don't worry, this is an insiders club,
you come to LA then you come for
life, you my Mr I'm your soul sister,
you can refer to me as God, & as
God I can take a lot, I can take all
that you give, th cats in th cradle
out on th side while I keep my dishes
th way I like pretty ass, Dana thinks
he's th bank ruining th careers of
those in a lover's tiff, me, I'm bigger
than that & you'll find that out th hard
way just th way I know you need it,
don't worry cuz all th boys are like
that th first time, let your hair down
& my staff will pick up your socks
cuz you my type, I'm O-negative
& believe me I'm attracted to your
positive charm, oh yea babe, I let
th dogs out in my yard, we'll
tustle we'll bite & don't worry bout
th bed bugs cuz we all got
gifts to share w those on our team,