Anonymous ID: adbe01 Nov. 30, 2020, 6:16 a.m. No.11840746   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well, fuck those people. If the dumasses can't wrap their brain damaged minds around reality, then too fucking bad. No doubt the BLM/ANTIFA foot soldiers were put on hold but all that ends when POTUS is declared the winner.


The communist malcontents take to the street and the riots start, POTUS invokes the Insurrection Act, Military is called out, ANTIFA/BLM get their asses handed to them permanently and pursuant to the 14th Amendment the arrest of local and state officials, state and federal judges and elected democrats moves forward. Martial Law may also need to be invoked for a period of time.


Under the EO's POTUS signed the tech giants, msdnc news media and any other individual or corporate entity that participated in this coup d'etat has their assets seized and those individuals, producers, CEOs, reporters all are arrested and held. All persons arrested will be held indefinitely per the 14th Amendment as "enemy combatants" until their trial in the USCMJ Tribunal.


It is way past time to quit fucking around with these lawless, crybaby, criminal motherfuckers. Law and order is of the utmost and without it, we may as well revert to the old west days. Street justice prevails, and those found guilty are hung, right on the fucking spot.
