Anonymous ID: 60d11c Nov. 29, 2020, 4:13 p.m. No.11833986   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4045


While I will say that many women do embrace a "learn how to live with it" approach to things, as opposed to the 'confrontational problem solving' of men….

To say that women just do without thinking is silly. I find it is usually a foolishly arrogant man who believes women to be unthinking servants. Even the cultures where this is doctrine fail to fully depreciate women.


All of that being said, while much is made a fuss about regarding men being made to be like women, I also see that women are trying to be made into men. Or, more properly, each are being encouraged to become an androgenous and equally replaceable worker/consumer. Take the complete freak out (or attempt at it) by the left regarding 'boob armor' on The Mandalorian. Women have been shamed for being feminine - or men for praising femininty get attacked. The women just make less of a splash about it.

Anonymous ID: 60d11c Nov. 29, 2020, 4:34 p.m. No.11834238   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I was making reference more to the general state of society at the present than one meant to address the past.

Both patriarchal and matriarchal lineages have their roles, and the matriarchal one is one we pay less attention to in the general public… But which the nobility always pay a lot of attention to.


From a genetics standpoint, it is interesting as the matriarchal lineage is not 'pure' - the x chromosomes of the mother may not appear in her gramddaughter, for example. Her husban's x chromsome and her son in law's x chromosome can become her granddaughter.


Of course, the cell organelles and the like are all part of the matriarchal line.