Anonymous ID: 7ac4e1 Nov. 29, 2020, 1:02 a.m. No.11826873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7487

>>11826826 (pb)

COVID IS real you fucking retard. It's just not 1 tenth of 1 100th as deadly as it was SUPPOSED to be.


Explaining how they LARPED the virus they were expecting once they realized that this wasn't that..whew way over your fucking head.


Come on glowies, election over…please let me go home.




Ok Schlomo. You really need to stop revealing your retard level.


KEK I haven't had social media for…ten years? I haven't had TV since 2009. Now, between us, which one is more likely NOT to be programmed?


Which one of us is likely to falsely believe they're "woke"?


Bro you people are so fucking stupid they had to make you your own home. That's not got anything to do at all on the (possible) goodness of your heart and intentions…it just means you're not going to be saving the world with your brain power anytime soon.



LOLOLOL let me guess, you play a doctor on the Internet?


I bet you also think Apple Cider vinegar is an acid in the stomach…and dangerous.


Wiki doctors. I personally would never ever admit I was part of the machine that was literally the 3rd leading cause of death in America.


I can more accurately diagnose someone by looking at them, and for free.


Say, when are you fuckers ever going to get around to making PUBLIC the great sekrit about parasites and breast cancer (in particular ascaris?) (read never). Fucking criminals.


When the "system" comes crashing down, and it must….I look forward to the live execution of "doctors".


>I've been diagnosed with Leukemia


yeah, ah no—-go back and ask for test for Ehrlihcosis


>I've been diagnosed with breast cancer


yeah, well probably by now….go ask for a body scan because you're full of worms…..I expect a massive upsurge in breast cancer in the years post lockdown when women were spending more time with their pets…..Actually I'd expect an upswing in many different types of "cancers".


(pro tip if you have an animal that goes in and out, fucking decontaminate that thing before you let it "kiss" you or your kids….and deworm it regularly).


not once, not EVER have I been wrong. Ever.

Anonymous ID: 7ac4e1 Nov. 29, 2020, 1:11 a.m. No.11826910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7018

>>11826789 (pb)

>I am very sorry, wont be doing that anymore, didn't realize.

>Thank you for the heads up.


OH my fucking god. What a sheep.


>>11826814 (pb)

Why, thank you. Now that I've been educated about National Socialism I'm proud to be called a NAZI. In fact I'm in excellent company. Trump gets called Hitler with every other Space Nigger Kommie Kike post, like yours


>>11826774 (pb)

>adding to that this dude shits all over /qresearch/

There is so much to shit on. Faggy tranny baker wars for a start.


>>11826215 (pb)

>I'm also a fucking doctor, nimrod.

So, you get the rope then.


Imagine being a "doctor" and having to run thousands of dollars in tests because you're incapable of diagnosing anything without it…..and even with the tests you're mostly wrong. When people start waking up to "medicine" you'll be lucky to escape with your life. Right now it's fucking "doctors" and "nurses" carrying this OMERG we're all going to die bullshit.


How many wuflu patients have you seen and did you put them immediately on that very dangerous HCQ treatment? or the ventilator and how much kikebux did you make off each one.


Unless you're a kike plastic surgeon making bank off shaving down the nose. (or a proctologist….or a shrink.)

Anonymous ID: 7ac4e1 Nov. 29, 2020, 1:26 a.m. No.11826967   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>11826666 (pb)


KEK thanks for posting that. I lol'd reminds me of the good old days triggering the clams.


Also /pol/s omegal trigger the nigger ops. g\Goods times!

Anonymous ID: 7ac4e1 Nov. 29, 2020, 1:33 a.m. No.11826987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6998


>Even the LAPD wont do that.

Well, maybe if the LAPD weren't corrupt af they would. JAYSUS the clams used to fucking OWN that Bracca guy…they probably own the new one too.


None of the sheriffs in my surrounding counties will lift a finger to enforce the illegal CV shit.

Anonymous ID: 7ac4e1 Nov. 29, 2020, 1:42 a.m. No.11827014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7057 >>7359




JAYSUS you're an idiot. "doctor". The worst profession after Politician and Lawyer.


You lot have done more harm in the last 60 years than anyone thought humanely possible..Kek "expertise". Oh dear sweet summer child. When the time comes, doctors WILL be on the list. Imagine being party to the 3rd leading cause of death in the US.


Almost beat the fucking SHIT out of the "doctor" who put my dying (of old age) father on antidepressants and statins.


THE fucking ROPE.

