Anonymous ID: 01061b Nov. 28, 2020, 8:51 p.m. No.11825314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5358 >>5404 >>5411 >>5424 >>5480 >>5986

>>11825256 (pb)

The Archquloids—to be exact.


Big hook nose? check.


small hat? check


Power rod (likely granite/copper/quartz) check….


Hosts parasites? clones? Only so many "patterns"? check.


And if ANY of you have ever had cause to contact MUFON—-be aware…..they are NOT there to help.


Patterns–they only have so many patterns to work from. SO many of them are FAIL–that's one reason they hate us so much. It was THEM that convinced the "rest of us" to start genitally mutilating our children, in particular our son. They used to be identified by their genital mutilation ordered by their "god".

Anonymous ID: 01061b Nov. 28, 2020, 8:53 p.m. No.11825325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5341

>>11825154 (pb)


Yeah….my sight of that other timeline is more like the movie In Time…..saw that years and years ago…then suddenly Black Mirror comes up with human activity= payment….then Bill Gate's human activity model….


We need to have live executions so the people an witness that fucking parasite crawl out and die.


Humm, why do Space Nigger burial customs diverge so dramatically from human? Autopsies…nope…immediate burial–yep…not touching a dead body until after Sundown…..


Check out this video iff the thumbnail alone doesn't help you understand–even back then they knew.

Anonymous ID: 01061b Nov. 28, 2020, 9:03 p.m. No.11825393   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Check out Kokopeli

>You'll have a fun dig on that.

Yes I know of Kokopelli...the key words here are trickster and birth. The Parasitical ones are expert tricksters, they're obsessed with "bloodlines" and DNA....we have several "trickster" entities, Coyote---is another. The application of Trickster to the Space Kikes is appropriate.


We've literally been "tricked" by their fake news, both now and historically-ever since they fucking started their "war" against that which was made perfect-over 250k years ago when they first started their vendetta. Anasazi aren't Hopi, and they weren't Native Americans-not like the ones you know of today. The Kikeademia has many ways of hiding....I love the "Adena" meme-it's almost as interesting as the Anasazi meme.


"Kokopelli is one of the most intriguing and widespread images surviving from ancient Anasazi Indian mythology and is a prominent figure in Hopi legends. The figure represents a mischievous trickster or the Minstrel, spirit of music. Kokopelli is considered a symbol of fertility who brought well-being to the people, assuring success in hunting, planting and growing crops, and human conception."


They've done NOTHING but work to convince people our signs and symbols are EVIL and they are good. It's worked.....they even stuck it into their meme religions...created just for brainwashing/dumbing down. The current death process as memed via their "organized" religions is nothing but a "soul trap" for those humans that do carry souls and get trapped into perpetual forgetfulness.

Anonymous ID: 01061b Nov. 28, 2020, 9:14 p.m. No.11825461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5485


Sorry, you fell for the Royals are lizards meme. I look forward to and welcome your surprise when you discover that most of what you beLIEve is a lie…carefully crafted, carefully delivered….David Icke drank aya in the jungle…aya tourism…improper medicine for his "type" came back believing his track suit was holy and he was Jesus….not everything he's said is a lie. He's just unknowingly twisting the dial to "frame" the wrong people.

Anonymous ID: 01061b Nov. 28, 2020, 9:18 p.m. No.11825494   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Exactly…and keeping this in mind-in regards to royal families-as an example.


Who did the Space Nigger Kike Bolsheviks execute? before they went on to slaughter 160 million or so of what was left of the Tartarians.


ENGAGE COMMON SENSE….would the Parasitic Space Niggers kill their own?

Anonymous ID: 01061b Nov. 28, 2020, 9:27 p.m. No.11825579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5598


Oh—-I see you have included Markle…who was sent in specifically to destroy the British Royal Family.


Space Nigger Parasitical Kikes tried to destroy them in WWII. Sent in the parasite Wallis Simpson to lure Edward (David) away from his famliy…because HE was friendly with Hitler / Germany and thought many of the techniques Hitler used to help Germany recover might be useful in England too.


