You get it anon.. they’ll push immortality DNA manipulation/ neurolink… ect if this vaccine goes over well… this is a test ..
this goes smoothly and more than half are willing and EAGER… well that will ensure that future vaccines will be implemented much easier
I’d rather take death … that’s the gift given to us .. this frail mortal body… but our spirit is eternal. Or was until we became lunar locked in a prison planet system
Perhaps there are entities higher than those ‘elite’ that disapprove as well and aiding… I would hope because thousand years of lies disinformation and flipping narratives to keep balance have truly left us blind ..
though they aren’t supposed to interfere in human affairs (unless we fucked up bad like Hiroshima and Nagasaki) but merley guide our evolution in other planes but not 3rd physical realm…
look up TAU Treaty written up by president Eisenhower that pushed disclosure and ufos ect
Truly interesting stuff and ties into looking glass tech as well
Went off on tangent my bad anons