Anonymous ID: 7ac4e1 Nov. 29, 2020, 1:50 a.m. No.11827041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7055 >>7058 >>7061 >>7065 >>7102 >>7472


That would be me you fucking child.


Why does it bother you so much? I tell it to stop OR I'll have "a word". They persisted. I had "a word" the CP fucking stopped, dinit?


What's the most important part here, ME having "a word" or the CP stopping?


Apparently you're worried about something. What could you be worried about? Why would the immediate halt to the CP posting bother you?


I bet I know.


FACT the CP persisted for weeks. FACT I asked nicely, stop….then when it persisted (the glowies in the bakery) I promised I'd have "a word" and it would stop.


The CP stopped.


What's your fucking gripe asshole? You spent breads hounding me, trying to swap the script, anything to cover for???/


You're fucked you fucking retards. I know what you're desperately trying to imply but child, they all know exactly who I am. I'm not worried, are you? Because you sound worried. Why would CP posting screeching to a halt bother you.


KNOCK KNOCK assholes, your 7 condoms won't cover that fucking reeking wound.

Anonymous ID: 7ac4e1 Nov. 29, 2020, 1:57 a.m. No.11827064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7107




Have you read anywhere, anywhere at all, that vote fraud was confined to the US? No, no you haven't. In fact you're learning that most European countries including Romania have had fucked elections and their "traitors in chief" have been in mass panic. How do you catch them all? Let them do it while you watch. Then eliminated them from the face of the earth.


Patience. Trump hired more traitors than Biden…and he's eliminated every fucking one of them and turned them into useless bleating goats being fucked up the ass sideways by horny Muzzies.



So you believe Biden is getting intel reports? LOL how do you live in that head of yours? How do you decide what part of any "news report" or tweet—to believe?


KEK inb4 the warehouse catches fire. Venezuela just "accidentally" all their voting machines.

Anonymous ID: 7ac4e1 Nov. 29, 2020, 2:45 a.m. No.11827254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7272 >>7326




See, that was my immediate suspicion. I have my own reasons for thinking he's alive….nothing to do with Vince McCoy Decoy and Vince Real….at all. Anyway I was enjoying the work up to the AHA moment and it seems to me having him at the inauguration spoiled it. Albeit that face was priceless-and I can see her shitting her pants daily for 4 years twisting in the wind waiting—-but damn….I dunno. I wanted that shoe drop to be when Trump is sworn in, Pence is fired and that 17 seconds….well anyway I guess I have more fun envisioning the waiting game.


I guess I was hoping that someone would have a different angle showing who it was for sure so I could go back to the slow workup to KABOOM scenario. Like…imagine them seeing TIMBER and waiting—waiting….then seeing the nose rub….and waiting and waiting…never quite sure if it's an epic troll or not…..



Tsk tsk …Al Gore's 1 house uses more power in 1 month than a city.


>It could come back?

It better not come back. Next time I won't be so "nice."



OK sir chemist I did ask you before but—-please tell me sir, Apple Cider Vinegar is an acid, is it not? what happens to ACV when it gets in the stomach.


Imagine pushing the chemo drugs over something that at worst will make you herx a few days (depending on your toxicity) and has never killed anyone ever. Whereas Chemo is 100% worse than cancer. You're not lying—you're just not up to date. If you were you'd not be shoving that tired old "drink bleach" meme.


MMS wipes out AIDS and Malaria. Gosh, ever wonder why COVID never got off the ground in Africa where they use MMS because not only is it cheap it's effective? Have you looked at the data on Ebola, Malaria? Have you been able to reconcile that my spending 10 bucks on a lifetime supply (for me) of MMS has made absolutely NOBODY wealthy?


What chemical interaction happens with stomach acid when you take your 15 drops (combined) of MMS in water?


People do your own research. Like Kratom they've buried the information on MMS so deep you have to know about it to find it. Like Kratom they really don't want you to have this. LOL imagine actually posting that you'd take that fucking CHEMO poison, literally poison fed into your veins, before you'd "risk" MMS.


I was 100% not toxic in my body (IE I eat clean and yada yada) when I used it for wuflu…..and I had a flat out spiritual experience feeling that stuff move through my body. Amazing. I'm fine…..I and MILLIONS of others have used and continue to use MMS and no one has died. You know why you have no more "evidence"? because of your knee jerk uneducated response……people all around the world use this stuff and heal their own selves and never tell any "doctor" what they did.


At the "chemo" poison center they are pumping these people full of deadly shit and the snack table is full of cancer food….IE sugars and processed shit.


