Anonymous ID: 102a21 Nov. 30, 2020, 12:54 p.m. No.11845013   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5065

What It's All About


Dr. Nick Begich ( presents a very good

elucidation of what it's all about and how to make it work.


This is that moment. This is that time to experience a higher

order of awareness that changes the world, that takes power

back from those that would rob you of it.





I have searched through music, movies, TV shows and comic books looking for a message

similar to this since 1971 when I became aware and all I found were snippets and hints

to suggest this esoteric sapience so I thought the normal all this time was to produce

examples of truth and wisdom in different ways so when a childs brain absorbs that

information, that person has a chance of growing into a productive member of society,

not a commodity to be traded.


It took the internet and the trauma of these days we are experiencing for my ears to

locate the expression of wisdom I have known for half a century and that is why I am here,

to acknowledge the validity of this message and help distribute that message for others

to experience and advance.


If you are not investigating truth, you end up encumbered in KEK.

If you are not pursuing knowledge and exerting righteousness, you are producing KEK.

It's that simple.


The limits of your vocabulary defines the limit of your ability to express yourself. Words are

like computer programming instructions. The more you know, the better you can experience greater

detail and form profound ideas. Your talent to exhibit your ideas will increase or decrease

within these limits. It's that simple. You can either dwell in your prison or fly free like an

eagle. Just don't give me a reason to restrain you in self defense.


Fuck these Rothschild Zionists and their Goddamn Communism! Just where the hell do you believe

the source of the destruction of OUR planet is coming from??? Our carbon footprint?

You Stupid Asshole!! It's the direction ALL you sheeple are being led to which will result in

your slaughter. So be it. It's one thing to build, it's another to overbuild, over consume.

What do you think the practice of fasting is all about??


Bottom line, eat kek and die. I don't need you to help me understand what I am and I have

demonstrated my eyes are open enough to see and understand the soul of your being. I just need

to do more work on my vocabulary (a never ending story).

I pray Nick's message resonates with you as it has for me. If not, then make it right.

Prove yourself!


This fulfills the first divine assignment I was instructed to accomplish back in November of 1973.

The other is to rewrite the New Testament in chronological order and in the correct English

translation for publication BUT if I publish that work, then that reading will deprive the reader

of investigating and experiencing the profound revelations associated with that endeavor which I

feel is what truly creates the deepest understanding of the teachings of Jesus and reveals the full

explanation of what it's all about. No worries, I get it. Stay tuned…


This video originally aired November 27, 2020 in the last hour of the Alex Jones Show


(message copied from the bitchute video discription section)