Anyone using the term "demoncrat" is a pathetic frustrated boomer loser.
Scratch my azz retard
OK boomer
OK Grandpaw
Someone struck a nerve allrighty and it wasn't you Demoncrat LOL
Do dat make you feewings better? It's more than Democrats fukkin us. They are just the foot soldiers …but piss your pants with your little frustrated made up goo goo words that illustrate your tiny benis
OK boomer
And he has BO on his faggot bikerboy jacket The guy is an azzwhole. Agreed fren Check out the old fart living in arrested development.
You must be close to a heart attack . GTFO and have a big glass of Geritol
OK fag now that everyone knows you are my butthurt yo yo boy . GTFO and drink your Probiotics. Personal threats mean you're really pist off! I own you bitch.