I guess for a "chemist" better the poison you know… can't give me ANY understanding that surpasses my own experience and that of millions of others.


Talk about silent majority. I was both begging Trump to mention it and at the same time internally begging him not to….they thought he was going to and they were terrified…..why?


Maybe there's something you don't know.



Holy ignorance. Shh now child. "disinfectant" like clorox? KEK. there is no fucking hope for this country.



No one is talking a "big game" I spoke directly to the glowing fucking CP posting baker and said stop it or else. It fucking stopped. I made no fucking claims other than that exactly. The only fucking thing YOU need to think about is

>self are they coming for me?


>welp, the CP stopped, thanks.


IF it comes back again (and I don't think it will)…..I will NOT say a fucking word I'll just have a word. Fucking Karen.


41 posts by your ID.


19 by yours.



We 10/10 need police reform. First step let people with higher IQs serve. The limit is 100…a guy even sued over that. At least he saved a kid and you'd never be in trouble outside Pops if you fucked up.



45 posts by this ID… not spoiling that shit. THIS is what "doctors" are doing to mentally ill men. You need to see it so you can be repulsed and really understand why this shit is not only evil, immoral and vile, it's fucking Dr. Frankenstein level of medical experimentation on mentally ill people. LOOK and fucking pass it on.



>From Malaria to Autoimmunity

AAAND when I saw that HCQ cured Malaria I knew MMS would cure "wuflu" because it also kills malaria and if possible, MMS is even cheaper. That along with freqs wiped out my lymes.



>You talk, too fucking much.

23 posts by this ID.


STFU. Panic much— Parasitical Space Nigger?

Anonymous ID: 7ac4e1 Nov. 29, 2020, 3:03 a.m. No.11827313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7345


> Waiting for Orders from God on how to proceed next.

Oh shit…..we are so screwed.



>you just sit and give a fuck about injustice.

Oh dear.



What I find amusing is all those words, all that money, all that study. LOL to turn a natural function for those carrying that (DNA) into a weapon. That's what they tried to do. Turn it into a weapon. Good thing most normies will never be able to move past stage 1. I had a neuroscientist beg to study me once so we met for lunch to 'go over the details". The man literally couldn't get out of there fast enough.


>so anon, I thought we'd do the copper wall experiment



LOLOLOLOLOL why something so—simple, why not….blah blah blah….see science likes tidy empirical studies, things that can be repeated with different subjects over time. He was not prepared to "step off the rez". It's not "magic" it;s literally DNA and quantum physics.


You know what they do to people who are for real? They lock them up and stick them in tanks like in Minority Report. Avoiding the "government" and Space Kike Parasites is a full time occupation.


Their issue is not factoring individuality and DNA. It is IMPOSSIBLE to organize something that works for everyone the same way. Most people will fail even the simplest Gateway stuff. I've used it to play with and all I could think is "really?" people have to do all this stuff just to….


tl;dr never ever get involved with this shit. They only want weapons. Or an edge.


FACT During the first "stares at goats" phase so many soldiers went mental or even committed suicide that they had to end the program. Normies cannot do this for any length of time or beyond the usual human parameters of tapping into human instinct and systems. Yes you can train simple normie minds to some extent….but not for anything useful and guess what it's not useful anyway.


Not really. Say you "see" a murder, you know who did it, how and where the body is….but the "killer" got life in prison because small town drug running cops/ADA ect with their own private airfield. Wat do? Say while investigating that crime you find a body you weren't looking for…another "suicide" that climbed into a barrel of acid and pulled the lid down on himself, in the same town……wat do? (be glad you parked your car where no body could find it and walked…)


What do when girl goes missing and you know exactly what happened? Holy way to disappear.


It is mostly useless. Not even for health because people get sick for a reason and the entire process is interconnected. You would be surprised the number of people who actively choose suffering. Not for crime, not for health, not for war…what for?

Anonymous ID: 7ac4e1 Nov. 29, 2020, 3:11 a.m. No.11827344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7365 >>7377



I have zero control over the banner except agreeing via consensus that

there is Q


there is Anonymous


People who research information dropped by humans who get data from Q17AI.


The person dropping the CP is a fucking glowie baker. I dont know how you lot haven't figured that out. I think I made that clear—obvious injection stash is obvious. Probably some fucking "retired" glownigger.


YW. I don't think they will be stupid enough to do it again. And stop being such a detective Karen. It stopped. What the fuck else can you detect about that? I had two of you hounding me. Just fucking stop. if you weren't the one posting it then you've not got a thing to worry about.


