>>11830059 PB
Epidemic of suicides claims more lives in one month than #Covid has in eight months in Japan
>>11830059 PB
Epidemic of suicides claims more lives in one month than #Covid has in eight months in Japan
A little perspective needed… this is a common occurrence in Japan and with the economic and lock-down issues related to the CCP Virus it's no wonder the numbers are creeping upward
For example, suicides in Japan are between 20,000-30,000 per year over the last 20 years.
This is another FEAR campaign!
Suicides in Japan fell below 20,000 to record low last year -Jan 17, 2020
The number of suicides recorded in Japan stood at 19,959 last year, falling below the 20,000 mark for the first time since authorities began keeping such records in 1978, according to preliminary figures released Friday by the health ministry….
…Japan witnessed a surge in suicides in 1998, when unemployment linked to the bankruptcies of corporate behemoths such as securities firm Yamaichi Securities Co. and the Hokkaido Takushoku Bank led to many middle-aged men taking their lives. The number peaked in 2003 at 34,427 and has fallen every year since 2009.