Anonymous ID: 13597e Nov. 28, 2020, 7:21 p.m. No.11824609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4658

>>11824493 (pb)

Have you seen Praveen Mohan's channel? I've gathered a TON of correlating evidence from his "temple" investigations. It's to do with the tall red headed people….the main targets of the Space Niggers. So much so that they've been snatching up DNA left and right. Rh- was their first "adaptation" fail. That's why "Abraham" sent his wife into fuck Pharaoh, DNA theft. That's what Zacharia was up to in his breeding op. Snatching up red headed women and impregnating them. That's why he was stoned to death as an adulterer.


They've managed to infiltrate us to a degree that the truth and their trail has become nearly impossible to decipher.


Kashmir area in India is now heavily muzzy controlled. Muzzies and the Indian gov. are working overtime to attempt to destroy the record of these people from the time-before time.


Buddha—-tall white red head


ALL messengers of peace and prosperity were WHITE TALL red or blondes….from Viracocha to President Trump.

ANYWHERE there has been genocide, from China to Vietnam, there have been the red heads. Why do you think the Uighers are in concentration camps? Because of all the indigenous people LEFT in China, they are the tribe most closely related to-the red headed mummies of China.


Scholastic efforts to suppress the evidence and existence of these people is 100% Kike Space Nigger academia driven.


Anywhere these people were, the Space Kikes have fomented genocide. 160 million Russians almost exclusively Tartarian. Ghengis Khan—red head.


THEY started the red-head = Satan meme. THEY vilified until they managed to "steal" enough DNA from red heads to start breeding their own. Only they can't get it right. Have you SEEN the monstrocities that are Red Headed Space Niggers?


the power generation is fairly simple to grasp once you've seen enough Praveen Mohan videos….he is doing a great job exposing the coverup and the shit the Space Niggers are desperate to hide in India….he just thinks it's all "ancient Hindu"…..but it's really from the time before time.

Anonymous ID: 13597e Nov. 28, 2020, 7:31 p.m. No.11824663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4712

>>11824468 (PB)

>The stolen monolith is interesting But Nothing Compared To The Creature Faces Turned To Stone Behind The Monolith. What if the monolith was an energy magnate

I know what those carvings are and what they mean :)


The Monolith artist might well have known…maybe. Depending on if he was wired into NA "lore". NAs mostly do not know…some do…..but it's been passed from oral tradition.


Check out "Scattered Leaves" by Lynnie Prince. I've had the honor to enter the Inipi with them. There was going to be a movie—needless to say that didn't happen.


Very very few people "remember". The turtle is a massive clue ;) Remember in SG1 they had to enter a specific set of glyphs to access specific areas? There's a great series of books by Brandt Legg…the Last Librarian….and the others…..he does a very good job.

Anonymous ID: 13597e Nov. 28, 2020, 7:53 p.m. No.11824850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4858 >>4896 >>4946


I am what I am.

What you are "autodomesticated" to believe, I am immune from.


Once you start looking outside the parameters of fear…you'll see it to. There are still too few who would be able to "know" this. They are literally autodomesticated since birth to "worship" the chosen or shrink in fear from the programmed "antisemtie" bullshit.


Watch Europa the Last Battle…it will be painful. It is yet another piece in my puzzle. So much information so fast these past two months.


Even the "alien" stuff is infiltrated by Space Niggers desperate to keep the alien tards aimed in the wrong direction. So when all these "areas of studies" are vastly divided no one person who is an adherent of any of them (IE the Wilcoxians, Ickeans, Greerians) can back their faces away from their beliefs in order to learn—and KNOW.


They keep all the "religions" separated at warring, continually twisting the dial so that no one person can ever land on truth.


watch who you follow


didn't just mean paytriots.


Jerome Corsi (example)space nigger-twisted the dial. Miles Mathis "group" quantum computing…the Anti-Q….


They have gatekeepers everywhere. If following a specific religion helps peoplefine…..but we've had messengers to attempt to open eyes. Issa (Jesus) was oneand the space niggers sent in Paul to fuck it up and redid things to make it more of a fear-based enslavement. Space Niggers have been busy. Guess where Issa was from? Kashmir, India–the seat of red heads in India.


Everywhere the "good" fled, the Space Niggers followed. fucking up origin myths, turning light into dark….ask yourself why Indigenous people in South America have an over 5k year creation myth about the bringer of knowledge gifting them the "sacred vine" so that they may know themselves and grow. That's the DIRECT opposite of the Judeo-Christian creation myth. Why are all sacred plant teachers banned?


Did you know that every culture used to have sacred plant teachers? Every. single. one. Each to their own environment.

Anonymous ID: 13597e Nov. 28, 2020, 8:22 p.m. No.11825092   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5154


>So, Europa ties the ancient past together? This some deep trippy stuff.

