Anonymous ID: ad2062 Nov. 28, 2020, 8:28 p.m. No.11825150   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So anons I decided to go over to fakebookland and also to check out something other than here, lol figured I needed a break so I wanted to check out the Trump Winery that Eric is running. So I have been shadowbanned alot on facebook and much of what I used to post would get the factcheck warning or they would take it down…then no one would like or comment on my posts not even the meager under 200 friends I have would comment so I figured they weren't seeing my posts because I was shadowbanned so I went over to parler and am enjoying the freedom of posting what I want without being censored constantly. So then I go over to Trump and I am looking at wine whites and roses and some reds and the videos for the wine description are posted on youtube. So I go over to youtube to listen to Trump's head winemaker talk about the different wines and they are fucking with the Trump Winery videos…I mean its really over the top. So I believe that their power gives them the impression that somehow they are in charge of how we live and how we think when in my life no one agrees with any of the bullshit both dems and repubs and independents. The censorship and the lies are so blatant that it has woken up people I never thought would agree with me on anything. So their fake world that they broadcast all over cable and on social media isn''t fucking real, Thats the deception, thats the big lie but "WE" and alot of normies now "KNOW" what they are doing….It was very amusing to see how much they are using the algos to stop anyone from sharing anything they see as a threat to their projections….

We are the real people we are the real patriots we are the real America…whoever shared it here over time….It is us the power is us the Kraken is us the Cure is us…..We see it and we call it out. Fox news is decimated on every post them make on fakebook and its getting ridiculous…..just wanted to share my little trip into evil cyber land…..