Anonymous ID: f1bc51 Nov. 29, 2020, 11:37 a.m. No.11831006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1046


The people freaking out are those who are only now coming to the realization of how bad things are. When you know the government is filled with evil and that the best use of our nuclear arsenal is on our own capitol sites - back when everyone is waving flags and singing praises of how great and free our nation is 10+ years ago…


You realize that the task of being a patriot is more complicated than being McVeigh, but with cheerleaders. Even the legendary KillDozer took a man months of preparation and thought. He acquired his materials, mapped out his targets' locations in a time when the internet was in its formative years, and took them to task.

With a predictable end.


If you understand the scope and scale of the corruption, then you understand that the statement in the bible of "they will all worship the beast" is a prophecy which came to pass, not which is yet to come.


If it comes to violence, there will be those of us who know how to handle that side of it - or who are at least bold enough to carve out early success and will need people willing to be party to death.


The four horsemen are the seasons of life. The winter must come before spring; death before rebirth.