its a nervous tick, i pull on the skin around my thumbs, pick at my nails, etc when I'm 'under pressure' like that…
he covered up SO MANY lies with that book…
he says he did 'certain things' for 'certain reasons'…
though his statements are opposite of truth.
his 'book' is just another way to brainwash the public with propaganda and bullshit to hide his crimes while in Office…
each 'story' he tells…
is probably opposite of truth.. and I would dig into what REALLY HABBENED and why he is trying to paint is as 'something different' in his book.
and I would dig into what REALLY HABBENED and why he is needing to *paint it as 'something different' in his book.
have a nice night anon…
tomorrow morning, remind me to explain to you why I think my life is better than yours…
god bless you night shift