It does in as far as it exposes what we never would have seen back then. For me it 100% explained the "trump is literally Hitler" meme.


For me it was confirmation of my theory. I have to admit that I was and still am pretty fucked up over how easy it's been to twist that history dial. Now I completely understand why they claim Trump=Hitler.


We're autodomesticated and literally under threat of law in some places NOT to question the WWI/II periods let alone the Holohoax.


The thing that jumped out to me as MOST fucking evil was Sameuel Untemeyer's speech to American christians. These fuckers have been using (mostly good-hearted) American Christians to drive their faux Chosen meme for a very long time.


That speech is abhorrent. Look how easily they use the meme religion they fucked—to fuck us right back.


When I saw the date on that speech I was floored. Was Sam psychic or something? or was there a fucking PLAN?


In my life this time-I have always refered to THE PLAN and Opposition to The Plan-for years and years I've been trying to unknot the purposeful knot of lies and misdirection….to expose the reality….I thought I knew the Holohoax was fake….I had NO fucking idea how they used OUR leadership and OUR blood to literally steal the land from the rightful Owners, the real jews….and trust me—if "god" was going to "choose a favorite" why the HELL would he choose the most vile murderous fucking parasites on earth?


Even Pearl Harbor. Winston Churchill was not a fucking Hero he was literally drunk through most of the war using a double to make some personal appearances and give most of his radio addresses.


Too many people swerve into the misdirection. IE the royals are lizards and eat babies in the basement. Isn't that a bit too—easy?


That sort of thing. BeLIEfs trap people, knowledge frees them.

Anonymous ID: 13597e Nov. 28, 2020, 8:39 p.m. No.11825235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5256


Alsoonce you start lookingyou cannot unsee. We are in a multiverse and there are parallel worlds. The timeline we are currently being shifted from-trust me bro—-you do not even want to know. I know I'm not the only one who has "seen it" because the Last Librarian books …that dude has seen it too.


Think Children of Men, think In Time, think —-living as slaves under the rule of the parasites.


It's horrific.


ONCE you look you will get curious-humm, I wonder if the Space Niggers had anything to do with the Chinese Cultural Revolution (aka cultural genocide), or Pol Pot, or-Armenia…over and over I found their filthy parasitical fingers. Then I wondered WHY….and that was when I was able to connect the tall red headed people, the places their mummies were found…and the location of invasions and genocides.


The red heads are now "convoluted" as they've been stealing that DNA for centuries trying to rise UP as them. They own ALL DNA companies-all. They were caught in Russia in one particular area taking DNA samples from Citizens. They've got the Uhigers locked up, they made "vaccine deals" with the Navajo…anywhere those people went while running from the parasites, they brought peace, taught a loving doctrine..and kept trying to "phone home" with their towers…..anywhere that DNA may have traveled-the Space Niggers have committed genocide or taken over the country.


Tibet, Nepal, South America—Scotland, Ireland, India, Armenia, China (I think Ghengis would have been a parasite red head because he was evil.)


yanking on historical threads…


say, who came up with the Final Solution?


Might not be who you think it was. Europa was the big eye opener and helped prepare my brain to finally accept the Space Nigger / parasite idea. It's the only one that makes sense. I can no longer deny…..this shit is true.


You've no idea how firmly they've woven their bullshit into our narratives. From history to religion, to MEDICINE…man once you figure out how they've corrupted / co-opted "original medicine" ….we were gifted amazing medicine. Frequency…kills, frequency heals. ALL mandalas are "cymetic" sketches of Frequency.


Academia is so tightly controlled by THEM that the second any archeologist steps off the rez they are relentlessly attacked. Media is all to them. They control us with media… fucking effectively it's insane. Imagine how much easier it was before the Internet. NOW if someone posts truth the "fact checkers" debunk it….and since their voice is the only one heard….we're watching it happen right now. The parasites use NPC humans to their own ends……and about 3/4 of all humans currently only host human consciousness. This was a teaching I was given by an elder many years ago which I instantly rebelled against. I didn't believe—I was taught ALL humans host souls. This is not true. Again, farsight has a great trailer about the cycle and memory stripping to the point of no return. I have not found any argument with their work. I realize they're seeing timelines from one position (their cords) so that stuff is going to be off/on as far as hits, but they've NAILED the "prison planet' meme.


Earth truly IS a prison planet……

Anonymous ID: 13597e Nov. 28, 2020, 8:44 p.m. No.11825269   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah….my sight of that other timeline is more like the movie In Time…..saw that years and years ago…then suddenly Black Mirror comes up with human activity= payment….then Bill Gate's human activity model….


We need to have live executions so the people an witness that fucking parasite crawl out and die.


Humm, why do Space Nigger burial customs diverge so dramatically from human? Autopsies…nope…immediate burial–yep…not touching a dead body until after Sundown…..


Check out this videoif the thumbnail alone doesn't help you understand–even back then they knew.