxic modern world. SARS-CoV-2 has proven to be barely more infective and no more deadly than the seasonal flu. Like HIV before it, this "bug" became a very convenient political weapon, shamelessly used as justification to assault our inalienable rights and liberties… while facilitating the “Theft by the Left” in the latest election. That’s an impressive two-fer for a crowd who’s getting better and better at never allowing a good crisis to go to waste.
This so-called pandemic amounts to a form of soft tyranny… just to see how effective the last few decades of dumbing down, social conditioning, and de-masculinization efforts have been on the herd. How much can we get away with? How far can we push them? How close to the skin can we sheer before the sheep bite back? These are all critically important considerations for any shrewd despot.
Back to the comfy confines of science. Vaccines, in my humble opinion, are an even worse form of political folly, in addition to being a form of hard tyranny which directly assaults the natural biological functions of our bodies. Any synthetic (i.e. not self) components in vaccines are likely to stick/adhere to natural (i.e. self) blood serum components and trigger immune cells to view the entire complex as foreign (again, not self). My worry is that this is confusing to our cell-mediated immune processes, resulting in the production of antibodies to both the synthetic moiety and the natural moiety, thus creating a bewildering array of auto-immune disease pathologies. Documentary evidence that this may be the case can easily be found by examining the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) over time. Or one can just pay attention long enough to the gradual rise in the incidence of such multi-sympton syndromes in themselves, their family members, their friends, their co-workers, etc.
One of the many reasons why I pray for a second DJT term is because of the opportunity it presents for the total exposure of all the swamp creatures embedded in the medical/industrial/pharmaceutical/regulatory complex and the full disclosure of cheap and effective therapies for chronic, progressive disease processes. The solutions to America’s heath care crisis must focus on cleaning up the air, food, and water supplies and educating people with regard to the importance of abiding by nature and nature’s laws. Reducing the demand for allopathic health “services” will bring down both the monetary and the social costs for all. Government-imposed supply side interventions are guaranteed to be inappropriate and harmful, without addressing the inherent causes of ill health.
Viral-fag signing off…