can bake
firm it formal like
Notables are NOT endorsements
>>11827657, >>11827717 Kamala’s Official Campaign Photographer Was A Ballot Counter in Georgia
>>11827673 Hale's list >>11826490 (PB) might well illustrate the DS book contract payoff system. Who really buys a book called "Make your Bed" by a disgraced Admiral?
>>11827681 anon opines They simply cannot imagine a situation whereby Trump does not just concede and let the election fraud stand.
>>11827714 GOP flips CA 21 yesterday @elisa1121
>>11827725 @CodeMonkeyZ: We now know Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) is owned by Staple Street Capital. Who owns Staple Street Capital?
>>11827731 GA Court filing 10/11/20 shows VOTES NOT COUNTED in test batches of Dominion system
>>11827770 anon reposts >>11824822 (pb) following wives and money, CHRIS AND AMY LANTRIP (LLC HELLSCAPE RABBIT HOLE)
notables at 150
Notables are NOT endorsements
>>11827657, >>11827717 Kamala’s Official Campaign Photographer Was A Ballot Counter in Georgia
>>11827673 Hale's list >>11826490 (PB) might well illustrate the DS book contract payoff system. Who really buys a book called "Make your Bed" by a disgraced Admiral?
>>11827681 anon opines They simply cannot imagine a situation whereby Trump does not just concede and let the election fraud stand.
>>11827714 GOP flips CA 21 yesterday @elisa1121
>>11827725 @CodeMonkeyZ: We now know Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) is owned by Staple Street Capital. Who owns Staple Street Capital?
>>11827731 GA Court filing 10/11/20 shows VOTES NOT COUNTED in test batches of Dominion system
>>11827770 anon reposts >>11824822 (pb) following wives and money, CHRIS AND AMY LANTRIP (LLC HELLSCAPE RABBIT HOLE)
>>11827788 US Army veteran supported foreign terrorist organization, feds say
>>11827794 The Dominion Voting System-Uncovering the Deep State Ties (from 9 Nov)
>>11827819 >2 CFR 200 is where WE THE PEOPLE have the power over Dominion…NEVER CONTRACT WITH THE ENEMY!
>>11827855 Any Georgia anons here, sign the petition, pass on to all you know, demand for Kemp to allow legislative session on elections. Posted by Lin Wood
>>11827861 re: Codemonkey calling for a DIG on Staple Street Capital Partners who bought Dominion in 2018…
>>11827864 wrt >>11827074 (pb) That CM twat isn’t showing up? Removed?
>>11827871 Molly McCann entering into a clerkship for a judge in Texas and stepping away from the political scene for the duration. (from 11/25/20)
>>11827886 Yubikey / Yubico dig (the infamous voting machine USB keys)
notables at 250
Notables are NOT endorsements
>>11827657, >>11827717 Kamala’s Official Campaign Photographer Was A Ballot Counter in Georgia
>>11827673 Hale's list >>11826490 (PB) might well illustrate the DS book contract payoff system. Who really buys a book called "Make your Bed" by a disgraced Admiral?
>>11827681 anon opines They simply cannot imagine a situation whereby Trump does not just concede and let the election fraud stand.
>>11827714 GOP flips CA 21 yesterday @elisa1121
>>11827725 @CodeMonkeyZ: We now know Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) is owned by Staple Street Capital. Who owns Staple Street Capital?
>>11827731 GA Court filing 10/11/20 shows VOTES NOT COUNTED in test batches of Dominion system
>>11827770 anon reposts >>11824822 (pb) following wives and money, CHRIS AND AMY LANTRIP (LLC HELLSCAPE RABBIT HOLE)
>>11827788 US Army veteran supported foreign terrorist organization, feds say
>>11827794 The Dominion Voting System-Uncovering the Deep State Ties (from 9 Nov)
>>11827819 >2 CFR 200 is where WE THE PEOPLE have the power over Dominion…NEVER CONTRACT WITH THE ENEMY!
>>11827855 Any Georgia anons here, sign the petition, pass on to all you know, demand for Kemp to allow legislative session on elections. Posted by Lin Wood
>>11827861 re: Codemonkey calling for a DIG on Staple Street Capital Partners who bought Dominion in 2018…
>>11827864 wrt >>11827074 (pb) That CM twat isn’t showing up? Removed?
>>11827871 Molly McCann entering into a clerkship for a judge in Texas and stepping away from the political scene for the duration. (from 11/25/20)
>>11827886 Yubikey / Yubico dig (the infamous voting machine USB keys)
notables at 250
Notables are NOT endorsements
>>11827657, >>11827717 Kamala’s Official Campaign Photographer Was A Ballot Counter in Georgia
>>11827673 Hale's list >>11826490 (PB) might well illustrate the DS book contract payoff system. Who really buys a book called "Make your Bed" by a disgraced Admiral?
