Was explaining this to MomAnon when I realized just how big this EO is.
Think of every Tech/Media CEO who censored election news, effectively interfering. They can have all assets siezed. Personal and business. How many companies does Bezos, Jack, Zuck, etc. own?
Could each of the employees at each business that censored/interfered with the election also be found guilty of treason and have assets siezed?
All the Media employees and talking heads that interfered. Treason charges and assets siezed?
Then the Politicians involved and all of their assets.
The CEOs and employees of the businesses like Dominion and Smartmatic. Treason charges and assets siezed?
We all know COVIDs involvement with the election and mail in ballots. Gates, Fauchi, Birx. All the CEOs and employees across the health spectrum and Govt that Knowingly pushed the COVID lie. Treason and assets siezed?
Continue to expand to all other sectors involved with the election and COVID.
Q saying bigger than you can imagine is the understatement of the Century.