Anonymous ID: 000000 Nov. 29, 2020, 2:31 a.m. No.11827191   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7208 >>7247 >>7323 >>7451 >>7534 >>7635

>>11826567 lb

>-5 patriots KIA in raid


>>11826601 lb

>CIA officer killed in combat in Somalia


>>11826652 lb

>CIA KIA died in Germany

>- Reports of FIVE US Soldiers killed

>- Reports of ONE ClA Contractor killed already reported this 12 days ago, trolls had the site on automatic troll response and tried to discredit it.


November 17, 2020


CIA Director Suspected Wounded After US Military Raid On Secret German Election Base


The critical significance of which was FBI Director Wray acknowledging for the first time the Americans were working with the German research institute Shadowserver Foundation—whose capabilities and expertise allows them to monitor in real time every computer server in the world and know what they are doing in real time—most particularly what the CIA servers at the American consulate in Frankfurt were doing during the presidential election—that resulted in a US Special Forces raid on the Frankfurt consulate during the early morning hours of 6 November—who then battled against the fighters brought into Germany by the CIA from Afghanistan—the known casualties, so far, include five US Army troops the Americans lyingly claimed died in a helicopter crash in the Sinai-Egypt, that stands opposed to the real truth that “An Egyptian official speaking on condition of anonymity per regulations said the helicopter crashed over Red Sea waters outside Egyptian territorial boundaries”—which is how the Americans have always concealed their deaths in secret operations—and of whose suspected casualties, the SVR includes CIA Director Gina Haspel, that they believe was seriously wounded—though as yet, the SVR has not determined what side CIA Director Haspel was backing, other than them noting that when this raid occurred, President Trump’s oldest son, Donald Trump Jr., denounced CIA Director Haspel as “a trained liar”.


Is CIA Director Gina Haspel dead? she was 'seriously wounded''

Anonymous ID: 000000 Nov. 29, 2020, 2:50 a.m. No.11827269   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7281 >>7483


>Both Wray & Haspel visited cocain Mich the day before. seems they are all good or all crooked.


Some CIA survivors from that raid got sent to Gitmo.


Might include Gina as well, given the black op med flight.


Massive ops on that day over the sky, traitors sent to Gitmo.


CIA Confirms High Ranking Operative Death Following US Military Raid On Secret German Election Base


A blatant lie of predictable deception, as on 17 November, the Security Council was briefed on the CIA paramilitary force rushed from Afghanistan to Germany to protect election computer servers at the US Consulate in Frankfurt, who were subsequently attacked by elite US military commandos, and saw at least one high-ranking CIA officer being gravely wounded—an attack followed by numerous mysterious black operation medical flights being observed flying between GITMO and Washington D.C.—that were joined by the continuous unprecedented US military flights flooding the skies all over America.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Nov. 29, 2020, 3:35 a.m. No.11827444   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7447


And equally critical to be noticed occurring yesterday, was President Trump re-tweeting a video sent to him by his top aide Dan Scavino depicting an enraged lion attacking jackals and hyenas, and Trump adding the words “So much truth!”—after which President Trump and his entire family were taken to the most protected military compound in America known as Camp David.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Nov. 29, 2020, 4:05 a.m. No.11827564   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7566 >>7602

Trump Authorizes Firing Squad Executions While Kamala Harris Remains In Hiding


A fascinating new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing events relating to Day 26 of the election war currently raging in America, says based on current actual results, and accounting for States currently not called, still counting, recounting, under investigation or audit, or States with election issues now in the courts, President Donald Trump is winning and has 13 paths to win 2020 election, while socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden has only 10 paths to win.


With one example of a disputed State whose corrupted election is winding its way through the courts being in Pennsylvania—where yesterday Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court Judge Patricia McCullough upheld the election certification injunction in the State after Pennsylvania’s government appealed the earlier decision, with her saying the election is likely unconstitutional (read full opinion HERE)—though at the same time, the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit rejected the election case filed by the Trump Campaign—a rejection not seeming to make any sense, as the evidence in both cases are the same—but whose strategy becomes clearer when noticing that the rejection of this case was ordered by President Trump appointed US Federal Judge Stephanos Bibas—which now propels this case towards the United States Supreme Court, that Trump Campaign attorney Rudy Giuliani explained is part of their strategy—after which then saw Pennsylvania Republican State Senator Doug Mastriano dropping a bomb into this election by saying his State’s lawmakers are preparing to take it over—and sees this election bomb being what is called “A RESOLUTION” about to filed in Pennsylvania by its Republican Party controlled legislature that: “Declares the results of statewide electoral contests in the 2020 General Election to be in dispute and urges the United States Congress to declare the selection of presidential electors in this Commonwealth to be in dispute”.