>>11827681 anon opines They simply cannot imagine a situation whereby Trump does not just concede and let the election fraud stand.
>>11827714 GOP flips CA 21 yesterday @elisa1121
>>11827725 @CodeMonkeyZ: We now know Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) is owned by Staple Street Capital. Who owns Staple Street Capital?
>>11827731 GA Court filing 10/11/20 shows VOTES NOT COUNTED in test batches of Dominion system
>>11827770 anon reposts >>11824822 (pb) following wives and money, CHRIS AND AMY LANTRIP (LLC HELLSCAPE RABBIT HOLE)
>>11827788 US Army veteran supported foreign terrorist organization, feds say
>>11827794 The Dominion Voting System-Uncovering the Deep State Ties (from 9 Nov)
>>11827819 >2 CFR 200 is where WE THE PEOPLE have the power over Dominion…NEVER CONTRACT WITH THE ENEMY!
>>11827855 Any Georgia anons here, sign the petition, pass on to all you know, demand for Kemp to allow legislative session on elections. Posted by Lin Wood
>>11827861 re: Codemonkey calling for a DIG on Staple Street Capital Partners who bought Dominion in 2018…
>>11827864 wrt >>11827074 (pb) That CM twat isn’t showing up? Removed?
>>11827871 Molly McCann entering into a clerkship for a judge in Texas and stepping away from the political scene for the duration. (from 11/25/20)
>>11827886, >>11827940 Yubikey / Yubico dig (the infamous voting machine USB keys); Yubikey CERN case study
>>11827938 Staple Street DIgg: Interesting little PDF from 2019. Elizabeth Warren; HIG MCCarthy & Staple Street Letters
>>11827952 anon opines: This could potentially be a MASSIVE RedPill if shown to be true.
>>11828054 SARPY Co Nebraska, Exceeds historical average by 16%. Biden took 66% of the final 27% of the vote, he was running around 40% for the first 73% of the count.
notables at 400
Notables are NOT endorsements
>>11827657, >>11827717 Kamala’s Official Campaign Photographer Was A Ballot Counter in Georgia
>>11827673 Hale's list >>11826490 (PB) might well illustrate the DS book contract payoff system. Who really buys a book called "Make your Bed" by a disgraced Admiral?
>>11827681 anon opines They simply cannot imagine a situation whereby Trump does not just concede and let the election fraud stand.
>>11827714 GOP flips CA 21 yesterday @elisa1121
>>11827725 @CodeMonkeyZ: We now know Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) is owned by Staple Street Capital. Who owns Staple Street Capital?
>>11827731 GA Court filing 10/11/20 shows VOTES NOT COUNTED in test batches of Dominion system
>>11827770 anon reposts >>11824822 (pb) following wives and money, CHRIS AND AMY LANTRIP (LLC HELLSCAPE RABBIT HOLE)
>>11827788 US Army veteran supported foreign terrorist organization, feds say
>>11827794 The Dominion Voting System-Uncovering the Deep State Ties (from 9 Nov)
>>11827819 >2 CFR 200 is where WE THE PEOPLE have the power over Dominion…NEVER CONTRACT WITH THE ENEMY!
>>11827855 Any Georgia anons here, sign the petition, pass on to all you know, demand for Kemp to allow legislative session on elections. Posted by Lin Wood
>>11827861 re: Codemonkey calling for a DIG on Staple Street Capital Partners who bought Dominion in 2018…
>>11827864 wrt >>11827074 (pb) That CM twat isn’t showing up? Removed?
>>11827871 Molly McCann entering into a clerkship for a judge in Texas and stepping away from the political scene for the duration. (from 11/25/20)
>>11827886, >>11827940 Yubikey / Yubico dig (the infamous voting machine USB keys); Yubikey CERN case study
>>11827938 Staple Street DIgg: Interesting little PDF from 2019. Elizabeth Warren; HIG MCCarthy & Staple Street Letters
>>11827952 anon opines: This could potentially be a MASSIVE RedPill if shown to be true.
>>11828054 SARPY Co Nebraska, Exceeds historical average by 16%. Biden took 66% of the final 27% of the vote, he was running around 40% for the first 73% of the count.
>>11828065 Ryder System? Inspire Brands?
>>11828075 Dig Request: I knew the moment that I compared voter turnout in CO and found that primary voter turnout from 2016 to 2020 increased by over 140% despite population increasing less than 5% that something was off.
>>11828076 Dominion Voting Sensitivity setting : Default setting was lower in a RECOUNT of a GA RUNOFF than the initial election.
