LB >>11833841 LB
Women are more docile, easily forced and compd, made to perform multiple tasks without thinking.
They will do whatever the corrupt machine says and then get away with it or get the blame.
LB >>11833841 LB
Women are more docile, easily forced and compd, made to perform multiple tasks without thinking.
They will do whatever the corrupt machine says and then get away with it or get the blame.
Why do you think dems platform are to place women in every position in poltics and in war.
Actually, that last chick just reiterated what I said, she didn't even read what was originally posted, went off on her own rant WITHOUT THINKING and assumed i was talking about her.
BUT I was ACTUALLY talking about the PODESTA women twatter post.
>>and yet you underestimate the INTJ's here
both of you are dumbfucks.
more irrational women asserting themselves into politics.
had a lady boss who hated me.
She could smell my strength as I was walking towards her.
She hated me cause I never did what she said BC it never worked.
I had made a plan to quit at the one year assessment.
At the assessment I exposed her on all her shit, and how she really ran things.
I quit and left on my terms.
Im wondering if this was the test site for the tech used at 911.
….This is one of their fucked up memorials.