All of which while being viewed by President Trump caused him to post the message: “The 1,126,940 votes were created out of thin air…I won Pennsylvania by a lot, perhaps more than anyone will ever know…The Pennsylvania votes were RIGGED…All other swing states also…The world is watching!”, that he quickly followed by posting another message saying: “Biden can only enter the White House as President if he can prove that his ridiculous “80,000,000 votes” were not fraudulently or illegally obtained…When you see what happened in Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia & Milwaukee, massive voter fraud, he’s got a big unsolvable problem!”.


Acts of defiance by President Trump immediately responded by the leftist media writing such screeds like “When He Leaves Office, Can ex-President Trump Be Trusted With America's National Security Secrets?”—that President Trump then countered by authorizing his Department of Justice to amend federal execution rules to allow death by hanging, electric chair, gas chamber and FIRING SQUAD—an amending of execution rules allowing for firing squads instantly taken notice of by Security Council Members, some of whom suggest this may be the reason supposed Vice President-elect Kamala Harris has gone into hiding since election day rarely to be seen and never spoken to.


A disappearance by Harris important to notice, as with her being the former top prosecutor in California, she knows well her nation’s federal laws about fraudulent elections and treason—and likewise knows the grave significance of Super Lawyer Sidney Powell having just revealed her shocking evidence proving 10-million votes were stolen for Biden—as well as her knowing the grave significance of Super Lawyer L. Lin Wood being the latest to acknowledge the US military raid in Germany to seize election servers, with his exactly stating: “Yeah, those machines were seized”.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Nov. 29, 2020, 4:05 a.m. No.11827566   🗄️.is đź”—kun



And equally critical to be noticed occurring yesterday, was President Trump re-tweeting a video sent to him by his top aide Dan Scavino depicting an enraged lion attacking jackals and hyenas, and Trump adding the words “So much truth!”—after which President Trump and his entire family were taken to the most protected military compound in America known as Camp David.


Which brings to the forefront of attention at this moment retired US Army Major Jeffrey Prather, the founder of the Warriorschool, that since 1995, has trained the US Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard special forces, as well as most US federal law enforcement agencies such the FBI, DHS, US Marshals and Border Patrol—and who yesterday, gave a remarkable interview where he laid out how President Trump, the Department of Defense and acticing Defense Secretary Christopher Miller were going to defeat Deep State traitors and save America—and among whose stunning revelations include: “Confirms that multiple raids on the servers of vote rigging systems were conducted, in three countries…Confirms that the NSA has hard evidence on treasonous actors, and that this evidence is likely being leveraged by Trump’s people…Confirms that Trump can use the NDAA, combined with the Sep. 12, 2018 Executive Order, to declare domestic treasonous actors as “enemy combatants”…Says that the DoD and patriots inside the DIA have everything they need to defeat the deep state…Says Trump will be President on January 21st…Warns that the transition from information warfare to conventional (kinetic) warfare may happen very soon…Warns that the left-wing backlash against Trump’s victory will result in bloodshed that cannot be avoided”.


According to this report, with President Trump preparing for a likely outbreak of civil war in America because of this election, his acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller has spent this past week secretly traveling around the Middle East preparing for the withdrawal of US military forces from this region—an operation now joined by the USS Nimitz and its strike group, who were ordered back to the Persian Gulf region to provide “defensive capabilities” during this drawdown of US troops from Iraq and Afghanistan—by yesterday then saw unknown forces assassinating top Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh—and though the intent of this assassination is still unclear, its most important to note the truth that “Killing Fakhrizadeh would certainly remove one of Iran's most seasoned nuclear experts from any ongoing nuclear weapons work, though the country's nuclear program is much bigger at this point than any one person”—but while Iranian president Hassan Rouhani has blamed “mercenaries of the usurping Zionist regime” (Israel) for this assassination, American socialist forces backing their leader Biden have lost their minds—best exampled by top Obama aide Ben Rhodes screaming: “This is an outrageous action aimed at undermining diplomacy between an incoming US administration and Iran…It’s time for this ceaseless escalation to stop”—while Obama’s disgraced former CIA Director John Brennan committed an open act of treason by his directly telling the Iranian regime: “This was a criminal act & highly reckless. It risks lethal retaliation & a new round of regional conflict…Iranian leaders would be wise to wait for the return of responsible American leadership on the global stage & to resist the urge to respond against perceived culprits”—thus making it no wonder why President Trump is now authorizing firing squads.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Dec. 2, 2020, 5:28 p.m. No.11879720   🗄️.is đź”—kun



So once you unsticky it it will be gone forever?

I thought there was a central place we could go to access everything, All the boards, and all the posts. Is that not the case?


And if there is can you tell me where to go to get all old breads?


Secondly, is there a central place for DECODED crumbs?