HOWEVER the other fucker was trying to flip the script on me and that shit don't float. Usually when someone is flipping the script it's because THEY are the guilty party and yes…I was accused of posting KP then threatening myself by hopping IPs and then halting my KP rampage. What fucking idiots are on here?

Anonymous ID: 7ac4e1 Nov. 29, 2020, 3:18 a.m. No.11827371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7400


KEK not at first. LOL Holy shit when are we going to figure it out? It's not rocket science. Tesla…..the magic of 3,6,9. The 111 the…harmonics. I think personally we get dumber every generation.


Life is frequency, frequency is life. We're using poison injected into veins to kill "cancer" which is only a clump of cells gone rogue (for various reasons). They make more money killing people "curing" cancer every year….hell do a fun search for

Multiple sclerosis+spirochetes+conspiracy. You will not even fucking believe it. for 80 plus years they have been finding spirochete concretions in the brains of many people diagnosed with MS, Parkinsons, Alzheimers…but you make MILLIONS treating MS and jack shit curing it. Also—once that nerve sheath gets eaten away even if you kill the assholes the nerve damage is done. It can get better and manageable but wouldn't it be great if we killed the fuckers before they eat your nerves and move into your brain?


The industrial medical complex—evil fuckers. That's all.

Anonymous ID: 7ac4e1 Nov. 29, 2020, 3:26 a.m. No.11827398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7413 >>7429


Control the kitchen I'll keep doing me.




I am hoping some of that is going to come back to us.



Well the first thing I'd note is "EX CIA"…and he may be saying what "we" want to hear. OTOH there's




so his mention of "take the deal mother fucker" seems a bit contrary to Q.


Everything he said about DS and Wall Street is true…he may be trying to scare some of the lower hanging fruit to come forward.




OK call me blind but I'm not seeing that ginger in the ballot counting pic. I thought the person they were referring to was that fat man in the blue shirt. Wheres the Ginger. KEK gosh they're all wearing masks.

Anonymous ID: 7ac4e1 Nov. 29, 2020, 3:33 a.m. No.11827426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7450


HA THANKS. That's what I was hoping….that someone else had a different angle. Now I can carry on with my fantasy re the inauguration. Such a happy fantasy. I want the suspense to build…imagine Hillary

>Bill, it can't be true, we killed that motherfucker

>yes dear


Envision her furiously enlarging photos…straining…one time it's Decoy McCoy, she gets comfy…another time…not so much. Imagining her depends getting soaked….each time she sees another "he lives"…..watching the TIMBER and nose scratch…

>bill did he just scratch his nose? Cause it looks like he scratched his nose

>yes dear.


It's the small things. Discovering Ezra was in TIMBER–frantically mathing herself to death


>bill who is this SOB how old is he, why is he singing with these bastards?

>yes dear.


Small things right now, small things.

I rather enjoyed the Kissinger et al firing. Smiling to myself—alone in my isolation "chamber" soon. SOON.

Anonymous ID: 7ac4e1 Nov. 29, 2020, 3:37 a.m. No.11827454   🗄️.is 🔗kun


But why did she react to him that way? He's bent in some way but in a way he was allowed to fuck off…like Gowdy was. Hummmm….she did not look happy to see him. Maybe that bird sang before he fucked out of there.


POTUS you fucked Portman over slightly—but he deserves so MUCH MORE.


(kek it was amusing)




Johnson & Johnson


the fucker is larping he's in a vaccine trial for a FINANCIAL benefactor. CORRUPTION.

Anonymous ID: 7ac4e1 Nov. 29, 2020, 3:43 a.m. No.11827475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7563


He could be trolling Hillary…..could be. However….maybe it's something she threatened someone else over…IE Chavez…get out Mother Fucker, take the deal or…just an example..get out and that's it.


She had to be pissed over the biteless showboating "grilling" Gowdy and Chavez were handing to her. I knew Gowdy was bent af when he didn't use the Powell email exchange to prove intent. JAYSUS how much more clear could it be?

>yo Colin, how can I get my personal electronics inside the …

>don't even try it

>yeah but i want to…


SO disappointed in both those fuckers (Chaves/Gowdy) after that. Fake fucking grilling.

Anonymous ID: 7ac4e1 Nov. 29, 2020, 3:50 a.m. No.11827497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7502 >>7507 >>7518 >>7593


And there you fucking go again.




knows exactly who I am…..and the fucking CP poster is in the damn kitchen. Why does that bother you so much? (I bet i know)


That I called it out and told it to stop? OR ELSE?