Once you discover the truth about Hitler…suddenly all that OMG David loves Hitler shit—and they mission to destroy him….makes total sense.


These fuckers use drunk Churchill to drive their 'hitler is evil" meme….and drive us ALL into another world war to 'destroy' him….using OUR blood—again. People using the Royals are lizard memes are just caught up in fake news.


Meghan Markle was sent in to destroy them. Epstein targeted them. But Royals are evil…..reconcile.


(this one is going to be hard—-if you think unwinding Christians from their chosen meme is going to be hard…imagine all the bloodline tards? EVERYONE has some deprogramming to do.)

Anonymous ID: 01061b Nov. 28, 2020, 9:33 p.m. No.11825627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5660 >>5868 >>5967 >>5980


They just love their "crashes".


From Trump to Hastings—-crashes.


Maybe they're pissed because their overlords make them stay here until they get the job done.




No. No she didn't. You still haven't sorted the fake shit fed to Diana to terrify the hell out of her? Humm. Check out Earl Spencer's new lawsuit.


You're swallowing bullshit hook, line, and sinker. Diana was literally terrified into this…but Space Nigger fake shit. They've been trying to destroy these people historically for centuries. NOT because they ARE 'special' but because their "program" says they are and because back in the beginning of this shit—(as they show you proudly on SG1) the earlier arrivals were seen as "gods" and became "kings"/ leaders ruling by divine right.


These Space Kikes need their software updated.

Anonymous ID: 01061b Nov. 28, 2020, 9:44 p.m. No.11825713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5739


I'll tell you the same thing I told a young man who came for help when his use of the "battle cry" taught to him in martial arts just wasn't working for him.


research your people, where did YOU come from? what was their "war cry" use that


It worked. He started using a celt-style "get ready for battle" sound and he started winning. EVERY culture had their "medicine". Where did your people come from? Find their music, their drums, their "sounds" and start working with that. I've seen some amazing resurgence in the Celt/Nordic music and drums. The Siberian stuffit's everywhere now. They can't censor "music" can they? find what makes YOUR heart pound what sends YOU into a state of higher consciousness….you've just found your genetic memory. Acacia, Yew, Soma, Cannabis, Sacred Mushrooms, Amarita, cactus, sacred honeyStart with the music/drums-then find the medicine.

Anonymous ID: 01061b Nov. 28, 2020, 9:47 p.m. No.11825732   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They might well BE trapped. But like the Jaffa Talic, they too can change their response to the programming. There are messages in plain sight—everywhere. BUT because of the programming the Jaffa inspired fear serving their master parasites…..that makes them difficult to trust.

Anonymous ID: 01061b Nov. 28, 2020, 9:57 p.m. No.11825804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829


I don't know exactly….the procedure. My current working theory is like that meme "making a deal with the devil". Corrupt NPC type humans get themselves blackmailed….and you know the rest.


They may have some type of ritual such as the eye meme…co-opting Horus (again) …..they are visibly changed by the acceptance of their "parasite overlord" and many of you have noticed it, however that noticing has hurriedly been co-opted by their planted useful idiots. MUFON, Mirage Men, the Lizard / reptilian memes…..everything is an escape hatch for them. The intention is—they never let you land on the TRUTH, only the truth they want you to land on.


Personally I've escaped that trap by never following anyone. Gathering information for 50 plus years never once settling on a "this is it" until just this week….when everything aligned, both scientifically and common sense-wise.


My mantra has always been

what is it they want me to believe and why do they want me to believe it


The thirst for truth and knowledge is why it's so easy for them. Want to know a secret? Sure, here's an EX (insert CIA, Seal, FBi, Military) to tell you the truth. I LMFAO when that ex cia agent Parrot had the normies slurping his "just slightly skewed enough" bullshit. Project Zephyr was another-truth mixed with fiction. The second anyone tries to include Trump in their evil bullshit I know them for what they are. Whitney (((Webb)) and her Maria Farmer bullshit-fucks UP the second she slides Trump into the story to feed the MIGAtards.


