America is Fucked. Too dirty to clean in such a short time.
Ha. That’s funny.
Says the tax payer in a mask waiting on SOON
I guess I’m an idiot. Because inDO NOT believe there is any person in “Government” who isn’t a piece of shit.
It’s like supervisors. You only take the job so you don’t have to work and you can fuck shut up for money. Then boss people around.
This can’t be the smartest country in the world.
We may be free but we are only free to do what they allow.
What job did you walk off of.
Plight is not might. Fella
You only like people who are like you. That makes you a same sex. Faggot.
There’s a place for niggers and kikes like you.
When is Andrechrome
Tom hanks
Obama gitmo
Hillary face peel
Under ground kids
Pizza and hotdogs
We caught them in 2018
Biden family money
And Iran brother hood
On and on and on
Going to come true??
Speculation is a disease. It’s called fake news.
Ha. You are a nigger and a kike. I could tell.
They never could. God damn man. Wtf is wrong with you. You talk like you know something. But you didn’t. You just believe something
I’m here for the memes. Nigger. You want the fame. Fag
Christians are like Jews. They think they are too good to ever be sick.
Demand cures and desire genocides.
How about Jews and Christians go fuck off and let Pagans have the earth back.
You got nothing. Q is all you know. Napoleon.
I’m bored. That’s how adults deal. Kids get mad. Men get bored. You’ll grow. One day.
He is Odin
33? You must eat a lot of fast food.
The world is yours. Hence it’s gay. Now go pay taxes and repress your homo instinct with prayer. Alfred is a faggot.
Hi Karen. You’re late.
Nigger as fuck.