Anonymous ID: a93751 Nov. 29, 2020, 5:43 a.m. No.11827961   🗄️.is 🔗kun





  • The moment when Michigan counted 149,772 votes in 5 seconds and less than 6,000 of them were for Trump


  • Software glitch going on here in Virginia.

4.42am - "We've counted 3,368,181 votes!"

5.12am - "Wait, no, we've only counted 3,199,165 votes"


  • Even the unsuspecting states managed to lose (and find) 12K votes somehow (looking at you Arkansas, AR). I'm not sure if this is 'just to be expected' or whether it's down to more glitches. Whatever, the numbers for #Election2020 make no sense to me (and I see a lot of numbers)

Anonymous ID: a93751 Nov. 29, 2020, 5:57 a.m. No.11828075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8128 >>8213 >>8316

Help me dig, frens. Something is fucky in Colorado



I knew the moment that I compared voter turnout in CO and found that primary voter turnout from 2016 to 2020 increased by over 140% despite population increasing less than 5% that something was off. Now, I'm digging into all the connections, but it's a lot.


The more I dig, the more shit bothers me.




Colorado uses ARLO software from VotingWorks to conduct Risk-Limiting Audits (a statistical sample-based audit approach that is theoretically efficient and accurate, but as Yogi Berra said, "In theory there's no difference between theory and practice, but in practice there is…")

VotingWorks is a non-profit; I immediately don't fucking trust them, but they also were incubated by CDT( and funded by Google, FB, Apple, MS, and Soros' Open Society Foundation (

In fact, VotingWorks "product manager for Risk-limiting Audits" is Monica Childers (, who was the "Product Consultant - Colorado Risk-limiting Audit Software" while she worked for Democracy Works, which is ALSO funded by Soros' Open Society Foundations, the Democracy Fund, Omidyar's network, etc. (

VotingWorks Partners with Security Compass to secure Risk-Limiting Audit Software Arlo (

A bunch of the Security Compass staff are Iranian graduates of the Sharif University of Technology in Tehran ( with LI endorsements from other Sharif grads(

VotingWorks also helped push vote-by-mail

CO is a member of the (again…) non-profit Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), the board members of which is a who's who of this fucking cabal, e.g. CO's Director, Division of Elections, Colorado SecState, Judd Choate (, who's endorsed by Brian Hancock ( "Director, Infrastructure Policy and Product Development at Unisyn Voting Solutions," formerly member of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC), and one of the shills that signed off on the statement that this was "the most secure election in U.S. history"

ERIC requires that member states provide "records from the state licensing/identification agency (typically, this is the state motor vehicle agency) for all residents with active records—not just registered voters" every 60 days; I think this is where they are getting the fodder for high-tech ballot stuffing/vote padding since this provides them lists of names/addresses, without restricting them to registered voters - if they have enough states, they also know who moved, but that doesn't keep them from using those names in the states the individuals left (

BallotTrax (, a subsidiary of i3logix(, also in Colorado (and also, curiously, listed as a "printing" company(), tracks the ballots that are printed, mailed, and received (and where they're received, based on USPS data - which would also, BTW, include optical scans of the exterior of mailed ballots, which means it includes optical scans of the fucking signatures) and when you combine that with, e.g. Runbeck ( which also has an office (industrial space) in Colorado, and which uses the states' database and provides all the printed ballot/envelope data/images back to the states/their designated contractors, and which provides a "print on demand" system, Sentio (, we're seeing the unassembled pieces of a puzzle

I'm just getting started digging into Pro V&V, in Huntsville, that supposedly certifies the voting systems (and SLI Compliance, in Colorado, that does the same, with only two of 13 employees on LI even showing that they studied computer science) - again, endorsed by fucking Hancock, and owned by Gaming Labs International (GLI, LLC), which has its Colorado headquarters at the same street address as SLI)

All of these companies' employees, BTW, donate almost exclusively to ActBlue, Biden, Warren, etc, though some hide it (e.g. Monica Childers donated and the FEC log says she said she was unemployed, but her LI profile said she was employed by Democracy Works in that same timeframe).


Anyway, could use some help.