Fascinating and clever move by the [C]lowns [I]n [A]merica.
Think about it The Q-team is an anonymous group of
people working for the POTUS, reaching out to ordinary
people like you and me to give us the truth about what is
happening in the real world, thus bypassing the MSM. The
MSM can't control the narrative, (or the flow of information to
you and I) so what do they do about it? I mean… they,
[clowns] don't know who Q is… and they can't stop them. So
how do they, [clowns] interfere with the POTUS's objective?
How do they change the narrative? Find a person who surfs
the platform that Q is operating in to mow down a handful of
people in a van Canada. What will happen? People will start
to associate the platform being used by Q, as a fringe website.
Surely you can see the logic in it right? I mean… up until now,
when have you ever heard of 4chan, or 8chan? Probably
never. Think about it… What are the odds?