Anonymous ID: 3d21f8 Nov. 28, 2020, 5:48 p.m. No.11823804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3864 >>3999

>>11823699 (pb)

LOLOLOL right. Pathetic fucking fungal infested tranny….been fucking up this place on PURPOSE with it's gang of teeny peen bakers.


You've got a fucking GLOWIE in the kitchen lads. Or didn't you notice, or did you notice and not give af as long as you were getting away with it?




The child porn being posted on here was from a GLOWIE'S 'injection file". You know, the shit the FBI stashes on your computer before they bust your doors down and arrest you for possession of KP?


White hats know that. The KP was OLD and they know exactly what investigation it came from.


==I had "a word" (like I promised you I would) and it stopped, just like I told you it would. Sure hope you're not "involved". 7 condoms won't save you.



Anonymous ID: 3d21f8 Nov. 28, 2020, 5:53 p.m. No.11823867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3934 >>3946 >>4288

I wonder—if you know, really KNOW the links between Prometheus, StarGate (SG1) which I'm currently working my way through. The script writers/producers are almost exclusively Jews. They are telling you who they are.


"The Goa'uld (pronounced "Go-ah-oold" or sometimes "Goold") are a race of sentient parasitic beings that take over hosts. Several species can serve as hosts, including humans and Unas. They originated on the planet designated P3X-888. They are also extremely egomaniacal due to their genetic memory and the adverse mental effects of the Sarcophagus technology. Goa'uld means "god" in the Goa'uld language. Races which will not serve them are completely destroyed without compromise or mercy whatsoever. (SG1: "Children of the Gods", "Thor's Hammer", "The First Ones") "


Pay careful attention to the description of the Archquloids. Right down to the fucking hat. This is why Jesus said of the identity thieving Sadducees and Pharisees that they were of the Synagogue of Satan…..and these are the "people" that have managed to convince the entire world that (((THEY))) deserve your loyalty….while they literally burn the world down (again) for their parasitical overlords.


this time linked to the right video


you won't believe your eyes.


who has been running things?


the choice to know will be yours


the truth will put 99% of people in hospital

Anonymous ID: 3d21f8 Nov. 28, 2020, 6 p.m. No.11823934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4218


For years now I've been trying to explain the difference between "jews". I've told you a certain group committed identity theft. Their drive to kill the world is persistent. They swarm like angry bees—-I've said over and over "it's like they are running a program".


I've finally sorted it out. There IS truth in fiction. The reason why they are driven to destroy us? They are parasitical niggers who will NEVER be as amazing as we are.


See that big hat on top of the Easter Island statue? (((WHOSE))) big hats does that remind you of?

Anonymous ID: 3d21f8 Nov. 28, 2020, 6:04 p.m. No.11823971   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No, I'm saying I tired of the endless CP posting. I'm saying I knew the photos were from an old stash because I've been involved in CP hunts before. I'm saying I posted that 7 condoms would not protect the glowie posting it. I'm saying I know how the glowies set people up with CP. I'm saying I know SOME fucking glowies keep a CP stash from old investigation to use against their "enemies" in a fucking set up.


I'm saying I "had a word" and the glowie fucking stopped posing CP. Read into that what you fucking want. The CP stopped, didn't it?


There are a million and one ways to "have a word". I gave fair warning, the CP continued, I "had a word" and it stopped.



Anonymous ID: 3d21f8 Nov. 28, 2020, 6:07 p.m. No.11823994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4074




I've been working on this 'puzzle' for years and the pieces are sliding together nicely. You'll have a choice. Allow the parasite to be removed, or—


Either way, it's curtains. I was astounded at watching StarGate SG1 that I'd never seen before….the arrogance of telling us exactly who they fucking are, exactly how they are driven to destroy HUMANS and enslave them—right in your fucking face. The hooknose small hat Archs are finished.

Anonymous ID: 3d21f8 Nov. 28, 2020, 6:16 p.m. No.11824089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4113


LOL you're a fucking idiot. Enjoy your time in the gulag. You're fucked. Did you really think you would get away with it? Tech has come a long way since you were "active".


I wonder, will they need to search nearby rivers for your computer? No–lol your arrogance has made you careless.


I wonder…using an old injection stash….what else might be on your computer that you didn't post?

Anonymous ID: 3d21f8 Nov. 28, 2020, 6:21 p.m. No.11824124   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>US MIL vaccine deploy timing aligns exactly w/ election cert timing,

Apparently they already forced a COVID "vaccine" on the OH National Guard.


