Worth fighting for
The freedom of this nation is the most precious thing on this planet.
And my fellow Patriots this freedom that we now enjoy slips away with ever increasing momentum.
With every corrupt news agency, every bribe a politician takes, with every vote stolen, and with every act of compliance and capitulation. The loss of freedom accelerates as our fellow citizens sit idle while their neighbors business are closed, our schools are shuttered, and our voices are stifled.
Make no mistake! With every freedom we give up,
we take one more giant step backwards towards tyranny. At some point soon, we will have come to the point of no return.
We are on the verge of losing the most precious gift known to man. The freedom to choose. The freedom to govern ones own future.
Our silence, our well mannered ways, our fear to offend any agency will usher in a government emboldened and out of control.
Already we stand in fear and awe of our government. When it’s then government who should stand in fear and awe of its citizens!
If we continue to lose liberties here in the USA, then they rest of the world will fall like dominoes. The world will be plunged into a millennia of darkness and ruthless captivity.
If we want to keep any liberty
Then we must fight!
The longer we wait, the worse and more blood it will require to keep this Tree of Liberty watered.