Dub dubs indicate all the cops in the donut shops say way oh way oh oh way oh way oh.
>wake up
>read notables
>"Gina killed in server raid"
> Twatter sauce is sauceless
Lots of red flags in that story.
DCI's rarely leave the 7th Floor Office
DCI's delegate unpleasantness to the DDO to handle
It would be exceptionally difficult for the DCI to leave the country unnoticed by other Intel agencies.
There may be truth to the server raid story, so the best way to turn it 'baseless conspiricy theory' is to drop the rumor Gina was killed, only to have her turn up next day at some event 'debunking' the rest of the story. No matter which angle I look at this from, it doesn't make sense. Don't fuck with me on this. I've read all the Tom Clancy novels.
Corporate Big Hospital is a thing. My city has three major hospitals owned by the same corporation.
The biggest shock to the normies would be Pence. I wish someone would make book on this. Big Vito has COPD and isn't taking bets because of the kung flu.