Humm, compare Whitney's "pattern" to others…..interesting.



Anonymous ID: 01061b Nov. 28, 2020, 10:06 p.m. No.11825890   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Scythian would use Amarita…remember the Island of Patmos was (and still is) a natural habitat for Amaritaa Muscaria. "John" was blitzed out of his mind on that. In the old Cathedral at Arques in Southern France….there is a most peculiar statue in the "treasure room". You have to push a button to turn on the light….(rats my pics are on the external and I feel lazy) and view the "treasures". The statue in question is of "mother mary" holding "jesus on her left side…and in her outstretched right palm is….(drum roll) The Amarita Muscaria mushroom that also grew wild in Southern France and Northern Spain.


This is also the medicine of the Sammi and has a very "peculiar" induction ritual.


Plant medicines have long been part of our spiritual practices—until they made them ILLEGAL.


In the bible…the holy anointing oil recipe contains 15 pounds of bud. Something the "official" translators would have no way of knowing. Generally when people gathered around that incense brazier to pray—they were getting stoned on their asses :)


There's a lot of corruption happening around Aya right now. It's horrific. People who have lost THEIR medicine going to take someone else's. Our tradition is…NO MONEY for medicine, prayers, ceremony….teaching. But the corruption of money always harms. I've seen good, powerful medicine people fall right off the cliff of corruption the second money is brought into the mix. I promise you David Ick (as an example) paid a good price for his jungle experience with Aya and it fucked him up.


RULE # 1


The medicine is you. She shows you where you are sick how sick you are and how you can get well. She does NOT show you the secrets of the universe outside yourself. Incorrect use and the introduction of money has completely bastardized the healing process.

Anonymous ID: 01061b Nov. 28, 2020, 10:16 p.m. No.11825946   🗄️.is 🔗kun


these people are stupid


That's something they know. That's why they hate the humans who ARE NOT NPCs who have escaped their grasp.


I mean, look at that medieval statue—they fucking KNEW there was something parasitical inside. I could guess that by now their implant tech is much better….and they're using chips or some other form of living parasite.

ONE thing is simply undeniable. once you look past what you're told you're not to notice, you cannot UNSEE them. ARE they aware? I don't know. Talic was aware but thought he was powerless to resist until he decided he could.


How true—to find out who rules over you, find who you are forbidden to criticize.


Right now they're busy burying that meme by making it impossible to criticize their servants…IE Niggers, Tranny, Islam—-get the picture?


(and by NIGGER I mean NIGGER not black Americans).


Do you really think that for NO reason at all we are suddenly flooded with thousands of men who are so mentally ill as to want to chop off their dick?


They perverted original medicine and tortured women until they forgot, then they convinced women they were like men…and ALL of the amazing qualities that made women-women—suddenly disappeared. They have succeeded in putting men and women at odds and inducing such a mental illness in many men as to cause them to forget who they really are.

Anonymous ID: 01061b Nov. 28, 2020, 10:22 p.m. No.11825995   🗄️.is 🔗kun


BTW the "third eye as evil" meme is of Space Nigger origin. Every time I see someone post that Eye of Horus as something evil I laugh….your third eye, if you have one, is a source of knowledge and wisdom THEY do not have, THEY are jealous of…..and that they have convinced you is evil. FUCKINGA they made the swastika evil… instead of searching for meaning, you recoil at the sight of one.


Honestly I think most people posting shit here—are literal NPCs, useful idiots who have zero concept of what actually ALWAYS happens to useful idiots….always. Not a single exception.


When Mao's SJW army finished murdering every knowledge / wisdom holder, killing teachers, music, cultural and spiritual practices, he literally lined them all up against a wall and executed them.


Falon Gong, for example, draws on ANCIENT Chinese spiritual practices likely gifted to them by the tall red heads that had settled in China.


Each cultural group was gifted ways to grown, ways to discover themselves, ways to connect with the divine. THEY hate that because they literally have nothing.