Sorry no sauce, saw it phonefagging the other day.

Anonymous ID: 3d21f8 Nov. 28, 2020, 6:24 p.m. No.11824153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4182



Did you fuckers really think you were "immune". You're pathetic. Imagine explaining to a judge why you used Child Porn to attempt to disrupt and drive posters away from a simple Mongolian Basket Weaving forum. Extradition. Or maybe just something as clean as not waking one morning.


Either way you've done went and fucked yourselves.


we can hear you breath


Might as well neck yourself now.

Anonymous ID: 3d21f8 Nov. 28, 2020, 6:27 p.m. No.11824165   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I found it difficult to believe too. However, everything is starting to line up. Even farsight did an RV on our "leaders" being under the control of something. You can't deny the differences in Obama, Biden, etc. This Arch shit dovetails nicely.

Anonymous ID: 3d21f8 Nov. 28, 2020, 6:40 p.m. No.11824276   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Really makes you think. Personally I was not "on board" with the whole "aliens among us" bullshit until I saw that linked video. I had started watching Stargate SG1 for a different reason. THEN I saw that video and thought WTAF is this what Q means? I've been "assigned" a "mission" re portals and stargates..


Why do you think (((THEY))) are so desperate to get into Iran?

>they didn't find it in









They need that last one….Notice what happens to a jungle area once the US Deep State finds it.

Anonymous ID: 3d21f8 Nov. 28, 2020, 6:43 p.m. No.11824298   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>we make you go BOOM!

US did not blow up that Scientist. Desperate last Space Kike attempt to spark war with Iran.


They did the same thing to Putin. OMG Putin is poisoning his political rivals.


Stupid Space Kikes.

Anonymous ID: 3d21f8 Nov. 28, 2020, 6:51 p.m. No.11824360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4493


I was gobsmacked when I saw that video. It just made everything slide into place. I was never a "space niggers control us" tard…but my research into the identity of these identity thieves and their relentless drive to eliminate us, enslave us? I kept saying "it's like they're running a program". I studied the way the Space Kikes brainwash their kids….how they "activate" the parasite inside them….I guess now I'm a believer. I have been collecting shit for years. The Farsight Institute trailer (I've not seen the entire thing because I don't need to)…about human leadership being compromised….I think we can all agree that's true.


Farsight has done a pretty good job nailing things down. HOWEVER I am aware (as are they) that each viewer is looking at specific points in a specific timeline and we're swapping timelines so fast now it's head spinning.


I did find some other "pearls" they're starting to drop that are 100% true. Stripping of memories, human "shells" (husks–we call them NPCs). It's pretty damn amazing.


I cannot deny the links. It is what it is. THEY LIVE was a documentary.

Anonymous ID: 3d21f8 Nov. 28, 2020, 6:56 p.m. No.11824407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4504


LOL parasitical narrative switchers. I am not the one that needs to be afraid.


I see what I see. I ended your CP reign of terror. Didn't I?


Yes, yes I did. The very day after I warned you. Now—keep on digging that hole.

Anonymous ID: 3d21f8 Nov. 28, 2020, 7:07 p.m. No.11824503   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Found it. go to 3:07 for carving. The whole video is informative about knight's armor


HOLY SHIT bro—if I needed any more confirmation, this is fucking IT. My task was to collect information from ALL scattered sources and slide the puzzle together. I am now, more than ever, 100% sure that this is what Q meant by "who has been ruling" and choice to know" and "will put 99% in hospital".


Never in my life did I imagine posting this. But the evidence….see it's true that "not all jews" and that the identity has been convoluted for centuries. I was tracking them from Hyksos and Egypt and had been wavering on the Sea Peoples. They literally stole the "identity' of a stupid ass desert tribe. They've been "interbreeding" for centuries. It's amazing. I'm not a Christian and the identity of "Jesus" has pretty much been cleared up for me—but HE KNEW….and he said so. These people stole Sumerian epics, rewrote them with themselves as the heroes, chose themselves as the "favorite" of God, then set about infiltrating all human institutions and "gifting" them fear-based religions, then harvesting all that "prayer energy" for themselves.


However, it is also true that "greater is that that is WITHIN ME than within those that rule the world"…that's why they're so driven to genocide us.


Once you start looking at genocides around the world you will find Space Nigger—every.single.time.