Thoughts on timestamps and such ANON opine
Zulu UTC is cool, not like a Zulu parade though-11/1 DST is nifty but sometimes isn't incorporated like the Alpha Omega AZ. Anyone who understands GMT gets the 0 Prime Meridian bit, but numbed down for Operations, Zulu is universal. Couple of items to ponder on, the ballots and what not, even if perfected as evidence besides hard evidence, would it matter or does the transmission of the votes matter more in regards to how what is truly counted. If there is to be a change in the timing of the machines to communicate it would seem to require precise timing coordinated with reasons why the numbers would change precisely with about how/when/why ballots appear.
Wonder if all the drops coincide with timestamps that coordinate what should have happened with what didn't happen, because after all, Timing is Everything. Trust Sessions/Wray? Trust Supreme Court Sessions no doubt about that, and Rays of Light to Enlighten. Because the time to look past the meanings to find the reason is what is resonating more than anything else besides the great insight and intel presented here that isn't glowing. No coincidences,
It's pretty much open season for hunting
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