> >>11830131 , >>11830143 , >>11830158 , >>11830217 , >>11830240 Dig on Catholic Church
The "venom of Vigano"? Patriots know that Vigano is Patriot and a Prophet.
> >>11830131 , >>11830143 , >>11830158 , >>11830217 , >>11830240 Dig on Catholic Church
The "venom of Vigano"? Patriots know that Vigano is Patriot and a Prophet.
Gay fucking anime baker go to hell Gay fucking Anime Pedo scum
Archbishop Viganò: Between The Lines Of the McCarrick Report [excerpt]
The Shared Interests of the Deep Church and the Deep State
In this network of complicity and blackmail, it is also possible to highlight ties of both the “judge” and the accused with politics, in particular with the American Democratic Party, with Communist China, and more generally with the globalist movements and parties. The fact that in 2004 McCarrick, who was then Archbishop of Washington, worked strenuously to prevent the dissemination of the letter of the then-Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, to the bishops of the United States with regard to the ban on administering Holy Communion to politicians who support abortion, undoubtedly represents an assist to self-styled Catholic Democratic politicians, beginning with John Kerry all the way up to Joe Biden. The latter, a convinced supporter of abortion, merited the almost-unanimous support of the hierarchy, thus being able to count on the votes of an electorate that would otherwise have been destined for Trump. Strange coincidences, to be honest: on the one hand the deep state struck at the Church and Benedict XVI with the intention of electing a representative of the deep church as Pope; on the other hand the deep church struck at the State and Trump with the intention of electing a representative of the deep state as President. Let the reader judge whether the plans of the conspirators have achieved their intended purpose
This collusion with the global Left is the necessary corollary of a much larger project, in which the fifth columns of dissolution that have penetrated into the heart of the Church actively collaborate with the deep state following a single script under a single direction: the actors in this pièce [play] have different parts, but they follow the same plot on the same stage.
Analogies With the Pandemic and Electoral Fraud
On closer inspection, both the pandemic and the electoral fraud in the United States have disturbing similarities to the McCarrick case and to what is happening in the Church. Those who have to decide whether to confine the entire population at home or to obligate it to be vaccinated make use of unreliable detection tools, precisely because by means of these they succeed in falsifying the data, with the complicity of the mainstream media. It matters little whether the virus has a mortality rate similar to that of a seasonal flu or if the number of deceased is similar to that of preceding years: someone has decided that there simply is a pandemic and that the world economy must be demolished in order to create the premise for the Great Reset. Rational arguments, scientific evaluations, and the experience of serious scientists engaged in the care of patients are all worth nothing in the face of the script that has been imposed on the actors. The same holds true for the elections in the United States: in the face of the evidence of fraud – which is acquiring the contours of a true and proper coup d’état carried out by criminal minds – the media insist on presenting Joe Biden as the victor, and world leaders – including the Holy See – are in a hurry to acknowledge his victory, to discredit his Republican adversaries, and to present Trump as a lonely bully who is about to be abandoned by his family and even by the First Lady. It matters little that there are dozens and dozens of videos on the internet showing the irregularities committed during the counting of the votes, or that there are hundreds of testimonies of fraud: the Democrats, the media, and the entire cast repeat that Biden is President-Elect and that Trump should step aside. Because, in the kingdom of lies, if reality does not correspond to the narrative, it is reality that must be corrected and censured. Thus, millions of people in the streets to protest against the lockdown or against electoral fraud simply do not exist, because of the simple fact that the mainstream media does not show them on television and censors them on the internet, and that whatever it denounces as fake news must acritically be considered as such.