The American Report revealed before the November 3, 2020 election in an October 31, 2020 article:
Multiple injections into state election systems in 10 states of cloned, identically-sized blocks of Biden votes were used to steal the 2020 election from President Trump, according to Dennis Montgomery
. Montgomery is the CIA whistleblower who was granted immunity by the DOJ and FBI for exposing illegal U.S. domestic surveillance.
The [fraudulent] votes were created by SCORECARD
and other technology and then replicated multiple times [in multiple states].
Joe Biden admitted
“we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
America can not accept domestic traitors or foreign enemies stealing the sacred right to vote – a right paid for in blood and treasure.
On October 31, 2020, The American Report revealed
that one of THE HAMMER’s exploits is an application called SCORECARD, which was designed by CIA contractor and whistleblower Dennis Montgomery in order to allow the CIA to monitor and secure foreign elections:
SCORECARD uses a prismatic scoring algorithm that Montgomery created,to achieve the desired results by those that control THE HAMMER and SCORECARD.
SCORECARD steals elections by tampering with the computers at the transfer points of state election computer systems and outside third party election data vaults as votes are being transferred [Dominion].
According to Montgomery, however, John Brennan and James Clapper, under President Barack Obama’s administration, illegally commandeered THE HAMMER and its exploits, including SCORECARD, which they used to steal the 2012 presidential election in Florida.
Attorney Sidney Powell Submitted An Affadavit From Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia, A Cybersecurity Expert Who Works With The U.S. Intelligence Community, That Discusses HAMMER and SCORECARD And Concludes That “The 2020 Election Data Were Altered”
Navid Keshavarz-Nia
Attorney Sidney Powell, who filed lawsuits against state election officials in Georgia and Michigan, submitted a sworn affidavit
from Navid Keshavarz-Nia, a cybersecurity and counterintelligence expert. According to his speaker profile
at the Official Cyber Security Summit, Keshevarz-Nia has “30 years of experience in national security spanning leadership and program execution supporting the civilian, Defense, US Intelligence Agency (USIA)” and “has led or supported the CIA, NSA, DHS US-CERT, USCYBERCOM and the FBI.”
The New York Times confirmed Navid Keshavarz-Nia’s bona fides with high praise.
The New York Times, in a September 9, 2020 exposé of fake CIA officer Garrison Courtney titled “How One Man Conned The Beltway
,” highlighted Keshavarz-Nia’s track record of providing cybersecurity expertise to the U.S. Intelligence Community:
Navid Keshavarz-Nia, those who worked with him said, “was always the smartest person in the room.” In doing cybersecurity and technical counterintelligence work for the C.I.A., N.S.A. and F.B.I., he had spent decades connecting top-secret dots.