The are traitors reading these words, why?
The are traitors reading these words, why?
Corrupt LE enforcing unconstitutional laws brought forth by treasonous politicians are enemy combatants and will be treated as such.
There will be NO QUARTER.
The more the traitors fight the more crimes they commit, more years of rape and random violence in prison. A traitor reading these words will suffer incomprehensible pain and suffering.
This bag of shit still in position to hurt families, why?
What country is this?
Who is in power?
This stupid seditious cunt will wake up in a governors mansion this morning, free to commit more treason,
Who is in charge?
Who has power?
Better hurry up, there won’t be anything to arrest.
Shovels, buckets and mops.
The patience is gone, the rage spreading exponentially.
There is no faith is governance and corrupt LE, it is gone and there is few choices left.
It is what it is, the horse has left the barn.
Traitors will not be fed, they will not be helped, they are enemy combatants.
This is the new real, the people will fight for freedom wether or not “authorities” help or not.
If there is no laws fairly enforced there are no laws at all.
The masks make it easy, won’t take long.
Commie cold is being pushed by traitors, enemy combatants.
I don’t see any reason for any of the enemy combatants to feel safe, EVER again. Expose them for what they are and the rest will take care of itself.
I have a relative deep in one of theIr “think tanks” , it’s true they do want to “re-educate” or “take care of” half the population, the ethos itself is held together with lies and deception. The “think tanks” are empty, the purveyors of this foul stench are confused and petulant children.
Harvesting inside intel is as easy as 1,2 and 3.
These people are truly stupid.