Done in 30
What if SC next week, by Dec 4 receives:
1- DNI assessment (required within 45 days) of [F] influence in E2020 Fraud, with evidence gained from 305th Mil Intel (aka Kracken according to Gen McInerney) showing not only [F] nations, but DNC, Domestic Gov. Agencies, and Groups aiding and abetting the Fraud.
2- DNI assessment pursuant to EO 4.4.20, showing media companies also aiding and abetting Election Fraud involving [F] nations, entities and groups.
AND what if The Committee established by EO of 4.4.20 re. [F] Participation in media, ORDERs, citing DNI assessment of NatSec threats, immediate Mitigation of threats by reporting news in a non partisan way, honoring rule of law and Supreme Court actions as established law, ordering SM to remove censor of conservative opinions and remove fact checking.
Then on [D]ec 5 Potus declares victory at GA (Great Awakening) Rally, Libs explode and media pursuant to Mitigation covers Potus declarations as possible, as opposed to calling him a dictator, and censors removed from SM for conservatives and calls for insurrection by libs result in censors and deplatforming because it is illegal.