>>11828120 Sidney and Lin Wood are asking patriots to sign Support petition for GA Election Fraud- they need 100k signatures, are prolly at 28k, Please Share/Spread for our Frens
>>11828134 Meeting Minutes from January 2020 in Arizona discussing an Electronic Adjudication 'Upgrade'
>>11828143 Staple Street Capital who owns Dominion Voting, involves a huge political background
>>11828161 anon opines: Servers in the caskets??
>>11828167 New DJT: Will be doing an interview with Maria Bartiromo at 10:00 A.M. on Fox News. Enjoy!
>>11828185 "Staple Street acquired Cyberlink ASP Technology in November 2019" WHAT IS CYBERLINK ASP??
>>11828190 City of Bethel Alaska Agreement with Dominion Voting
notables at 550
Notables are NOT endorsements
>>11827657, >>11827717 Kamala’s Official Campaign Photographer Was A Ballot Counter in Georgia
>>11827673 Hale's list >>11826490 (PB) might well illustrate the DS book contract payoff system. Who really buys a book called "Make your Bed" by a disgraced Admiral?
>>11827681 anon opines They simply cannot imagine a situation whereby Trump does not just concede and let the election fraud stand.
>>11827714 GOP flips CA 21 yesterday @elisa1121
>>11827725 @CodeMonkeyZ: We now know Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) is owned by Staple Street Capital. Who owns Staple Street Capital?
>>11827731 GA Court filing 10/11/20 shows VOTES NOT COUNTED in test batches of Dominion system
>>11827770 anon reposts >>11824822 (pb) following wives and money, CHRIS AND AMY LANTRIP (LLC HELLSCAPE RABBIT HOLE)
>>11827788 US Army veteran supported foreign terrorist organization, feds say
>>11827794 The Dominion Voting System-Uncovering the Deep State Ties (from 9 Nov)
>>11827819 >2 CFR 200 is where WE THE PEOPLE have the power over Dominion…NEVER CONTRACT WITH THE ENEMY!
>>11827855 Any Georgia anons here, sign the petition, pass on to all you know, demand for Kemp to allow legislative session on elections. Posted by Lin Wood
>>11827861 re: Codemonkey calling for a DIG on Staple Street Capital Partners who bought Dominion in 2018…
>>11827864 wrt >>11827074 (pb) That CM twat isn’t showing up? Removed?
>>11827871 Molly McCann entering into a clerkship for a judge in Texas and stepping away from the political scene for the duration. (from 11/25/20)
>>11827886, >>11827940 Yubikey / Yubico dig (the infamous voting machine USB keys); Yubikey CERN case study
>>11827938 Staple Street DIgg: Interesting little PDF from 2019. Elizabeth Warren; HIG MCCarthy & Staple Street Letters
>>11827952 anon opines: This could potentially be a MASSIVE RedPill if shown to be true.
>>11828054 SARPY Co Nebraska, Exceeds historical average by 16%. Biden took 66% of the final 27% of the vote, he was running around 40% for the first 73% of the count.
>>11828065 Ryder System? Inspire Brands?
>>11828075 Dig Request: I knew the moment that I compared voter turnout in CO and found that primary voter turnout from 2016 to 2020 increased by over 140% despite population increasing less than 5% that something was off.
>>11828076 Dominion Voting Sensitivity setting : Default setting was lower in a RECOUNT of a GA RUNOFF than the initial election.
>>11828120 Sidney and Lin Wood are asking patriots to sign Support petition for GA Election Fraud- they need 100k signatures, are prolly at 28k, Please Share/Spread for our Frens
>>11828134 Meeting Minutes from January 2020 in Arizona discussing an Electronic Adjudication 'Upgrade'
>>11828143 Staple Street Capital who owns Dominion Voting, involves a huge political background
>>11828161 anon opines: Servers in the caskets??
>>11828167, >>11828259 (linky) New DJT: Will be doing an interview with Maria Bartiromo at 10:00 A.M. on Fox News. Enjoy!
>>11828185 "Staple Street acquired Cyberlink ASP Technology in November 2019" WHAT IS CYBERLINK ASP??
>>11828190 City of Bethel Alaska Agreement with Dominion Voting
>>11828220 founder of YubiKey — Stina Ehrensvard
>>11827074 (pb), >>11828012, >>11828012 vCards are Outlook business Cards
>>11828249 digg on's published vCards
>>11828273 Fair question by Mr. Adams…
>>11828304 Looks like Virginia is up next: @SidneyPowell1
>>11828309 CM: Voter fraud is the ultimate infringement of the First Amendment
bring notables forward please