They already did…..Ever hear of Kent State…Fifty or so years ago… May we never forget.
Ohio- Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young…4 dead in Ohio
They already did…..Ever hear of Kent State…Fifty or so years ago… May we never forget.
Ohio- Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young…4 dead in Ohio
Stand Up New York! NYC Bar Refuses To Close During the de Blasio, Cuomo Lockdown…Calls Bar An “Autonomous Zone”
One of the best stories of the week about the coronavirus lockdowns is one from New York City. An NYC bar owner used leftist tactics to say his bar is an “autonomous zone.”
We love this guy! He’s standing up for his right as a small business owner to stay open.
The NY Post reports that the Staten Island pub located in a coronavirus hot spot is stealing a page from Seattle’s anarchist cookbook, declaring itself an “autonomous zone,” free from the public-safety restrictions its owners say they will refuse to abide by.
“!ATTENTION! We hereby declare this establishment an !!! AUTONOMOUS ZONE!!!” read signs outside and around Mac’s Public House in Grant City, invoking a phrase more commonly associated with the monthlong occupation of Capitol Hill in the Emerald City by anti-cop radicals. “We refuse to abide by any rules and regulations put forth by the Mayor of NYC and Governor of NY State.”
Now that Election is Over Quack Dr. Fauci Says It’s OK to Open Schools After All
Back in July Senator Rand Paul, who is a medical doctor, slammed Dr. Anthony Fauci for failing to provide leadership on the closing of schools due to the coronavirus.
Senator Paul argued that spread of the virus is very low among young people and that America should send children back to school.
This was a scathing attack on the power-drunk Director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Fauci has been wrong every step of the way.
Dr Fauci lied about the risk of coronavirus to kids in order to keep schools closed before the presidential election.
Traumatized millions of kids.
But these people wouldn’t stuff ballots?
— Cerno (@Cernovich) November 29, 2020
I told him this multiple times this summer.
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) November 29, 2020
Dominion Rep Who Scanned Ballots in Georgia County Where Thousands of Trump Votes Were Uncounted Also Worked for Kamala Harris
A Dominion representative who has been scanning ballots in Floyd County, Georgia, appears to have worked as an official photographer for Kamala Harris’ campaign last year.
Over 3,000 votes, the majority of which were for President Trump, went initially uncounted in the county.
Aric Thompson, Dominion representative and one of men scanning ballots there, worked as an official photographer for Senator Harris in 2019, according to his LinkedIn profile. He even has a portfolio online with photos he took of her.
Sure and crises actors were killed and not college kids
Dominion Exec Eric Coomer — ‘Don’t worry, Trump’s not gonna win, I made F-ing sure of that!’
Joe Oltmann, the founder of FEC (Faith Education Commerce) United, spoke to OAN about how he participated in a September 27 conference with members of antifa, and allegedly made a chilling discovery about a key member of the leadership of Dominion Voting Systems. Oltmann paraphrased Eric Coomer’s response: “Don’t worry about the election, Trump’s not gonna win. I made f-ing sure of that!”
British Army spies wage ‘information war’ against anti-vaxx content online – report
With a significant number of Britons skeptical of a Covid vaccine, the army has reportedly deployed an “information warfare” unit to stamp out anti-vaxx propaganda online. Offline, citizens still protest lockdowns in the streets.
The British government is expected to greenlight a coronavirus vaccine and begin its distribution next month. In addition to the logistical challenge of getting millions of doses to the public, the government also faces the hurdle of convincing them to take it. According to a recent poll by the British Academy and the Royal Society, more than a third of people in Britain say they’re either uncertain or very unlikely to take the vaccine.
According to a report in the Sunday Times, ministers are preparing to launch a massive public information campaign to convince people to take the jab. Behind the scenes, however, the Times reported that the British Army has mobilized the 77th Brigade’s Defence Cultural Specialist Unit to monitor and counter “online propaganda against vaccines.”
The unit was formed in 2010 and worked alongside psychological operations teams in Afghanistan, studying the behavior of the civilian population and giving cultural and linguistic advice to ground troops, according to the brigade’s own website. However, according to a number of media reports, the unit counts at least one Twitter executive among its ranks, and is said to create and manage fake social media profiles to shape public opinion.
The media discovered that the 77th Brigade’s speciality, according to a plaque on the wall of its Berkshire base, is creating “behavioural change.”
Every dog has its day
Hungarian cultural commissioner lights powder keg of controversy after describing Europe as ‘George Soros’ gas chamber’
Szilard Demeter, a ministerial commissioner and head of the Petofi Literary Museum in Budapest, used highly provocative language to describe Hungarian-American financier George Soros and his purported influence over EU policy.
“Europe is George Soros’ gas chamber,” the government-appointed cultural commissioner wrote in an op-ed. “Poison gas flows from the capsule of a multicultural open society, which is deadly to the European way of life.”
He went on to characterize Soros as “the liberal Fuhrer,” insisting that the businessman’s “liber-aryan army deifies him more than did Hitler’s own.”
The article was penned as a rebuke of Brussels' growing animosity toward Poland and Hungary, over alleged violations of legal norms and human rights within the bloc. According to Demeter, Hungarians and Poles are the “new Jews” of Europe. Both countries have moved to block language in a European Union budget that could withhold Covid-19 relief funds from nations accused of not honoring democratic standards. Warsaw and Budapest have denounced the provision as a witch hunt aimed at their socially conservative governments.