Humm you must be very worried about something. I certainly hope BO reads my posts in that thread. The hot smelly trail leads right to the glownigger in the kitchen.


The mirror always the fucking predictable mirror. You pathetic parasitical space nigger.

Anonymous ID: 7ac4e1 Nov. 29, 2020, 3:56 a.m. No.11827517   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ok…first you'd have to go all the way back to the CVG thread at /pol/ where they were really working it. The papers were posted there. Poos supposedly produced the first paper…..this paper showed the virus had the ADE of Dengue and the "stickyness" of HIV as far as it's ability to blast into cells. The Poos got made fun of world-wide, THEN someone else produced a paper backing the Poos. Vindicated….LONG before the virus was ever mentioned here, /pol/ CVG was tearing apart every bit of information we got "dropped" and ask yourself this—if a group of people signing their names on scientific papers making this or that claim…..and you're used to reading/studying that stuff….would it automatically ocur to you that all the papers were faked?


COVID is SARS II not nearly as deadly but with some odd long-term effects for people in certain DNA groups. Not nearly as contagious as they hoped either.


IF the virus really DID have the ADE of dengue and the "sticky" of HIV and the ability to spread the way they claimed? It would be as China tried to make it seem. Bodies piled everywhere.


It was only AFTER it came to US where we could see for ourselves….then we knew the papers were fucking fake.

Anonymous ID: 7ac4e1 Nov. 29, 2020, 4:04 a.m. No.11827556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7591


Do you really think you're not transparent?



Like fucking "clockwork".


You're like some're pathetic. I love how you puff yourself up. Notice how I'm not the slightest bit worried about you. got KP in the kitchen. Keep it up fucker.


Knock knock.


Nothing more pathetic than a mentally ill puffer fish. Blather on some more. Fuck around, you'll find out.

Anonymous ID: 7ac4e1 Nov. 29, 2020, 4:10 a.m. No.11827587   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I just know what I observed. I'll tell you this for free, CHina went OVER and above….Chin's disappearance, the Dr. Li…the endless videos of people nailed in their house, having storm troopers….jaysus the videos were endless…then we got a lab tech proof.


/pol/ is so…fake and gay oriented that convincing us as a collective was not easy.

>Just the flu bro.


They started the big push once they realized the virus that was "out" was NOT the virus they were expecting. Their only choice by that time was to play it like it was. Trust me—if the virus in the paper was for real….I'd be in my bunker in the woods. Honestly it did NOT take long to figure it out once it finally hit the US. Look at pic related…a Wuhan lab tech risked his life…..provided /pol/ level proofs.


Chinks got us. That's all. COVID is real…and for certain DNA groups Long Covid is probably horrid but it's not the deadly fast moving killer virus they needed it to be so they faked it.

Anonymous ID: 7ac4e1 Nov. 29, 2020, 4:14 a.m. No.11827602   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7615 >>7623



How weird is that. Sorcha FAIL poster always manages to get that 0000 ID when they come post their David Boothe bullshit.


Lemme guess, the corrupt baker (you) will add it to the bread. and once again attempt to make this place look stupid.



Thanks, that's mostly what I remembered. How is he not in jail? We're expecting Trump to lock her up and he can't even keep a theif of 50 million locked the fuck up? This is weird.

Anonymous ID: 7ac4e1 Nov. 29, 2020, 4:24 a.m. No.11827640   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Again, roll it back to the beginning. China then Italy, then Iran. I really recommend hitting 4plebs and starting from the first CGV thread up to at least march. You'll literally understand all of it. UNTIL the virus got into the US where the government cannot control all the doctors (like Kyle ? forget his name who got fired from the COVID ward…literally for stepping off the "treatment rez") we had "learned" there was no effective treatment and the chinks were trying LUNG TRANSPLANTS and bragging about it, that is until someone tweeted "where did you find a match in two days" at which point the tweet bragging was deleted. So as far as we were able to discover there was no effective treatment and nearly everyone that got it died.


The chinks went so far as to fake/fuck up the air charts that made it look like they were burning bodies by the truckload.


Just as an of these xrays was posted from Iran—claiming it was a 2 year old…whose condition deteriorated in 2 hours to death.


I personally witnessed mainlaind chink granny spitting on her hands and picking up and setting down shit at the grocery then again the very next day at the thrift store.


The level of troll the Chinks went to on this was….mind boggling.