>that sent me off in the right direction…I think…
here's another suggestion….
pull up the MSDS (material safety data sheet) for chlorine dioxide.
that is what a newbie chemist working with chlorine dioxide for the first time would consult.
you can find them online, but IIRC, nowadays you have to pay a fee to read/download.
it's EXTREMELY nasty shit.
the newage flakes using it swear by it. what they are using is very dilute solutions.
now, IF i had terminal cancer, and IF the 5000 other alternative treatments i tried first did not work…
then, and ONLY THEN, would i consider trying it. when i had nothing left to lose. it would be at the bottom of my list, just above shoving a cactus up my ass, setting my hair on fire, and snorting battery acid.
or…. you COULD just take my word, since i have ZERO incentive to lie.